Chosen People = Racist Supremacist Ideology

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on countless occassions, i have spoken against the bigotous attitude toward arabs and muslims on this forum.

i represent (im pretty sure this is accurate) 1/3rd of the jewish presence on this i would say that you are probably wrong in saying that i only feel it when it burns me personally.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I'm no lesbian, but you can say that again! These anti muslim guys need to watch some arab tv!
My apologies , earth girls like yourself are just as good :)
Hapsburg said:
Only one I can think of at the moment is Jasmine from Aladdin...
Enlighten me here , is that the cartoon ?
GeoffP said:
If he argues Judaism is racist, then Jews must by definition be a race. This means that his argument is

inherently racist.

Talk about blind...none so blind as those who will not see, eh?

Now here is where a clear example of Geoffs delibearte ignorance is shown.
I clearly stated that the reason for this thread was , and I have clearly stated this 3 times on this thread to no avail .
Brian Foley said:
The object of this thread is that if Jews are a race then these quotes must be racist supremacism .
Geoff has consistently claimed Jews were a race as on this thread .
GeoffP said:
Cartoons - bad for your health?
the existence of Jews, which are a race.[/B]
And again on this thread of genetics he concluded that there were again a race .
GeoffP said:
Jewish race myth trash, and Khazarian converts
However, breeding within a homogenous subpopulation for a good, what? 5000 years? says to me strongly that they are indeed a "race"

In fact the only time Geoff has actually ever said Jews were not a race was on this very thread he contradicted himself to explain away these verses , and not engage in any debate .
GeoffP said:
Again, Jews are not a race, Foley. One would have thought you'd learned that, at least.

The fact is Geoff has made a COMPLETE IDIOT out of himself on this thread , whence his predictable evasive posting .
Theoryofrelativity said:
The Muslims that drink alcohol will NOT burn in Hell

It takes much more for a believer to be sentenced to Hell. Drinking Alcohol can be forgiven by Allah (swt). It is all based on His Mercy, if He wills to, then it will be so.

Zephyr said:
I didn't say 'all' Arab countries, but quite a few did ethnic cleanse I'm afraid. If Jews are still in Iran it doesn't mean that Morroco, Egypt and many others didn't perform ethnic cleansing.

And this was common people's hatred and response to ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Two wrongs do not make a right, however its wrong to blame the governments for this or even the vast majority who didn't engage in this.

Where did you get your statistics for supposed ethnic cleansing of Jews in Arab nations? I know that Jews were recieved with hostility, especially those Jews who supported israel, however expulsion and ethnic cleansing are completely different.

I want a Jewish person to answer this:

I had an orthodox Jewish friend who was a student of a rabbi in Moldovia.

He told me that Jews are a chosen race and this means they have a special covenant to God and that they have higher standards to get into paradise. They are also responsible fot taking care of the people of the world.

He said that among the lost tribes are people who will be accepted as Jews, even though they aren't fully Jews.

He also told me that those who are gentiles can also achieve correct belief in God if they believe in some Noahide laws, but they aren't required to do the things Jews have to do.

I don't know if the majority of Jews believe this. There are many different movements among Jews similar to the sects among Christianity.

I respect Jewish people, especially those who oppose Israel and the Zionist movement. Zionist is pure evil.

diamondhearts: your friend was accurate on all accounts.

also, there are jews that believe all sorts of crazy shit, just like other religions. but yes, what you just posted is fairly widely believed.
GeoffP said:
How can you tell under the burkhas and the bruises?


Only a few countries adopt this gear as rule, showing your ignorance again Geoff.

It does not have to be a race for you to be racist, most racist comments are directed at religious groups, look at your racist comments about muslims, they aren't a race are they?

The wod Racist now has broader meaning than it may have originally intended. We do that with a lot of words Geoff!

