Um... you know wiki says .99999r = 1 right?
According to the professional mathematicians who wrote the article, you mean?
The self same mathematicians who can't prevent the current mathematical construct from being riddled with "undetermined", "undefined" etc outputs due to starting axioms based on unreal philosophical 'notions' like 'dimensionless points' and 'dimensionless zero constructions' and so on, from which more un-real logics/conclusions follow that do not always represent the reality with which ANY and ALL supposed 'starting self-evident truths' for Axioms/postulates should be consistent in the first place if the resulting construct is not to drift off into fantasy world of abtraction upon abstraction despite all the "undefined", "undetermined" "infinity" etc 'elephants in the room' at every 'fantasy story' step along the way?
You mean those kinds of wiki math articles?