Breakdown of society in the west?

Their Christmas pageant featured a grandmother explaining to a five year-old that we need Christ because, "We are all born full of black, yucky stuff," and only Jesus can make us clean.

Cultivated self-loathing

S.A.M. said:

Unfortunately, it's not exactly rare. Remember that Christianity depends on this philosophy: We are all born in a state of sin that is unsatisfactory to God; therefore, we need cleansing and redemption in Christ.

Perhaps their expression of the principle is odd. But watching a grandmother explain that to a child is a visceral kick that succinctly and essentially sums up the problem presented by that culture. Not only does it look forward to the end of the world, it requires—and therefore cultivates—self-loathing.

And in the broader context, not every atheist is naturally endowed to formulate such a sentence. But they feel it. Many who fall away from the faith are simply sick and tired of hating themselves.
.... Not only does it look forward to the end of the world, it requires—and therefore cultivates—self-loathing.

Where, Oh, where, did you get such a stupid, idiotic thing to say?

Tiassa, you've come up with some good ones before, but that one is such a major pile of horseshit that it tops any of the other idiotic things you've ever said. Your bullshit never ceases to amaze me.

Baron Max
Well Baron, are you Rapture Ready? :D

Rapture Index of 100 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 100 to 130: Moderate prophetic activity
Rapture Index of 130 to 160: Heavy prophetic activity
Rapture Index above 160: Fasten your seat belts
Well Baron, are you Rapture Ready?

I didn't click on the link, but I guess I'm not ready .....I don't hate myself enough nor have enough self-loathing. :D

If the link meant something else, then .....well, tough shit, huh?

Baron Max
I didn't actually think you were that ignorant, Max

Baron Max said:

Where, Oh, where, did you get such a stupid, idiotic thing to say?

Tiassa, you've come up with some good ones before, but that one is such a major pile of horseshit that it tops any of the other idiotic things you've ever said. Your bullshit never ceases to amaze me.

Take it up with the Christians. Start with the Revelation (end of the world), move on to Original Sin (self-loathing).

Do you actually have anything of substance to say, or is it just more of your personal crusade?
It's almost not worth the bother

Baron Max said:

...LOL! Original Sin is .....self-loathing???? ...LOL!

Teaching a child that she is fundamentally corrupt and inadequate? If that isn't a form of teaching self-loathing, I don't know what is.
Teaching a child that she is fundamentally corrupt and inadequate?

That's not what religion teaches, Tiassa.

And I'm fully aware that you know that, yet you continue to spew those words as if they were true ....only because of your irrational hatred of religion and beliefs.

Baron Max
From another thread came this comment from Ghost_007:

I'd like to discuss a few things. My questions:

1. Is the family unit really being "eradicated" in the West?
2. Why is it important to take the "concept of marriage" seriously?
3. Is a high divorce rate bad? Why?
4. What's wrong with children being born "out of wedlock"?
5. Do any of these things really lead to "unstable upbringings"?
6. Is there really "no moral order" in the West? What kind of moral order would you like to see?
7. Is it possible to seriously "meet up with family and friends, go to weddings, have get togethers, meet up and discuss issues" in the absence of religion, or not?
8. Does religion "tackle social issues" better than secularism?

Do remember that these claims are coming out the eastern propaganda where religion means suicide bombs. Where family means a father that can do whatever he wants to his family, beat, rape, harm, get drunk. All he wants, and the wife can do nothing. Yes there is a high divorce rate in the west, but comparing that to societies where the wives feel it is almost suicide to leave.... Yes there is moral order, it is called ethics, something that is very trustworthy in the west. Even though it has no concrete backing good people take care of each other and it is still alive. The family unit as descirbed in third world eastern communist/fascist governments. By religion they mean, if the father cheats on his wife nothing happens, but if the wife cheats, she is stoned to death or worse. Well dude, many intellectual people in the west ignore religion in science and where has that gotten us? To the moon, discovering the A-bomb, the ISS, to space, to eco tech, to many other things. Last big thing i heard of coming out of the east was that massive bomb the Russians made just to show off how awesome they are and is totally impractical. And considering that every theist country in the east will kill, murder, GENOCIDE for a nuke, i have to say, what is your definition of anarchy. Because massacring civilians just for a nuke is never justified. Children in the middle east and east are taught to strap bombs to their chests and take out the western infidels. I have to say, you cannot get more unstable than being brought up to be a walking time bomb. What do you mean by moral? Because strapping bombs to your chest, killing for nukes, making the badest bomb, making WMD's, that is not moral, that is tyrany.
Still, demography is destiny. If you're not there, it doesn't matter what kind of society you aspire to.

Fedr808 said:

chortle? wtf is a chortle?

A portmanteaux, or,

a word or morpheme whose form and meaning are derived from a blending of two or more distinct forms (as smog from smoke and fog)

In this case, a chortle is that sound one makes that is halfway between a chuckle and a snort.


"chortle". Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008. Merriam-Webster Online. December 18, 2008.

"portmanteau". Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2008. Merriam-Webster Online. December 18, 2008.
Still, demography is destiny. If you're not there, it doesn't matter what kind of society you aspire to.

Wow. You do realize pretty much every third and second world aspires to have a western society but get there by tyranny and communism. I live in the USA and we aspire to the future, I do not know anyone that is jjealous of other countries or be more like other countries, we aspire to the future not towards others.
every third and second world aspires to have a western society but get there by tyranny and communism

Ah yes, blame the victim. Curious strategy.

They are savages because they want to live this way
SAM said:
Still, demography is destiny.
As Rwanda reminds us. And Mexico.

But there is more than one road toward even the most inevitable fate.

All civilizations fall. Not all rise in the first place.

It is, after all, properly formulated as "Live free, and die."