Can Sound Waves Boil water at overunity efficiency with specific frequency of sound?

I'm not quite understanding how exactly what's going on in this engine. Could you explain it to me, Elvis? (in simple terms, please :) )


c'mon mac, don't be sucked into this.
unless of course you're just looking to go a few rounds.

BTW his claim that feynman killed someone is an outright lie.
I'm just a glutton for punishment...I guess. :)

I just wanted to see if could explain how it worked...from what I have read, no one understands...not even the inventor.
I just wanted to see if could explain how it worked...from what I have read, no one understands...not even the inventor.
nobody understands it because nobody believes in perpetual motion mac.
do you really believe someone would build such a device and not know how it works?

use your head here.
you build this thing.
nobody wants to buy it because it will "put oil companys out of business"
what would you do? splash it on the internet "i've got a secret"?
splash it on the internet exactly how to build it and tell the oil companys to eat shit?
Dude..If I came up with this idea, I would be using 100 dollar bills, to light the 100 dollar bill I use to light my Cuban Cigars with. :)

I just like playing with woos. :)
I had heard of a lab where they set salt water on fire.

They were doing some wierd test with radio waves and put a beaker between two large transmitters. (might not have been radio waves, couldve been something else, pretty darn sure it was radio) And the signal seperated the hydrogen from the oxygen and than it burnt both of them efectively setting the water on fire.

Of course this is a case of taking more energy than it creates.
Liar? WTF is your mental problem?

It is your funeral, you had less than zero credibility before making that stupid post.

Read em and weep:


You need to clear up your false claims and lies and until you do, I really have nothing for you but this simple question:

How is that someone that claims to be educated and claims to have worked at a lab where research is done can't Google the name of the inventor or the company or even pick the phone and give him a call? Can't find Do you need someone to research the phone number for you?

Why don't you take a stab at it on your own at - If it goes over your head, get a different big person to help you out. I'm too busy for the likes of you.

Got even MORE news for you, dummy! That factory is only 2.5 hours from my front door. How do I know that? Because I've visited it and talked with the people that work there. And not one single individual mentioned the stupid efficiency claim that YOU made for their pump!!!!!

Now get down on the floor and grovel like the ignorant rooting animal that you are!!!

Oh, and just in passing, you cannot just make up your own home-brewed definition of efficiency. It has nothing to do with mining, refining, etc. as you claimed in one of your silliest posts - it's nothing more than the energy input of a device or process compared to the energy output. It's just that simple and anyone with a half-decent education is fully aware of it. So I guess that a great deal about your lack of intelligence and/or education, eh?

One more thing: at NO time did I threaten to ban you!!! Dang! I'm not even a Mod here (not that you are smart enough to even check). My statement about you not being long for this place was due to the fact that as all the intelligent folks here pick up on you and your silly garbage (which they have just started doing), they will rip both you and your nonsensical claims to shreds. So read the writing on the wall and weep and suffer - you well deserve it.
I had heard of a lab where they set salt water on fire.

They were doing some wierd test with radio waves and put a beaker between two large transmitters. (might not have been radio waves, couldve been something else, pretty darn sure it was radio) And the signal seperated the hydrogen from the oxygen and than it burnt both of them efectively setting the water on fire.

Of course this is a case of taking more energy than it creates.

Yep, that was a guy doing cancer research and he was using RF frequencies. And you're correct about it taking more energy than burning the freed hydrogen produced.

The problem arose only AFTER some third-party dummies got involved and started making baseless claims of over-unity. We had a big thread some time back that dealt with all the nonsense about those false claims. And the original researcher wasn't involved in them at all - just some fruitcakes like ElvisLive that popped up. (And he'll suffer the same fate that they did - fading into oblivion where he belongs.)
Got even MORE news for you, dummy! That factory is only 2.5 hours from my front door. How do I know that? Because I've visited it and talked with the people that work there. And not one single individual mentioned the stupid efficiency claim that YOU made for their pump!!!!!

Now get down on the floor and grovel like the ignorant rooting animal that you are!!!

Oh, and just in passing, you cannot just make up your own home-brewed definition of efficiency. It has nothing to do with mining, refining, etc. as you claimed in one of your silliest posts - it's nothing more than the energy input of a device or process compared to the energy output. It's just that simple and anyone with a half-decent education is fully aware of it. So I guess that a great deal about your lack of intelligence and/or education, eh?

One more thing: at NO time did I threaten to ban you!!! Dang! I'm not even a Mod here (not that you are smart enough to even check). My statement about you not being long for this place was due to the fact that as all the intelligent folks here pick up on you and your silly garbage (which they have just started doing), they will rip both you and your nonsensical claims to shreds. So read the writing on the wall and weep and suffer - you well deserve it.

I wish in the video they wouldn't have cut it the beginning it talks about how the guy got the idea, but it got cut off. I'd love to hear it. While I don't believe this machine could go OU, I would be interested if someone could explain how it heats the water. Is it friction? It's a great idea for a different way to heat water, especially in an application where open flames or direct heat sources would be dangerous. (like in a fireworks factory or something :) )

The OU claim in the video would be easy to confirm. We already have steam engine technology, just use the steam produced to power a steam engine without the boiler. They were claiming a 70% OU in the video, if that was the case, even with losses due to friction, the steam engine would have more power than the electric motor powering the pump. If indeed the output was greater, you could use that steam engine to turn an even bigger pump..creating more free energy..the that one could turn an even bigger pump. With an entire tree branch of 100's of stages of these pumps, we could power the entire world on a single 220v 20amp circuit. Sweetness.
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Got even MORE news for you, dummy! That factory is only 2.5 hours from my front door. How do I know that? Because I've visited it and talked with the people that work there. And not one single individual mentioned the stupid efficiency claim that YOU made for their pump!!!!!

Now get down on the floor and grovel like the ignorant rooting animal that you are!!!

Oh, and just in passing, you cannot just make up your own home-brewed definition of efficiency. It has nothing to do with mining, refining, etc. as you claimed in one of your silliest posts - it's nothing more than the energy input of a device or process compared to the energy output. It's just that simple and anyone with a half-decent education is fully aware of it. So I guess that a great deal about your lack of intelligence and/or education, eh?

One more thing: at NO time did I threaten to ban you!!! Dang! I'm not even a Mod here (not that you are smart enough to even check). My statement about you not being long for this place was due to the fact that as all the intelligent folks here pick up on you and your silly garbage (which they have just started doing), they will rip both you and your nonsensical claims to shreds. So read the writing on the wall and weep and suffer - you well deserve it.

I got news for you too dummy. I have seen the inventor interviewed where he did claim over 100% and just because someone didn't write it on your dependtard forehead does not mean that it does not, or can not go OU.

There are plenty of companies that make that same pump that do claim OU and in the video I cited that was made at that factory they claim OU. So I don't what magical little world you live in but it is not out here in reality.

Next - I can include the energy cost to produce the device if I want to. That is the nature of a functioning mind that forms original and critical thought.

It is important to include energy construction costs because it does you no good to build a device that takes a billion megawatts of power that will only produce a single megawatt of power in its useless lifetime, like you.

Get down on the floor and grovel? Stop smoking that -> :m:

Why don't you explain how the second law applies to a system that has an external fuel source like you falsely claimed.

Better yet, why don't you stick a gun in your mouth and breath in some hot gun powder. It would not be over unity per se, but it would be over and then there would be unity.
c'mon mac, don't be sucked into this.
unless of course you're just looking to go a few rounds.

BTW his claim that feynman killed someone is an outright lie.


Why don't you Google "Feynman Papp" go through the 3160 hits and use that information to gather more information until you get to a California Court. The do a docket search and see what what you get. You will find that the record is sealed. Papp won a settlement.

Contact the San Mateo newspapers. I am sure they would have reported on the incident. Contact the San Mateo police dept. I am sure they would have investigated the incident.

The problem with an anonymous user name or someone with no credibility is they don't mind losing the credibility they never had.

Did I get an explanation for the second law cite from read-only? Nope, it is like it is invisible.

This web site has no value to me. The difference between this web site and some evangelical religion is what they believe in and worship and that is not science or reality.


Why don't you Google "Feynman Papp" go through the 3160 hits ...

FYI..not trying to be an asshole or anything..but the number of google hits on a subject is quite irrelevant to importance.

Otherwise "nude blowjob" would be the most important thing on earth. :)

It's kinda an unwritten rule around here about asking others to look up the point that you are trying to make. Best thing to do is pick the best of those 3160 hits, and repost the relevant portion here with proper credits as a quote. I know RO..he only goes for the throat if he feels you got nothing...try to prove him wrong. :)
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This web site has no value to me.

after reading where you told read-only to "stick a gun in his mouth" i am positive you WILL NOT be missed here.
i would like to say "good-bye" but the more appropriate response would be "good riddance and please don't come back".
after reading where you told read-only to "stick a gun in his mouth" i am positive you WILL NOT be missed here.
i would like to say "good-bye" but the more appropriate response would be "good riddance and please don't come back".

Oh I missed that part about stick a gun in your mouth. I retract my kindness I was trying to show.

Please accept this entire case of "kiss my ass" as a parting gift from SF ! Don't let the door hit you in your ass on the way out!
The "integrity" of the NZ media is very much like that of media organisations everywhere. The criteria have bugger-all to do with hard science, and everything to do with "a story" - even if the story is out there.
For example, recently a reporter interviewed someone in NZ who claims they can run a car on H20, after extracting hydrogen from it, or something. I watched the interview but so few details were given (it's all rather hush-hush of course) I had no real idea what the working principle is. There has been a fair queue of dudes with similar claims, throughout the history of the combustion engine, and often these ideas seem to pop up when oil is scarce - like during global wars, oil shortages or high prices.

