Can God disappear if He wants to?

It's almost identical to a delusion, except delusions don't create miracles.

Correct, nothing creates miracles..
So, stripped of miracles, God is a delusion ? Is that what you're saying ?
God would still exist in God's world, not this world, even if no one believed in Him. God would exist in Heaven, which obviously is not this world.
I would think God could do whatever he wanted. Morgan Freeman went on vacation when he was playing God in the movies. :)
God would still exist in God's world, not this world, even if no one believed in Him. God would exist in Heaven, which obviously is not this world.

Is heaven in this universe ?
And if no one believed in God, why would he exist ? Didn't you say that God only exists to believers ?
Miracles are performed only to help non-believers and believers to believe. Nevertheless, God would still exist to the believer regardless of the existence of miracles.
Can't an omnipotent being give you control over the being? You control whether God exists by whether you believe in Him. Didn't Jesus give Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven?

I dont know what your getting at man. Its like your asking questions to try and paint people in a corner and make a point. If you are just get to it already because you have paint all over the place now.

Will you agree that "god" is different by definition and perspective to different people?
If you agree to this how can god be universal to all people?
If you do not agree with that then what is the universal definition of "god"?
What does God do? He knows everything past and future, so he knows every decision he's going to make, so there can really be no decision.
If all of you were dead, I would still exist. Why should God be any different?
Miracles are performed only to help non-believers and believers to believe. Nevertheless, God would still exist to the believer regardless of the existence of miracles.

But only as a delusion then:
It's almost identical to a delusion, except delusions don't create miracles.

You pretty much said that God equals miracles.
Now, what if miracles can be shown not to exist ?
A God trapped in a four dimensional world would be stuck by your cause and effect trap. But, God isn't so hindered.
I did not say God is miracles. I said miracles are performed by God to help the believers and non-believers believe.
To bad SkinWalker isn't in charge of this thread - but the far more reasonable and intelligent Spidergoat.

If you didn't notice, I moved this thread into the waiting jaws of the Walker.