Black Triangle

The same Old Question comes into my mind again. Why?

Then I think our military in Iraq need to know this...Since terroist have No radar or Airforce, it would be of Military use also. Do you think we have enough Money in the U.S. treasury to fund a Hologram of a Craft a Mile Long? can we make it cruise slowly at treetop level for Miles? It would be of No Domestic use that I can think of. The havoc it would create for the Local Law Enforcement would land the perpetrator a prime spot "Under" the Jail for several lifetimes. Altough Holograms of such a magnitude "may" be possible, I don't see it moving and I certainly don't see one happening at 20,000 feet in the Clouds? C'mon Styder, Get real!

Think of the Lives that could be saved by such a Decoy for the Military though! Why Not make a mile long 747 for them to down.. Or Godzilla to run them away in fear?
The point is that you don't know what this is... at all. You are assuming that it is an alien craft when it is just as likely to be advanced human technology. Hell, it could be secret cave dwelling fish technology. It could be God. I could be a shared hallucination.

You don't have any reason to say it's 'other wordly' besides the fact that you have no idea what it is.... and that's a bullshit reason.
Thats because you are looking at it with your own warped perspective, which is... uhh.. Warped! Just because you are Shallow doesn't mean everyone else is.. You simply run your mouth because you don't understand the meaning about any of it..

So your reason is Bullshit. Advanced Human Technology? Thats Bullshit! Of Course I don't know Where it came from, or How it Flies! I just know that NOTHING on this Earth besides the SR 71 Blackbird is a Fraction as fast and it takes a while for it to acheive top speed. The UFOs are Centries ahead of anything on Earth! The Airforce is reluctant to even give chase anymore.
"The Airforce is reluctant to even give chase anymore."

Thats because they would be stupid to chase shadows, although when you stand in the sun and look at the long drawn out shadow behind you, I suppose you see an alien.

You can suggest the creation of matrices are impossible however it is a reality that should be made public, it's just each of the governments have the military dictating that it should remain secret and through that secrecy it even stops some of their strategists from even knowing about it.

As for my explaination about the usage of Dopplers, in life there are many things that exist with a negative while the positive is blatently in existance. For instance a picture taken by a camera can generate "Negatives" what are inversed to create a picture you would see. Are the negatives not of black and darkened monochrome colours? So to are the holograms which you continue to suggest are alien.

Hologram can:
Seem to fly at amasing speeds.
Turn sharply.
Disappear and re-appear at the will of those projecting it.
Generally be seen as anomolous both visually and on radar.

However holograms need a number of antenna arrays to be accomplished, this is why a battlefield of a country couldn't have a hologram projected over it since it lacks the same arrays (Okay you could produce inputs from AWACS, Satellites and some Mobile Arrays however those arrays would lack the processing systems that the static ground arrays have like Microwave uplinks per node used to generate networks.)

The funny thing is that although this holographic method would appear to go against "Occam's Razor" for not being directly the simplest answer to the problem in hand, it however can be extrapolated to answer questions about ghosts, manifestations & Apparitions, voices in peoples heads, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Crop Circles, Aliens and of course UFO's.

So even though the answer is intricate in design, it's made "A simple answer" since it answers no less than eight different paranormal activities. Being the simplest for that many answers.
Stryderunknown said:
The funny thing is that although this holographic method would appear to go against "Occam's Razor" for not being directly the simplest answer to the problem in hand, it however can be extrapolated to answer questions about ghosts, manifestations & Apparitions, voices in peoples heads, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Crop Circles, Aliens and of course UFO's.

So even though the answer is intricate in design, it's made "A simple answer" since it answers no less than eight different paranormal activities. Being the simplest for that many answers.


Looks like you've finally achieved your goal Stryder. You've managed to concoct a debunking tool to cover all areas. You've even managed to relate it to Occam's razor. How convenient for you.

I guess we can all go home now. :rolleyes:
Stryderunknown said:
Simple answer VRob,
"Because they wouldn't want to catch a common cold."

There are many things that any outerworld species would have to question before interfering with another species. One is already pointed out, would a chance meeting cause contamination? would entering our atmosphere cause contamination? Would interacting with people on our planet cause a government to take a warlike stance?

I would suggest if a species is evolved enough for interplanetary transition where they can escape their home solar system they are probably evolved enough to know that we shouldn't be messed around with. If they haven't concluded that, then obviously they aren't as evolved as some of your alien buffs would prefer to think they are.

Here's a question for you Stryder?

What do you think we will do once we achieve the ability to travel to distant Star systems? Do you think we're just going to ignore living planets because they might be too dangerous, or we might catch a cold???

With our limited abilities, we're already attempting to explore our own Solar system. If we had the technology, we'd be sending people on these journeys. So you can bet the mortgage that we will explore other systems when we gain this technology. Sure we'll take precautions, but that won't stop us from going down and taking a look. ESPECIALLY if our technology is superior to theirs.

Why can't you see this???

I know you guys and girls would just love to believe, but quite frankly we should really be directing our attention towards the middleground. Not the absolute they exist or don't exist but the somewhere in the middle.

