Can We Stop Arguing the Existence Of God? many more threads can we have by an atheist trying to use science to disprove God? At what point are we going to realize that it is a useless, baseless argument that has no standing in any science whatsoever?

I'm not a believer, but it shames me to see atheists actually trying to play this game. There is no way to disprove God. You can't do it! It's no different that trying to disprove ghosts! Or demons! Or bigfoot!

I would rather see intelligent conversations regarding the real issues, like where religion belongs in society, what role it plays and/or should play in politics, what role atheism should play in both, ect., ect.. We shouldn't be lowering ourselves to trying to disprove God, when we all know it can't be done. No matter what science you throw at a theist, they can always push God back further in the timeline. Evolution? Oh, OK, well, he programmed us for it. Big Bang? Oh, well, he did that. Quantum physics? Oh, well, that's just the framework that he built.

See? There's no amount of logic that works, because the furthest back science can go doesn't explain away any god.

So let's talk about the real stuff. C'mon, guys, we're better than this.

A very reasonable post. (of course from an atheist perspective) but reasonable nonetheless.

But it is something of a obscession for the very young. I'm sure the more mature realize this is a study which science is ill equipped to answer one way or the other.
Two case studies are instructive. In 1900, Christians comprised 9 percent of the African population and were outnumbered by Muslims four to one. Today, Christians comprise 44 percent of the population, and in the 1960s passed Muslims in number. This explosive growth is now beginning in China. Christianity is growing not only among the peasantry, but also among social and cultural establishment, including the Communist party. At the current rate of growth, withing 30 years Christians will constitute 30 percent of the Chinese population of 1.5 billion.

I read a study not all that long ago claiming that Islam was growing faster than the population was growing. Seriously, I'm not making it up.

Let me ask you this: How could you possibly know that no religion can see the whole truth unless you yourself have the superior, comprehensive knowledge of spiritual reality you just claimed that none of the religions have?

Because I can see where these religions got their ideas from. Islam is, in many ways, a funhouse mirror reflection of Christianity. In turn, Christianity is basically a ripoff of Judaism. Joseph and Jesus are practically the same character. And both of those religions have roots in pagan religions that predate them. Especially Christianity, in which Jesus seems to be a photocopy of Horus, the Egyptian Sky/Sun god.

No, I cannot know if there is a god out there, but I can tell you that the current religions are nothing more than the most recent incarnations of paganism. And it doesn't take superior, comprehensive knowledge of spiritual reality, it just takes some research. If these people did the research themselves, they'd probably come to the same conclusion.
Difficult to dissuade the religious. Best not to argue god existence period. Both sides arguing over something they can't prove. Absolutely primitive behavior, something this era will be remembered for if humanity survives that long.