black boy bashed?

Some of you are missing parts of the picture...

This group of police officers have been continually doing this to a number of black people. A number of people have stepped up and filed suit, with pictures of their marks. I believe one of them was a teacher who was leading a group activity with a group of troubled kids. This group of police didn't to bother to ask questions and understand the situation. It's been a continual problem within that community.

Then I'd advise you to purchase and learn to use a firearm. PM me if you want information/advice.

Of course, you cannot excersize such a choice, so claiming that you do is rank hypocrisy and one of the stupidest things I have heard this month.

A human being is a human being, no matter where they are born...

Unless of course, they happen to work in law enforcement. In that case, they are not human but a "pig".
Unless of course, they happen to work in law enforcement. In that case, they are not human but a "pig".
depends on the particular person and service...
what would you do if there was no law enforcement.
criminals would take over.
Do you people know how many criminals are actually working among your precious law system? I wouldn't want to feed all the low lifes who are working under the disguise of being a cop and in real life, aside to their "duty" are acting like first class criminals, including criminal practises.

Thanx for the offer Xev. :) I think I'll pass on the firearm...
I have no precious criminals, but it is better as is, not if there were none.
:) Avatar, you miss the point. :)

I mean that there are a lot of cops corrupt. Doesn't go for all of them though.

Money makes the world go round, also in the greedy hands of cops. They place themselves above the law, that makes them criminals also, only in a worse way, 'cause they have the power of being the law...
I have a solution.
Make me the Emperor of all the Solarians and in a 30 years I promise world peace and a colony on Mars
You should try to remember that the majority of police officers are quite respectable, and are all that stand between you and criminals.

i hate all of the cops here. they are all crooked.
there is one who is getting fired, bceause when on a domestic violence call, he went to the house, and a little puppy came out wagging his tail (as stated by his partner) and he felt the 6MONTH OLD LABRADOR RETRIEVER was a threat (as he claimed), shot it twice infront of the children and KILLED THEIR PUPPY! that story makes me cry every time i think of it.
The cops where i live, love to target certain people. my ex used to get pulled over daily, no joke here at all, DAILY, for things like cracked winshild, or seatbelt. EVERY DAY. but as soon as he'd get a new car, he wouldn't have any problems, until they would pull him over for something legit, then it would start over again.
Now there is this new officer working with the Thumb Narcotics Unit, who thinks she is going single-handedly remove all of the drungs and violence in my town. So everywhere you go, someone follows you. once i was pulled over and searched for driving suspiciously past a building. I think where i live, we would be just fine if they all went away. but unfortunately, they keeping putting more on each shift. theres one on every corner. :mad:
I see. Well I quess in America the cops are paranoid.

Here we can also be stopped and searched or smth, but it's always because they want a fiver (~10$). Give them it and you are let go with a smile.
Here we can also be stopped and searched or smth, but it's always because they want a fiver (~10$). Give them it and you are let go with a smile.

See! Corrupt!:D

What a mess in your town Nightfall. How the hell did you manage to drive suspiciously then? Were you driving in slow motion? Were you looking in one and the same direction constantly with a nervous look in your eyes? My goodness, fuck the cops!

I think it is ridiculous to search a car without having a very good reason to do so. If someone is driving to fast, then give 'em a speeding ticket. No, in the US it is allowed to immediately open up the trunk and search the whole bloody car, because, who knows whatever you might be transfering...:rolleyes:
Re: Re: black boy bashed?

Originally posted by goofyfish
The term "pig" is considered quite derogatory when used in this context. You should try to remember that the majority of police officers are quite respectable, and are all that stand between you and criminals

Im not attcking the people, im attacking the instituition.... Pigz here are corrupt, biased and are completley subjective..... THAT IS OF COURSE a generlaisation... but it happens, and its consequences are bad. The good guys rock, unfortunaltey, the bad guys hit the community hard! you get cock heads who have no idea about anything else except what they have been taught at police school and dont use logical judgment on what they are doing. YThey forget they are there to keep the community safe, not to scare everyone with their badges.
Originally posted by Joeman

Leave George Bush alone. Politicians have more important things to worry about.


More important things to worry about than the what is happening in the community they are governing?
Originally posted by Avatar
everywhere I hear the word DISCRIMINATION.

I hate discrimination;)

there is positive discrimination, and then there is negative... negative seems to e the problematic term
Originally posted by Agent@5

More important things to worry about than the what is happening in the community they are governing?

I actually meant more important things than go to his funeral.
Yes, like setting up a new security system and give big bucks to steal the people away from other security jobs, they were already doing.

The US government in Operation Desperation strikes again...:p

Cops suck! I bet bush would make a great cop, given his adventures on the stock holders market.
for those using the derogitory term pig
in case your unaware of the acronym

P ride
I ntegrety
G uts

ironic, using the term pig to denigrate???:D