Racism: from web (encylopedia)
"Since the last quarter of the twentieth century, there have been few in developed nations who describe themselves as racist, which has become a pejorative term, so that identification of a group or person as racist is nearly always controversial. Racism is regarded by all but racists as an unacceptable affront to basic human dignity and a violation of human rights. A number of international treaties have sought to end racism. The United Nations uses a definition of racist discrimination laid out in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and adopted in 1966:

...any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life"

Meanhwile back to the women, having been married to an Arab I can tell you Arab women don't wear marks and sparks twin sets, they wear the most beautiful exotic sexy undies you can get, and you pretty much can't get them this erotic in the UK! So think again my friend, under all that black (those that wear it) is top fashion, GOLD galore, a ton of makeup, many women who don't work spend all day in beauty parlours. This applies to lebanon, Dubai, Kuwait and Jordan that I know of.

Obviously NOT every woman is like this, but you take a peek on Arab tv channel and you see what the women look like! And they dance erotic too!

Re the bruises, well look at domestic violence figures in Uk and Amnerica and you'll find this an agressive man thing not muslim thing.

Back to Arab culture, women rule at home, only in poublic is the respect afforded the men!

I am saying this from personal knowledge Geoff, how much REAL knowledge do you have, just TV? Just propoganda? Just crap you read in books? Comic books Geoff?
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I think a lot of religions have stuff that is designed specifically to make their tribe more powerful and popular, and at the end of the day, this is the only motivation behind the 'chosen people' texts, and anyone that seriously believes that they above every other religious/non religious person in the world is chosen by God and a tad more special then they have been subject to some serious brain washing and in adult life have been unable to use rational thinking to realise that this could never be fact.

I happen to believe that NO BODY with any REAL belief in a God would dare to murder, torture, discriminate against anyone regardless of race/creed/religion. The fact that a 'few' from each religious group do, demonstrates to me that in their hearts they have no God.

This is why despite believing in God I reject all religion (although respect them) because they are pretty much all rife with hypocrisy.

Most religions beleive God is omnipotent which means he has the power of life and death, he gave us life, who are we to presume to take that which he created?
To do so is surely the greatest SIN of all?

Which means every religious member that kills in the name of 'whoever' is going to theoretical (as it doesn't exist in my mind) Hell.

You ask the citizens of Iraq where Hell is right now, and they'll tell you , 'right here'.
The Devil Inside said:

on countless occassions, i have spoken against the bigotous attitude toward arabs and muslims on this forum.

i represent (im pretty sure this is accurate) 1/3rd of the jewish presence on this i would say that you are probably wrong in saying that i only feel it when it burns me personally.

I wasn't speaking of you personally, I was speaking of those that are having questions directed at them and they have the opportunity to either confess they are not that knowledgable or answer the questions.

True faith in God should be about 'love and respect' for each other as we are all children of God, and as you respect this philosophy then so I resepct you. And of course you can be complete atheist to live by the same code. Religion may help install 'conscience' in some who may otherwise be lacking, but those that use it to increase their own power and personal standing, well God just isn't part of that picture at all.

How 'rich' are the church of England I wonder?

Muslims give (are supposed to) 10% of all earnings to charitable causes, now thats a good 'rule'!
The Devil Inside said:
zionism should NOT be supported, android.
it is zionists that give the rest of us a bad name.

please ban brian foley.

You do know that the term "zionism" is simply an aspiration for a jewish homeland, right?
no, zionism is alot more than that. i hope that someday the jews can have a homeland, where they arent attacking their neighbors and shedding blood.

so, because i wish they had a real homeland, that makes me zionist? right now, israel is "occupied territory" in my eyes.

lets see how zionist i am, after reading my posts.
The Devil Inside said:
no, zionism is alot more than that. i hope that someday the jews can have a homeland, where they arent attacking their neighbors and shedding blood.

so, because i wish they had a real homeland, that makes me zionist? right now, israel is "occupied territory" in my eyes.

lets see how zionist i am, after reading my posts.

If you support the idea of a homeland for jews, then you are a zionist. The fact that people like Foley highjacked the name and stamped it on the most extreme fanatics of the movement does not mean you have to fall into the net. Zionism is not a one-stream movement. You have religiouse zionists, atheist zionists, liberal zionists, pacifist zionists.

I demonstrated against sharon countless times, yet I support my country, and im a Zionist. People just turned it into a curse-word in the last dacade, and people like you just followed them like sheep.

Heres a question to you . Do you support the right of Israel to exist in pre-1967 borders?
The Devil Inside said:
words' meanings change.

"zionist" is not a nice word, now.

i am not a zionist.

Words meanings do not change. They can be highjacked.
Since people could not ridecule Judaism after WWII, it was much easyer to demonize the zionist movement.
DiamondHearts said:
Zionist is pure evil.

Zion, was originally a stronghold captured by the 2nd king of the Iraelites, David, and has since morphed into describing the entire city of Jerusalem.

And, it also describes the republic formerly part of Palestine.

Or, it can simply mean an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal.

So, based on that, Diamondhearts, how is a zionist pure evil?

Or, is that more Islamic propaganda?
Brian Foley said:
I clearly stated that the reason for this thread was , and I have clearly stated this 3 times on this thread to no avail .

Actually, your own ignorance was illustrated when you couldn't see the underpinnings of your own argument. You're really not showing much thought here, Foley.

Geoff has consistently claimed Jews were a race as on this thread .

In my business, this is known as a "lie". I initially assumed they were; I am now uncertain. It's you that's calling the OT racist, ergo you assume Jews are a race, and thus it follows that your attacks are indeed racist.

I wish you could engage in some kind of debate, or even discuss your own bias, instead of concentrating on looking stupid all the time.

DiamondHearts said:
And this was common people's hatred and response to ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Two wrongs do not make a right, however its wrong to blame the governments for this or even the vast majority who didn't engage in this.

Foley, are you listening? Diamond just called you a liar.

Where did you get your statistics for supposed ethnic cleansing of Jews in Arab nations? I know that Jews were recieved with hostility

They weren't received by anything, you mental midget - they didn't move there. Instead, peace loving citizens were treated in their own nation as less than human by people who couldn't understand that sharia was wrong or that their neighbours were innocent of any crime, even of believing in Israel. Why is it wrong for them to love Israel?

I want a Jewish person to answer this:

First off, I don't believe you ever had a Jewish friend. Next you'll be telling us you had an apostate friend.

He told me that Jews are a chosen race and this means they have a special covenant to God and that they have higher standards to get into paradise. They are also responsible fot taking care of the people of the world.

And this opinion differs from your own opinion of

He also told me that those who are gentiles can also achieve correct belief in God if they believe in some Noahide laws, but they aren't required to do the things Jews have to do.

Ergo, heaven ain't restricted to Jews in the Judaic perception. Thanks for playing.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Only a few countries adopt this gear as rule, showing your ignorance again Geoff.

Oh no, the fundamentalist insulted me. I doth feel myself oppressed. Wanna penny for the moon god?

The fact of the matter is that the most observant countries adopt this rule - Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia - and others are sliding rapidly this way - Iraq, Egypt, Palestine.

It does not have to be a race for you to be racist, most racist comments are directed at religious groups, look at your racist comments about muslims, they aren't a race are they?]

NO, they are not a race. Are you dense? What race are they, then? What race are Christians? Good god. LOL

Moreover, I found some evidence for my perspective:

Racism: from web (encylopedia)
"The United Nations uses a definition of racist discrimination laid out in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and adopted in 1966:

...any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin "

Not "religion". Thanks.

Obviously NOT every woman is like this, but you take a peek on Arab tv channel and you see what the women look like! And they dance erotic too! about not having a sense of humour. I've gone out with muslim women too, and no, they didn't wear burkhas. The burkha is only forced on those women belonging to more observant muslim families. But this is what islam wants for everyone, and even you don't seem to have a problem with that.

Re the bruises, well look at domestic violence figures in Uk and Amnerica and you'll find this an agressive man thing not muslim thing.

Awful hard to say when muslim countries refuse to collect such data, eh? Makes you wonder.

I am saying this from personal knowledge Geoff, how much REAL knowledge do you have, just TV? Just propoganda? Just crap you read in books? Comic books Geoff?

I have Ayaan Hirsi Ali, I have books, and I'm no fool, son. Peddle the BS elsewhere.

Brian Foley said:
Enlighten me here , is that the cartoon ?
Eh, a woman's a woman, even if it is animated. There's actually a plus with Hentai: breast size is not confined by the laws of physics. :m:
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