And if there is nothing more to life than chemicals and laws of physics ...
This view is called reductionism and is by its very assertion proved fallacious.This assertion cant be made except from a subjective personal space, using symbols (language for example) from culture (an intersubjective realm whose truth is value or quality). Reductionism is itself a subjective qualitative value judgement that says qualitative subjective value judgements dont matter.
There is already more. Take emotions. Even though some claim to explain them as chemicals, they are still emotions and worth having. It is all a matter of point of view and willingness to live.
Yes its also a matter of value and quality.
Reality exists quite independent of consensus opinion.
Does it? I dont think anyone would disagree that there is some "stuff" out there, but our knowing of it is necessarily subjective and this is a good thing because without meaning and value knowledge is useless. Empirical truth cant stand alone. Reality cant exist outside of consensus opinion because only consensus intersubjective "opinion" can provide symbols to express it and give it value.
Just to be clear on terms, for the sake of this thread we are defining religion as judeo-christian religions, correct? There are faiths that encourage scepticism, buddhism for one.
Religion and science cant exist without each other. Empirical truth must by necessity have a cultural context and an individual meaning and religion (or some belief system) is part of that context. Every religious tradition has empirical components even if only the deep biological structures of the human brain from which simiarities in myth arise (I dont mean myth in the sense of fairy tale, myth is true in its context).
The problem is reductionism. The religionist try to reduce everything to a religious context (creationism is a glaring and laughable example of this). The empiricist try to reduce everything to quantiifiable matter, which is equally stupid.
Truth is not only relative, there are different kinds of truth and they are interrelated and dependent on each other.
A fine example of the fruits of reductionism is the discussion here on non-supernatural intellegent design. A discussion that should have by definition taken place in the realm of conciousness (design, intention etc) and subjectivity, was almost immediately waylaid by empirical reductionism and so dissolved into bickering and confusion. This is not the fault of the participants. Value, quality, and the subjective (is it any wonder that there are so many people on prozac?) have been so discredited in this culture that it may not even be possible to have an intellegient dicussion on the subject.
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