Boy Scouts America? Or Atheist Haters Anonymous?

Originally posted by Zero
Hmm...that's the argument that the opposition is using. I'm afraid the kicked-out-scout will lose this legal battle. But he claims that the boy scouts taught him to fight for what he believes in.

But seriously though, where do we draw the line? Imagine a private org that only accepts straight, white, Anglo Saxon, Protestant, male "good old boy" segregationist people? Where DO we draw the line?

Hehe... you talking about the Klan? *giggle*

Seriously, the KKK should be allowed to exist, so why not boy scout bigots? It's stupid and assenine, but *shrug* what isn't from some other perspective?

What's with the prezzie's comment? I never heard that. You're talking Bush? He said he didn't think atheists should be able to vote? For real?
Upon further reflection, you must have been referring to the president of the boy scouts? If so, wow, what a jerk. That organization should reconsider it's promotion process is that's the kind of moron who can make it to the top.
If it was Bush who said that I wouldn't worry about it, the guy thought the Prime Minister of Canada was Jean Poutine during his campaign, not the brightest cookie in the jar I would think
Originally posted by Xelios
If it was Bush who said that I wouldn't worry about it, the guy thought the Prime Minister of Canada was Jean Poutine during his campaign, not the brightest cookie in the jar I would think

I wouldn't argue that point. Hehe, ya know now though, I can't stand Gore either, but I voted for him on the premise that I can't stand the idea of being smarter than the president of the USA. It's just fucking pathetic that those two jerkoffs are the best America has to offer. I've always believed that anyone worthy of the job of president wouldn't want it though, so it's quite the connundrum.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Upon further reflection, you must have been referring to the president of the boy scouts? If so, wow, what a jerk. That organization should reconsider it's promotion process is that's the kind of moron who can make it to the top.

That was in fact Bush the Father.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Hehe... you talking about the Klan? *giggle*

Seriously, the KKK should be allowed to exist, so why not boy scout bigots? It's stupid and assenine, but *shrug* what isn't from some other perspective?

What's with the prezzie's comment? I never heard that. You're talking Bush? He said he didn't think atheists should be able to vote? For real?

It's george bush senior. The FATHER of our current president said it. The prezzie of the US.

And why the fuck should KKK be allowed to exist? OK, they can exist as long as they don't poke their faces or beliefs out in the open.
Originally posted by Zero
It's george bush senior. The FATHER of our current president said it. The prezzie of the US.
Wow, what a jackoff. I'd kick him in the nutz, but he'd prolly kick my ass. Bastard was the head of the CIA, bet he fights dirty. :)
Originally posted by Zero

And why the fuck should KKK be allowed to exist? OK, they can exist as long as they don't poke their faces or beliefs out in the open.

Well, my first instinct is that it'd be worse if you said "you can't exist" because then they'd just meet secretly and have the whole "the government condemns our free speech" argument. Fuck them, but I can't keep them from existing. Further, it IS a denial of free speech AND ethically that is what makes sense. Again though, fuck those jackoffs.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
The boy scouts are a private organization. If they don't want atheist or gays then that's up to them. It might seem unfair to us but to them they are running their org how they want to. At least that's how I see it.
The Scouts receive government funds. As such they should abide by federal laws and respect freedom of/from religion. As a private organization they can do what they want but when they start dipping from the public trough the rest of us have a say too. They either need to accept all religious variants or give me my damm money back. Why should I be forced to support a religious group of bigots and homophobes?

I dunno Raithere, you ask me. They should choose between not getting public funding or abandoning their stupid scruples/prejudices. I'm not sending MY fucking tax dollars to some Asshole Scouts Anonymous.