Catastrophism and explaining the Bible

No, actually, according to the facts...

"Dahmer was born into a family of devout members of the Stone-Campbell denomination known as the "church of Christ" or "Churches of Christ." He was an active churchgoer until the age of 5. After that, Dahmer was never again actively religious or a regular churchgoer until after his arrest and imprisonment. After being imprisoned for his crimes, Dahmer sought out the church of his childhood and petitioned to be re-baptized in the Church of Christ. This caused some controversy, but he persisted until he was able receive this rite, which he was apparently sincere in requesting. Shortly after being re-baptized into the Church of Christ, Dahmer was murdered by his cellmate."

So it appears he used his card eh?
No, actually, according to the facts...

"Dahmer was born into a family of devout members of the Stone-Campbell denomination known as the "church of Christ" or "Churches of Christ." He was an active churchgoer until the age of 5. After that, Dahmer was never again actively religious or a regular churchgoer until after his arrest and imprisonment. After being imprisoned for his crimes, Dahmer sought out the church of his childhood and petitioned to be re-baptized in the Church of Christ. This caused some controversy, but he persisted until he was able receive this rite, which he was apparently sincere in requesting. Shortly after being re-baptized into the Church of Christ, Dahmer was murdered by his cellmate."

So it appears he used his card eh?

So, does it upset you that God is merciful?
"On what basis do you maintain that it is "TOTAL bollocks"?

Oh, just rational logic and lack of superstition I suppose... I must be wanting in some manner?
"So, does it upset you that God is merciful?"

Yes. Ask the families of the victims about mercy? God appears to have had no mercy for them? Or am I missing something here?
"On what basis do you maintain that it is "TOTAL bollocks"?

Oh, just rational logic and lack of superstition I suppose... I must be wanting in some manner?

In that case one can just as easily and validly claim that it is not "TOTAL BOLLOCKS" due to one's "rational logic and lack of superstition."

Now, gird up thy loins, old sport, and think this thing through.

Take care, and by all means, be of good cheer.
"So, does it upset you that God is merciful?"

Yes. Ask the families of the victims about mercy? God appears to have had no mercy for them? Or am I missing something here?

What do you think? Yes, you're missing something. Isn't that suspect it yourself...
Touche Nutter, me old mate.
But for you a question: Should we burn witches?

(I appreciate your sentiment mate :) )
"What do you think? Yes, you're missing something. Isn't that suspect it yourself..."

Nope, I think its all a bollocky croc of shit. According to your religion, a dude who slays and scoffs umpteen peeps, gets a splash of water on his forehead and all is forgiven?

Where is the obvious?

Nope, I think its all a bollocky croc of shit.

According to your religion, a dude who slays and scoffs umpteen peeps, gets a splash of water on his forehead and all is forgiven?


Where is the obvious?

Hmmm...If it was a snake it would bite you.
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Forget Dhamer, He's still a sinner, even in hell.. but what about Mother Theresa or Ghandi, or even Pope John Paul II. where are they now? In hell that's where... You contrary to the book, you'll be judged by the book.. you live in line with the book, you'll still be judged by the book... there's absolutely no way around it, the Bible is truly a DEADLY BOOK... not in the passive sense. You live by it, it'll hold you to a standard, you live against it and it'll lock its jaws in and that Lion of Judah will have your lunch before you can say " Mary had a little lamb"
"Hmmm...If it was a snake it would bite you."

I eat snakes for dinner. Tell me, if Dahmer was splashed, does he get to go to heaven?
Heh he Photizo,

I just found one of them confounded snakes in me dacks!

So then, is old Lot in heaven mate?
Dhamer went to hell, just like Hussien, just like Mother Theresa, Judas Iscariot, Pope John Paul II JFK, Martin luther King Jr. Ronald Regan, Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Groucho Marx, Buddah, Confucious, and Mohammad. Like I said in a previous post. you mess with the BOOK. God will mess with you. What about 9/11, or the typhoon that hit Asia a few years back on Christmas, the biggest fairy capitol in the WORLD, or maybe the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.... They denied the book. and for that they were denied a continuation of life and most denied life eternal. The book it out to get you!! One would be wise to befriend the Book and its Author. But, hey, I'm getting on anyone's case here. If you want to slit your own throat, that's your business not mine.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
~~Hebrews 4:12
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
~~Hebrews 4:12"

Sounds like a mean mother to me. Nosey as well. Does this dude, like, have a day job?
... Tell me, if Dahmer was splashed, does he get to go to heaven?

Good question.

The answer is "no." "Sprinkling" is not water baptism, and, furthermore, even if it was, water baptism does not "save" anyone.

God bless you.