Christians believe in inbreeding

Originally posted by atheroy

yes, mitocondrial DNA (it is genetically exactly the same for ALL women) has been traced back 200,000 years. this does not prove that we all stemmed from say adam and eve-

this is not accurate. during meiosis,(the cellular division which gives rise to gamete), all mitochondrion are removed from sprem, along with most other cellular structures. The female egg, however, retains the major cellular structures of the mother cell. Every human being (male and female) got all of their mitochondrion from their mother only. Men and women have the same level of similarity in mitochondrial DNA to their parents, it is uneffected by sex.

The Mitochondirial DNA is therefore not a hybrid of both parents, but an intact copy of the mother's mitochondrial DNA from one original cell. This DNA still mutates over time at a steady rate, and this allows us to trace and estimate evolutionary branches based on level of mtDNA diversion between individuals.

And interesting note, there was, according to this midochondrial DNA evidence, a massive population decline (down to about 10% of the original population) sometime around 40,000 years ago. All of those alive today are decendants of a very few individuals from 40,000 years ago

Rachel married her cousin, Cain married someone outside of the sight of God, though the bible never explains who, given we should only have 3 people in the world so far. Thus we have the Cainanites. An entire population we are supposed to hate because they decended from Cain, a guy who married and had kids with someone who didn't exsist, outside of the sight of an omnitient being. yes, logic.
Originally posted by atheroy

no. vastly different genes wouldn't make sense as eve was grown from adams rib, and it wouldn't make a difference to the end result even if adams and eves were vastly different.

keep in mind that Eve is created from Adams rib only in the second of the two creation stories in the book of Genisis.
Adam's rib

Originally posted by river-wind
keep in mind that Eve is created from Adams rib only in the second of the two creation stories in the book of Genisis.

This can't be taken literally! It may have been some sort of cloning. The sequence of the OT legends did NOT occur in the order they are in the Bible. Noah and the Flood was the first creation story. Adam and Eve came later. If Eve was named by God "the mother of all living," then why did God turn around blame Eve for the alleged 'Fall of Man?' The Old Testament was written by the old Patriarchs who destroyed the matriarchal society. Those golden cows had breasts. Thousands of years before the start of the Patriarchy, artifacts of robust pregnant women with serpent heads have been found in Turkey, France, Germany and other sites. This was the first society and it will be the last. It was Man who fell.
Re: Adam's rib

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
This can't be taken literally! It may have been some sort of cloning. The sequence of the OT legends did NOT occur in the order they are in the Bible. Noah and the Flood was the first creation story. Adam and Eve came later. If Eve was named by God "the mother of all living," then why did God turn around blame Eve for the alleged 'Fall of Man?' The Old Testament was written by the old Patriarchs who destroyed the matriarchal society. Those golden cows had breasts. Thousands of years before the start of the Patriarchy, artifacts of robust pregnant women with serpent heads have been found in Turkey, France, Germany and other sites. This was the first society and it will be the last. It was Man who fell.

There is very good evidence that nearly all ancient religions were female based. Over time, male religions supplanted the female ones. 'ironically', this also appears to balance with the social powershift from the life-giving women to the warring men. surprise surprise, religion is written by the powerful.
Re: Re: Adam's rib

Originally posted by river-wind
There is very good evidence that nearly all ancient religions were female based. Over time, male religions supplanted the female ones. 'ironically', this also appears to balance with the social powershift from the life-giving women to the warring men. surprise surprise, religion is written by the powerful.

So eloquently put! I have a feeling, call it instinct, that the ancient female societies were not actually religions but ethos or lifestyles. I even bet lifespans may have been eternal or very, very long until Man came on the scene. I want to add on to your last comment -- "religion is written by the powerful," and believed by the weak.
well it really doesn't matter to me any more. christianity is irrelevant to me and my beliefs and is an archaic form of social control that is suppressing the forwards movement of this world. if people want to believe in a book that contradicts and discredits itself many times over, fine by me, however sometimes it is not. the only way this world is going to move past its current suicidal attitude (partially to blame on christianity being the end of the world cult that it is) is to drop these stupid inhibitors that are retarding forwards movement in practically all facets of human life. many people believe they will see the end of the world in their life time, what does that say too you?

anyway, the fact remains that christians still believe in inbreeding and that is retarded. no matter what is said the fact is adam and eve are an integral part of christianity and therefore have to have had existed in the form the bible says they did. god would seem to like inbreeding seeing he set this situation up and biologically you can't move past the fact that no-one would exist if the stories of adam and eve and noah and his wife are true. people can't seem to see this, but what the hell, if you can't bring a good arguement to the table then have people consider it properly then there is no way you can get them to consider anything vaguely second guessing their belief.

(sorry but i'm in a shit mood)