Perhaps those are the only real things involved, though. I reserve judgement, but no previous claim of combustion of H20 in a heat-cycle engine has yet emerged as a real working machine, that I know about anyway.

I actually made a car run on water, it's called an HHO generator. I did it for a school science project. It's pretty old though, and it's not "hush hush"

Why don't you Google "Feynman Papp" go through the 3160 hits and use that information to gather more information until you get to a California Court. The do a docket search and see what what you get. You will find that the record is sealed. Papp won a settlement.

Contact the San Mateo newspapers. I am sure they would have reported on the incident. Contact the San Mateo police dept. I am sure they would have investigated the incident.

The problem with an anonymous user name or someone with no credibility is they don't mind losing the credibility they never had.

Did I get an explanation for the second law cite from read-only? Nope, it is like it is invisible.

This web site has no value to me. The difference between this web site and some evangelical religion is what they believe in and worship and that is not science or reality.


That's wonderful! :D Good riddance! My predictions don't always come true (and never over 100%:D) but I'm very glad this one did - and quickly, too!

I figured they be giving you body slams and the did. Couldn't handle the pressure of truth against your fraudulent lies - as I expected.

You will be missed ONLY in the sense of the way one misses a toothache when it's gone. Welcome to oblivion, dummy, that's exactly where you belong, back under the rock you crawled from beneath prior to showing up here.
I actually made a car run on water, it's called an HHO generator. I did it for a school science project. It's pretty old though, and it's not "hush hush"

Yes, that's "Brown's Gas" and has been around for a very long time.:)

It does work, but it's HIGHLY inefficient. Any multistage energy conversion process always is, due to the energy losses in each stage of conversion.

But the fact that is does work, even if only marginally, doesn't keep the hucksters form popping up every five years or so as they try to pawn it off on people who aren't technically savvy. And the spread of the Internet PLUS all the big hikes in gasoline costs over the past two years or so has REALLY brought them crawling out of the woodwork like the roaches/leeches that they are! Just Google "HHO", "HOH" or "Brown's Gas" and you'll find those snake oil salesmen everywhere.
That's wonderful! :D Good riddance! My predictions don't always come true (and never over 100%:D) but I'm very glad this one did - and quickly, too!

I figured they be giving you body slams and the did. Couldn't handle the pressure of truth against your fraudulent lies - as I expected.

You will be missed ONLY in the sense of the way one misses a toothache when it's gone. Welcome to oblivion, dummy, that's exactly where you belong, back under the rock you crawled from beneath prior to showing up here.

Why would anyone with a functioning brain post here? They wouldn't and they don't.

You are an asshole of monumental proportions and you were the one that couldn't handle the heat when you falsely claimed second law on an open system. If only there were intelligent life here to marvel at your lack of integrity and intelligence.

You are a thug and a moron evidenced by your fascination with smilies, pedantic banter and an inability to self reflect or accept the possibility that maybe you have a serious personality problem.

You are also wrong about HHO production. All you do is spread disinformation.

Tell us all about how second law applies to an open system with an external fuel source dummy. Wow..
Why would anyone with a functioning brain post here? They wouldn't and they don't.

You are an asshole of monumental proportions and you were the one that couldn't handle the heat when you falsely claimed second law on an open system. If only there were intelligent life here to marvel at your lack of integrity and intelligence.

You are a thug and a moron evidenced by your fascination with smilies, pedantic banter and an inability to self reflect or accept the possibility that maybe you have a serious personality problem.

You are also wrong about HHO production. All you do is spread disinformation.

Tell us all about how second law applies to an open system with an external fuel source dummy. Wow..

Are you OilIsMastery in disguise?
Why would anyone with a functioning brain post here? They wouldn't and they don't.

You are an asshole of monumental proportions and you were the one that couldn't handle the heat when you falsely claimed second law on an open system. If only there were intelligent life here to marvel at your lack of integrity and intelligence.

You are a thug and a moron evidenced by your fascination with smilies, pedantic banter and an inability to self reflect or accept the possibility that maybe you have a serious personality problem.

You are also wrong about HHO production. All you do is spread disinformation.

Tell us all about how second law applies to an open system with an external fuel source dummy. Wow..

DRAT!!!! You are SUCH a liar - say you're leaving and then come back!!!:bugeye:

OK, since you obviously aren't bright enough to figure it out, I'll explain how the second law applies and do it in VERY simple terms so that you can take it someone who will then break it down into single syllables for you. Maybe then you can get it.

The fact that it requires an external fuel source at all proves it isn't a over-unity device. A true over-unity device (which cannot possibly exist anyway) would produce enough energy to KEEP itself running in addition to producing an excess of power which could be drawn off.

Now go and get back under your rock!!!:mad: