
unlike Banshee I have read the books and I have smoked. And I can honestly say that you are all missing out on half of the story. The pure smokers are missing out on knowing exactly what is going on in the brain and are left with a weak argument when it comes to something like this. And then those who've only read second or third hand accounts of the effects, or people who are going on presumptions, don't have the benefit of knowing the feeling.
While it's true that it does "overclock" your brain, the effects are completely nullified in hours. The opamine levels return to normal after about five, the thought paterns about 2-3. As far as sleep patterns, banshee is right whatever neurological funtion suggests that people would be more awake is only an inference, in actuality you are statistically more likely to become more docile, and sleepier. Like Banshee I only smoke before going to bed, because it does make sleeping easier. All the symptoms do seem to be actually closer to cocaine than anything else. Maybe you should try some pot and get the effects straightened out.
As far as some useful information, I suggest Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts. at
The reason I wrote my post was due to the fact that I use to smoke, but I've been studying the repercussions of what occured when I use to smoke, with the difference of not smoking now.

I had to stop because of the "overclocking", because I got involved in some testing that too "overclocked the brain", of course it was different in method, but when your brain which is running at about 100 stimuli per second, is increased through a study to about 143 stimuli per second and then you've an increase for smoking too much canabis that increase your stimuli to about 160+ Stimuli per second, you tend to find that you can become very unsettled, very paranoid and not altogether too healthy.

That's why when some smoke canabis they can be sick, the nausia is caused by the increase in stimuli.

You are right tiredness can occur, It's usually refered to as "Monging", you don't feel you can do anything, you don't want to be walking around or going out and doing anything, but because you "mong" during the day, when it comes to night you can't get to sleep, so your up all night. So your sleep patterns can become effective.

I gather the reason why I know this is because of the almost "Smoke to your own destruction" kind of smoking that I and others I knew did. In the terms of how many canabis cigarettes a day about 10-12.

Of course after about 4-5 years, this had created a dramatic effect on me, where I really felt like I didn't want to do anything. Any money I got got spent on it, I was left walking around in rag's wtih not much to show for myself (This of course was because I didn't go to the extremes that some did which would be to steal, and my continued smoking was so I could escape my reality.)

Of course I've changed since then, I no longer take any drugs (Not even something for a headache) as I feel that I have accomplished my research on what I tested back then.
So, just so I have this straight in my head:
you abused it to the point of extreme excess, and therefore it's bad for you?
I don't go throught 10-12 joints a month, and I smoke almost every day.
And the only timeI have seen someone come even close to getting sick is after extremely large doses, such as 10-12 joints in a short time. If someone uses pot with a very small amount of common sense the brain doesn't get overloaded, and neurologically you return to normal after a very short time.
As I think I mentioned but not in so many words, my abuse was infact not a test of my own endurance, but that of the drug.

As for the uses, as I mentioned it can be accumilative, namely if you smoke one everynight, then your going to have a backlogged buildup, and a change in your bodies natural productive patterns of dopamine.

If you smoke one weekend in a month, then you are allowing 3 1/2 weeks for your system to normalise. People will often say, "After X hours you normalise" but it's untrue, it's the same with alcohol, you can have a drink on weekend and your body has a chance to normalise, but if your an alcoholic then your body is constantly suffering from the sideeffects of toxicology.
normalization is a matter of metabolism of the body. For most people they return to normal after 4-5 hours. Maybe for some it takes 3-1/2 weeks.
Point being there are no REAL mental side-effects that last more than a short time. Your ideal intake might or might not be the same as someone elses.
What you seem to neglect is there are Mental side effects.

Take for instance if you smoke canabis and your doing so in a country or state that deems it a crime, it undermine your understanding of what is right and wrong, you might look at the police as being villians when they catch you and either confiscate or take you down the police station.

This might make you more leniant to allow others to take harder drugs also, I'm not saying canabis is the start to heavy drugs, but as I said you might find yourself being more leniant.
You might even neglect reporting crimes that you see occur because of your canabis smoking and the fear that the long arm of the law will prosecute you for it.

Other side effects are ones that you might even notice, like how you respond to your family, or greet your neighbours can be effected. Infact your whole interaction is changed, If you don't believe me you smoke a canabis cigarette and talk to someone who's professional (A doctor, solicitor, teacher) without them having prior knowledge to you smoking.
You might just find yourself paranoid about how you appear or cope with their conversation. Of course you might not care which is just as bad as the paranoia, because it means that you've lost relationship to caring.

Of course I'm not saying this happens to everyone, not you, not banshee or anyone else, but I'm saying it Can occur, and when it does, it's time to quit.