Seeing something is not evidence of something existing, Since Victorian theatres it's been possible to show the audience "ghosts" but do they exist? In reality no in this situation, it would mearly be a stage hand or actor dress in light clothing standing next to a dark background at the side of the stage where the reflecting light from their clothing would reflect off some angled glass that would make their reflection look ghostly.

"Smoke and Mirrors" is all this "Illusion" is at the end of the day, it's just finding out which Illusionists are responsible and why.

Your mind really is already made up isn't it???
Firstly those that travel into the star's (well at least our solar system) are usually those that can be classed as academically elite, although I'm sure a few sneaky militia sneak through the hallowed corridors of such places as NASA.

If mankind was to send these people into neighbouring solar systems and they found life on a planet there, the Public would never hear about it. The reason for this is the Scare mongering, the religious iconage that some might see an alien specie to be, while others would see them a threat. The governments wouldn't control the information, the Military would since the Military continues to exist no matter who is voted into government or eventually leaves.

Common people would not be allowed to travel or even act as delegates, in fact their is the potential that it wouldn't even be an international community affair (namely the UN wouldn't be informed). Due to the nature of a single government attempting to keep such things secret it would mean that they wouldn't show themselves to the world, any operations they would do would be of discression and handled via the military.

The sorts of things attempted over a short period of time would be to first hack into any communications arrays to try and get a better understanding of the aliens (admittedly diplomacy could allow access if goodwill is shown, however suspicion for the reason of access could stop diplomacy from working).

Over a few years it would be possible to composite a history of the planet, an understanding of their world and their local and global political structures (Although the information might be censored if contained within one country or continent).

Medical research would be a key priority, although it would be suggested that contact would be the better way than just absolute abduction. If diplomacy was possible it would be a potential to have access to medical records that have been prepared by the native species.

Now you could suggest trade would be on the agenda, that would only be possible if it was all out in the open, otherwise all the cloak and dagger operations are afoot and where the majority of both planets would be kept in the dark about each others planet existing.

This also means that their wouldn't be hundreds of thousands of sightings of craft of ours or theirs each years, purely because of this clandestine method of doing business. The likelihood is our scientists, military and any delegates would be dealing with a quarantine restriction on the number of visitations and members in the party.

(Therefore it doesn't become an alien holiday resort)

All that I have stated there is of course FICTION, however its probably the nearest you will see to a reality if such events of finding a planet with life on unfolded.

The reason I don't see this is because I've seen technology and events that man have made to corrupt the understanding and logic of other men based purely upon their country or political view. It's weird how all the events of cold war tactics and methods have seemingly been swept away and replaced by people concerning themselves of UFO's and Alien encounters, to me it just seems obvious that perhaps although everyone would state those tactics and methods are now decomissioned, in reality they still continue for what ever narrow minded purposes the people doing them have.

As for what my mind comprises of, Quite simply I see deception and therefore will not be deceived. If you don't see deception then either your not seeing it from my angle or you are already "Pwned".
So then you agree with me that if we were to discover another planet with life on it, we'd explore it(militarily speaking). Well then, you've just contradicted your previous statement that 'They wouldn't bother with us because of the threat of disease, and our tendencies to become violent'. Do you see this??

I do agree with much of your statement, in that it would be in the hands of the military. Which is exactly where I believe our real Space agency(organization) already is.

BTW: I'm sure we've all been Pwned by our Nations leaders over the years. I also see deception the more I delve into certain incidents, which has sometimes led me to believe that they are hiding something. Who 'they' are, I can only guess, and what that 'something' is, will probably never be fully known.
self said:
All that I have stated there is of course FICTION, however its probably the nearest you will see to a reality if such events of finding a planet with life on unfolded.

That was stated incase you percieved something conflicting in the flight of "theory".
Mearly the theory took the scenario and attempted to logically anticipate the actions of those that would make actions if such a scenario was to exist. (Which to my knowledge does not exist).

However to my knowledge I know that the Matricing equipment and technique does exist. which admittedly is why I look upon everything else with some biase... although not enough biase for me to terminate threads and silence discussion like some would have you believe. (Most of those architypes just like to "Sensationalise".)
"the Public would never hear about it. The reason for this is the Scare mongering, the religious iconage that some might see an alien specie to be, while others would see them a threat. The governments wouldn't control the information, the Military would since the Military continues to exist no matter who is voted into government or eventually leaves."

I do believe you touch on the truth occasionally. Its obvious that the abouve senerio is abundant on planet Earth with Help from the skeptics here of course..

"I've seen technology and events that man have made to corrupt the understanding and logic of other men based purely upon their country or political view. "

....Hmm? Does that ring a bell?

I'd hate to be firmly tied to a bald faced lie. When the truth does come out, I may no longer be alive, but many of you may be. these Snow jobs will bite ya inna ass!

I think a feeble attempt is being made to Pwned everyone here. it ain't working!
I just know that NOTHING on this Earth
God, welcome to SciForums. SciForums, meet God.

It must be alien because he knows that it isn't from this Earth. Problem solved.

Or maybe he isn't God and isn't part of black budget funding and isn't even someone with a technical background. Then the whole 'I just know that nothing' means just that... nothing.
Bandwidthbandit, I checked out the link. But nothing there was what I saw. What I saw was not a blimp and the other type craft that they use for space type flying I don't think could be as low as a few 100ft.