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are all four indicators on hazard lights?

should you switch them on when car is on the road or roadside and broken?
are all four indicators on hazard lights?

should you switch them on when car is on the road or roadside and broken?
Bali cars / taxis do going through intersections

Otherwise Australia when shielding a hazard or you are a hazard

are all four indicators on hazard lights?

should you switch them on when car is on the road or roadside and broken?
Generally speaking, hazard lights are intended to get other drivers' attention - e.g. if you're stopped on the side of the road for whatever reason they say, "I'm standing still, so please try not to crash into me."

For some drivers, they should be on at all times saying, "I will crash into you if given half a chance, so for your own safety keep as much distance between us as possible."
Sorry, I'm not sure I follow your logic here. Can you explain what you mean by all gene sequences being calculated?

What I think you've calculated here is the number of all possible sequences consisting of 4 base pairs. I.e. the first position can have 4 options (A on the leading strand paired with T on the lagging strand, or vice versa, or C on the leading strand paired with G on the lagging strand, or vice versa). Same goes for the second, third, and fourth base pair. So there should be 256 such possible sequences of 4 base pairs.

But since a DNA sequence can be of variable length, and is generally longer than 4 base pairs, your calculation doesn't cover all gene sequences -- unless I'm not understanding your question.
Socky-socky puppety-puppety.


I was thinking that from the volume of odd questions but I have no idea how to confirm

Your advice will be taken



What about Maria T-M?

Joined yesterday and answered about gene sequence

you are correct Maria T-M.
Not sure what the significance of that is, though. Genetics is based on codons, which are groups of three nucleotides, not four. And not all code for unique amino acids, nor do all code for something to begin with. There are 20 or 22 unique amino acids (depending on how you define "unique") that can be expressed with those three nucleotides. Not 64 like you'd assume by thinking 4 x 4 x 4 combinations. Also some are start or stop codes that start and stop transcription.
when driving somewhere traffic slows however clear roads do not mean you can go any faster (there are speed limits (except on a german motorway (autobann))?
dear SpeakPigeon,

thank you wholeheartedly for your explanation of boolean logic. you have brought countless excitement and fun to my friends' lives and my life. may you rest peacefully.

all my love, dart_ship
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