I agree that it affects your mood, but I think the effect is quiet subjective. If a person is normally bubbly, enthusiastic, talkative etc and they don't particurlarly have any negative thoughts gnawing away at their subconcious, they don't usually become moody or introspective, in my experience their mood is actually heightened.
Personally, when I smoke, I tend to get introspective and prefer my own company, doing something artistically creative or daydreaming/thinking rather than socialising or talking, unless it's with like minded people, in which case I can enjoy the social interaction and my mood can be lifted, even if I am kind of 'laid back'. But then, that's what I'm basically like anyway, sure I'm usually chirpier and sharper when not stoned, but I have to be busy and interested, otherwise I can get really bored and even depressed (Iwas always like that). I think cannabis enhances the id or the real 'you', based on your actual mood at the time. So yeah, even if you're a bubbly, living for life, social type of person and you happen to be in an unusually depressed or worried mood, there is a chance that smoking may bring you down or too wasted to be bothered with straight life. And vice versa!
The point is to know when to do it! Or rather when not to do it.
Not at work, not when driving, not in front of children, not when you are going through a harrowing time and not when you know you have to interact with straight people.
Of course, you might think the best thing is not to do it at all, but then who knows what's best for each individual?

Yes, it is a crime in most countries, more serious in some than others, but doesn't almost every single one of us commit some kind of crime during our lifetime? In fact, are we not all of us tainted by the crimes against humanity, nature and our very planet commited by big business and governments, in order that some (including us in the west) can attain a higher standard of living and an easier more convenient life?

Further: Is the law not an ass? Isn't justice mainly just a good idea and nothing more? Aren't governments and police forces spoilt by corruption and nepotism? Aren't we sick of knowing all of this? How is it possible to have full faith in and respect for these instruments?

The only incentive to obey stupid laws, which curtail our freedoms and protect no one but the interests of big business and the votes of the hypocritic (im)moral majority, is to avoid prison or social stigma. The idea that cannabis is outlawed in order to protect our health is bullshit! As is the idea that it may lead to harder drugs, which is also flawed and hypocritical.The free availability of alcohol and tobacco (which kill far more easily and insidiously than illegal drugs) are the main gateway to any form of drug abuse and are totally legal and accepted, which is as it should be in a free world. The point is to have a choice, you choose your poison and I'll choose mine, we're all gonna die anyway and our lives are ours and ours alone. Nobody should have the right to deny an individuals freedom of absolute choice if it's not harming another!

Did you know that the EU has banned cucumbers that do not conform to a set standard of length and shape? This is exactly what governments do to our own freedoms.
you say there are mental side effect, then list them.
you listed
1) a legal side effect
2) a personal choice
3) and a personality trait

Canibis has never undermined anyones understanding of right and wrong. Just because something is illegal, does NOT make it wrong. Right and wrong are things determined by an individuals morals, not what the law says.
As far as being more lenient towards other drugs, why shouldn't I be? Every adult that I've ever known growing up gave me false information regarding Pot, so I'm a little hesitant to believe everythign else that I've heard about other drugs. If I should decide to look into other drugs I'll do exactly what I did with pot, study the hell out of it.
And when it comes to reporting other crimes, again it is an issue of morals. If I see a "crime" take place, and I agree with the law on the matter, I'll report it. If I don't think it is actually a crime, I didn't see anything. Granted not too many things in my mind run too contrary to the law. But I don't think it is in any way a mental side effect of using pot.
At risk of losing credibilty to some. I have been smoking for the last 4 years of my life. There was one think I learned, that so many people seem not to realize.
The first year of smoking was a incredible experiance, I learned much about the drug, and all of it's affects. Best of all, not only did it bring me closer to my friends, but gave me stories to tell people. One time I came to school my junior year stoned, and talked to my friend. He asked me why my eyes were red, and I responded by telling him how stoned I was. I then told him how cool it was, how much fun I was having, and just the whole "craziness" involved. He didn't get angry at me, but he did say it was stupid, and bad for me, and that he would never do a drug that did that to him.
However, the next day he came in with a big Starbucks container, almost empty. He sat down next to me and started commenting on how crazy he was feeling because of all the coffee he drank. He sounded just like me the day before. Except his drug of choice was Caffiene (sp?).... Cannibis, Caffiene... both sound like drug words to me... both make people high... both are just as addictive in the simplest form, a simple want. Which is more socially acceptable? Ah well...
So I read everything you wrote down, and come to the conclusion everybody is right.
Yes, it can be slightly addictive if you use it every day, on regular basis.
That is with most of it, coffee and tea also.
Look at people who doesn't have had their mornig coffee.
Man, are they 'unhappy'.
I don't know another word sorry, you know what I mean.
You are all right, every one of you.

But then, it is not so bad if you use it well, but it is easier to tell then to do.
For some people.
I have nothing to add, so I stop and go....
Talk to you later.
Hi all, on reading all your post I have come to the conclusion that you all could be right but... Canabis was not ment to be studied in such ways guys, it takes the "FUN" factor out of shmoking, Weather you smoke resin, green or oil you out for one purpose, to get stoned. There is no science involved in that. :m: