Brain Implants

Mr Anonymous said:
Other than positing some of the most dick stupid questions......

interesting. what do you refer to? lets discuss and perhaps allow for a defense. who knows perhaps the stupid could be enightened by you, ja?

as far as i am concerned, the recent spate of posts involving agit/helio/battista/qwerty have been somewhat different from the usual bilge.

the crackpots case has been advanced more than at any other time in this particular forums history. in a rather lucid manner. and battista was a player.
Giambattista said:
you persist in your unrelenting anger, that IS out of line. Though on the surface that appears to be my opinion, it is bordering on 100% fact.

go for the 100%. that was an outrageously out of proportioned response. while i can get similarly rabid, there has to be something decent to bite on. a single questionable post out of hundreds of decent ones? that would be just looking for an excuse to vent. excess bile perhaps.

excuses work when injury is unintentional. apologies are nice but not required.
nothing is out of line here. just learn how to deal with it.
Communist Hamster said:
I have noticed an improvement in duendys typing lately.

It's gotten worse. Look at his first few pages of posts, then the last few. Other than an occasional typo, it's quite legible. I don't plan on browsing through his posts to find where he starts getting carried away with his creative passion, but it happened.

My mental of image of duendy is an older, twiggy black man with a cane. When he gets worked up, he gets really worked up, jumps on his chair and starts waving his cane about, yelling in his old black man voice that I can hardly understand since I'm intolerably white.

I'd like to meet the fellow.
duendy said:
... dont know what xperience you've had on online forums. but soon as anyone goes 'boo' we get red ink moderator cum an dilute any passion. which is a KILLER for creativity and exploration....

Extensive experience d, extensive. And it's preserving these exact freedoms here which concern me the most - if we don't exercise restraint and discretion, in essence regulate ourselves, sooner or later the yolk comes down on us all and we loose those freedoms for good.
Mr Anonymous said:
And it's preserving these exact freedoms here which concern me the most - if we don't exercise restraint and discretion, in essence regulate ourselves, sooner or later the yolk comes down on us all and we loose those freedoms for good.

Posters like duendy won't be a problem as long as we have keen and articulate folk like you.
And I think you balance duendy out marvelously. You guys are probably soulmates.
That's not to call you a problem poster duendy, just that Mr. A's fears are misplaced because his brow is in the stratosphere.
Gustav (addressed to Mr Anomynous) said:
interesting. what do you refer to? lets discuss and perhaps allow for a defense. who knows perhaps the stupid could be enightened by you, ja?...
Gustav (addressed to Giambattista) said:
go for the 100%. that was an outrageously out of proportioned response....

Y'know Gustav, looking at these two posts side by side as they are, appearing as they do after a dispute between myself and Giambattista has actually been resolved.... one might almost be forgiven as seeing them as transparently crude attempts at goading those two formally in dispute members back into dispute.

Of course, that must be frivolous nonsense, despite the little bird chirping in my ear assuring me it must certainly be so, as I had occasion to scold the little bird in question only but moments ago - "Nonsense!" I said. "Gustav's far, far, far more cunning and resourceful than that, LB, and not in the slightest inclined towards such shoddy, shoddy, shoddily awful workmanship!"

Well, that was the gist of the conversation at anyrate. I assure you, I did you proud.

Matters between me and Giambattista are settled G, perhaps you missed the memo. If Giambattista has any issues remaining I've not the slightest doubt he's capable of asking such questions himself - unless you consider him in some manner incapable of such, in which case you should really address your feelings regarding such "short comings" as you might see them to him. I'm certain he'll take it on the chin, got a lot of good qualities going for him as well as a mind of his own.

As I do too.

Feel free to report my conduct to the Management if you deem it appropriate G, other than that the matter remains between Giambattista and Me.

Always nice to see you around though. Have a good day G.

A ;)
Roman said:
That's not to call you a problem poster duendy, just that Mr. A's fears are misplaced because his brow is in the stratosphere.

Aw.... Y'carry on like that, you're going to get a christmas card this year....

A ;)
Mr Anonymous said:
Extensive experience d, extensive. And it's preserving these exact freedoms here which concern me the most - if we don't exercise restraint and discretion, in essence regulate ourselves, sooner or later the yolk comes down on us all and we loose those freedoms for good.
mmmmmmmmm mr A,metinks you might have an admirer here first letter, R.....

and as for you reply. you are talkin bout self censorship. why so. why limit your freedom if you got it....?
Gustav said:
go for the 100%. that was an outrageously out of proportioned response.

100%. Yes. But, I am flexible. I am easy to forgive. Unlike many I have encountered in my days. I was being forgiving with that figure.

Gustav said:
While i can get similarly rabid, there has to be something decent to bite on. a single questionable post out of hundreds of decent ones? that would be just looking for an excuse to vent. excess bile perhaps.
Examples, Gustav???
HA! Just kidding. I know. There is no real reason to assume what Mr. Anonymous did. I had no reason to insult him, and I did not, despite what my words may have said.
I really do not see the reason behind the hatred.

Gustav said:
excuses work when injury is unintentional. apologies are nice but not required.
nothing is out of line here. just learn how to deal with it.
Actually, I don't know if I will learn to deal with anything.
That someone might take my words as an insult, is understandable. I speak with much sarcasm when the mood strikes me, sure.
That someone would PERSIST in carrying that insult to the farthest reaches of our galaxy, despite my insistence to the contrary, is something else.

This address is for you and Mr. Anonymous, both.
I do not bend over for just anyone. If someone is offended by my words, and I do not intend the offense, then I will say something if it is brought to my attention.
If someone continues to be offended by something that was not intended to be an offense in the first place, and I try my best to explain, then that is their problem, not mine.

Mr Anonymous said:
Feel free to report my conduct to the Management if you deem it appropriate G, other than that the matter remains between Giambattista and Me.

Always nice to see you around though. Have a good day G.

ahh, cmon now
it was an observation on my part
careless one perhaps.
report? never!
not my style
just the oafhead's

there is no such thing as "private"
not even with "invisible ink"
i reserve the right to comment on anything posted here
now lemme read yer post :D

much respect as always
Gustav said:
ahh, cmon now
it was an observation on my part
careless one perhaps.
report? never!
not my style
just the oafhead's

there is no such thing as "private"
not even with "invisible ink"
i reserve the right to comment on anything posted here
now lemme read yer post :D

much respect as always

As always, Gustav, respect.
duendy said:
and as for you reply. you are talkin bout self censorship. why so. why limit your freedom if you got it....?
Can you drive d?
Mr Anonymous said:
Y'know Gustav, looking at these two posts side by side as they are, appearing as they do after a dispute between myself and Giambattista has actually been resolved.... one might almost be forgiven as seeing them as transparently crude attempts at goading those two formally in dispute members back into dispute.

y'know, looking at that attempt to characterize as bait, the attempt to take out of context, the unfair juxtaposition of a question directed at you and a supportive statement at battista could almost be interpreted as an underhanded attempt to nudge the authorities into making yet another ban

and no, that was not a frivolous observation. it makes sense as you do not really understand the concept of a proportional response. well, perhaps you do but prefer to flame with both barrels firing aka more bang for your buck

i am calling on you to back up your accusation of "most dick stupid questions" the request need not have anything with this resolved dispute. the questions exists regardless. what are they? i personally think it was just an unfair jibe but have no way of knowing for sure. so i shall take it as face value. if the questions are regarding ufology, point em out. provide answers or the erroneous nature of the questions.

you do not think it could be productive?

in anycase feel free to sue me for missing the bus/being a johny come lately

as for the battista post.
i know how reasonable intellects always allow room for error.
especially when there is no concurring opinion.
i provide one

ja, i am supportive like that

Mr Anonymous said:
in which case you should really address your feelings regarding such "short comings" as you might see them to him. I'm certain he'll take it on the chin, got a lot of good qualities going for him as well as a mind of his own.


oy, dipshit!
take yer head outta yer ass
i say, with all that respect flying around, why dont we just fuck each other up the ass? eh? or get some aliens to do their anal probes?

what say you fuckers?