Can anyone prove the existence of God?

Can you tell again how he proved his existence to you?

Lots of ways. It was kind of a steps, til he blew my mind in 2005.

I don't think it would be the same for everyone, or anyone really. I think he knows just what it would take for each of us, and that nothing would work for some of us.
Lots of ways. It was kind of a steps, til he blew my mind in 2005.

I don't think it would be the same for everyone, or anyone really. I think he knows just what it would take for each of us, and that nothing would work for some of us.

In other words, no proof.

The blowing of your mind is something we've heard about, though. :D
What happened?

I've talked to you about that.

In 2005 god told me to reach out to someone I didn't know, and when I did, I experienced a host of weird phenomenon that sent me reeling for a while.
I've talked to you about that.

In 2005 god told me to reach out to someone I didn't know, and when I did, I experienced a host of weird phenomenon that sent me reeling for a while.

Well, this thread is about proving the existence of God so it would be good if you could be a bit more specific.
In other words, no proof.

The blowing of your mind is something we've heard about, though. :D

There was an abundance of proof provided to me.

I want to tell you that what prompted me to ask in the first place was an experience and respective conflicting feelings that humbled me.

I've been talking to you for quite a while out here, and you have never conveyed the propensity for humility. Not the slightest bit. Ever. Quite the opposite actually. I recall saying to you once that I wish you would be humbled and you took it as an insult.

I do believe that humility is key to the knowledge of god. You have to be humble to seek in the first place, and the resulting knowledge itself is humbling.

I just don't think you have it in you, but I hope I'm wrong about that.
There was an abundance of proof provided to me.


I've been talking to you for quite a while out here, and you have never conveyed the propensity for humility. Not the slightest bit. Ever.

You have never been honest, so there was no need for humility in the face of intellectual dishonesty.

I do believe that humility is key to the knowledge of god. You have to be humble to seek in the first place, and the resulting knowledge itself is humbling.

Try being honest for a change. :)

you wish.
scientific reasoning will paddle in the puddle of "how" and never reach the shore of "why".
Sure it will, if there is a reason for anything. Discovering how things work always results in a cause and effect relationship being revealed. The "why" simply becomes apparent when the causes are known.

spirituality is needed for human beings.
Pure fantasy speculation.

and science is void of spirituality.
But then science isn't a human.

when science starts getting some spirituality,

it's no longer science
If spirituality ever became real and hence measurable then spirituality would become part of science.

Science in its basic sense simply means - knowledge. There is nothing anti-religious or anti-spiritual about science.
Well, this thread is about proving the existence of God so it would be good if you could be a bit more specific.

Hearing gods voice is pretty impactive.

I had an angel inhabit my body and use it to pen a poem once. That was fun.

I've experienced other spiritual interactions with physical manifestations.

But more than anything, its the meaning that's derived over time that really proves it.
I'm intrigued.
How did he prove to you that he was god?
Since you state that you weren't prepared to take anyone else's word for it then this, um, "presence" must have shown, conclusively, that it wasn't, for example, an alien, the devil, an evil spirit, Elvis in disguise or Santa Claus perpetrating an early April Fool's on you.
How did he prove he was actually god?

His capabilities demonstrated omnipotence and omniscience.

The personal nature of the experience and the meaning derived from it conveyed god to me.

You have never been honest, so there was no need for humility in the face of intellectual dishonesty.

Try being honest for a change. :)

I am being absolutely honest with you. Like I said, you just don't want to know.

Thank you for the poignant demonstration.
His capabilities demonstrated omnipotence and omniscience.
And how would that be? How would a human (and we are fairly limited in both those directions) distinguish omnipotence and omniscience from merely extremely powerful and vastly knowledgeable?

The personal nature of the experience and the meaning derived from it conveyed god to me.
In other words it could have been any of the aforementioned entities and you simply decided it was god.
And how would that be? How would a human (and we are fairly limited in both those directions) distinguish omnipotence and omniscience from merely extremely powerful and vastly knowledgeable?

In other words it could have been any of the aforementioned entities and you simply decided it was god.

What do you think would be the reason behind what you're suggesting?

Once again, .... I have never encountered a claim that runs along the lines of "we are baffled in the pursuit of of knowledge of x so god must have done it and this is the final last word in our analysis/direct perception of god/god's nature."

It amounts to nothing to say that fundamental issues of existence stand head and shoulders outside of our current grasp of empiricism, because such issues are, in toto, standing head and shoulders outside of the grasp of empiricism
Science is about acquiring knowledge. Its approach is fundamentally simple - if something can be detected then it offers the potential of proof of its existence.

The theist claims a god has been detected through direct perception. To claim this the theist is revealling such details in a conscious state, i.e. the brain contains this information, and the brain is physical. Science currently is only aware of the physical, but it is not closed to any other possibilities if any were to become apparent. The point at which the information entered the brain must clearly be a physical event and hence within the realm of science to detect and measure.

At this time science does not have the required granularity to observe the brain at that level so we do not know that the concept of direct perception is viable or real.

The obvious alternatives to the theist claim of direct perception is simple delusion encouraged by massive religious indoctrination and emotional desire.

Without some form of proof that direct perception can occur the theist claims for such must remain questionable and given the fantastic nature of the claim, must be considered highly unlikely.
You don't want to know Q.

From the perspective of psychology, telling someone "You don't want to know" is an example of invalidation. It's saying "I don't really care what you think or feel, Q."

It may be true that Q "doesn't want to know", and he has been told such things over and over again - yet nothing has changed.
Invalidating people generally does not help them toward an insight.

I would like to see that you come up with a novel, more compassionate, more productive method for talking to atheists.
They are people too, you know.
Yes, I think it is very practical. If people are actually looking for a way to prove that the president exists, that is.

And you think a real president of a real country would comply with such a request? :rolleyes:
What do you think would be the reason behind what you're suggesting?
That it's someone other than god?
Possible reasons:
Practical joke.
Corruption (isn't Satan said to enjoy leading people astray?).
Hearing gods voice is pretty impactive.

I had an angel inhabit my body and use it to pen a poem once. That was fun.

I've experienced other spiritual interactions with physical manifestations.

But more than anything, its the meaning that's derived over time that really proves it.

Now I hope you're not honest.I hope you kidding us.
The alternative is very bleak and I say very honestly.
Your place is under strict supervision.You can do harm to you or others.
Voice of the head may at any time to say to take a gun and shoot someone.
Many similar cases have been,and specialty hospitals are full of such cases.