Church of satan

Which would you choose if you had to between:

  • church of satan

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • christianity

    Votes: 9 47.4%

  • Total voters
As I understand it, the Church of Satan is all about me me me. We already have enough of that kind of thinking in the world.
Originally posted by James R
As I understand it, the Church of Satan is all about me me me. We already have enough of that kind of thinking in the world.

Yes and no,its about individualism,not quiet what your saying but people can be that way anyway.

My view is the slight selfishness of the religion outweighs the disadvantages of christianity,essentially thier satanism is the free man,not far off atheism but more ritualistic and not so "i dont believe in anything",but then its a choice between the two soooo...
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The Church of Satan hasn't (as far as I know) burned people at the stake, tortured people into converting, or had anything like the crusades. They don't even have any version of televangelists. Far saner group than many.

I figure a large section of hell looks like an even more impressive version of Las Vegas.

Greed is good.
The nine satanic sins





5.Herd Conformity

6.Lack of Perspective

7.Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies

8.Counterproductive Pride

9.Lack of Aesthetics

And nine satanic statements:

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!

2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!

4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!

5. Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!

6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires!

7. Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!

8. Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!

9. Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business all these years!
Even though they call it the church of satan that list of satanic sins and the satanic statements really seems like they redefined him significantly from the guy that christians talk about.

Not that the things in that list of sins and statements are all christian approved, but they also dont endorce rape and murder and theft and all those things that the christian satan is supposed to represent.

The church of satan looks a lot like some run of the mill free thinkers and hedonists who wanted a really offencive mascott for thier new religion to make sure thier parents knew good and well that they were entering a rebellious phase. If they really worshiped the satan that christians warn about on sunday wouldnt they do things like create secret support networks for serial killers, and decorate lively downtown areas with animal entrails and all manner of horrid unjustifyable evilness?
I found what someone said on the site interesting,and i quote:

Others ask how best to win Christians over to our side. I normally respond to such a question with one of my own: “Who wants them?” Let’s pretend for a moment that you were actually able to convince this Christian halfwit that Satanism is the way to go—what then? I’ll tell you what. Before long the misguided fool will be looking, for a cat, goat, or baby to sacrifice to Satan—his “personal savior” who has now replaced Jesus. Why? Because he won’t accept our definition of Satanism; he’ll look to what his former Christian brethren define as Satanism. These people can’t understand Satanism, are plainly unsuited to a Satanic philosophy of life, and introducing them to one isn’t going to make things better for anybody. There are few things worse than a Christian who decides to devote himself to “sin and wickedness.” They will become pointlessly destructive and will wind up making a horrible mess of everything with which they come in contact. You think that they are a nuisance as Christians? Try and “convert” them all to “Satanism,” then you’ll find out what assholes they can be when they really try. As Christians, they are usually feeble and ineffectual enough. It’s best to let sleeping lambs lie, but persistently annoying lambs can make good “lamb chops.”

"Some of my inquirers want to know how they can convince Christians that we are really nice people. Answer: You can’t. If you are a Satanist, then by Christian standards, you are not a nice person. The mere fact that you choose to identify with what they perceive as the source of “Ultimate Evil” tells them that you are not nice. Learn to live with it. Again, why do you care about what they think of you? Are they people you know well? If so, they ought to be able to decide from direct experience whether you are a nice guy. If they would think that you are nice enough, except for that awful name you stick on yourself, then they are obviously not worth your time. Let’s face facts here. You are not going to be popular with Christians if you call yourself a Satanist. Why would anyone think otherwise?"
Most from the Church of Satan basically think it about freewill, holding your life in their own hands, individualism, and belief in the power of man. I'm not even sure if they believe in the EXISTENCE of sin.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Even though they call it the church of satan that list of satanic sins and the satanic statements really seems like they redefined him significantly from the guy that christians talk about.

Not that the things in that list of sins and statements are all christian approved, but they also dont endorce rape and murder and theft and all those things that the christian satan is supposed to represent.

The church of satan looks a lot like some run of the mill free thinkers and hedonists who wanted a really offencive mascott for thier new religion to make sure thier parents knew good and well that they were entering a rebellious phase. If they really worshiped the satan that christians warn about on sunday wouldnt they do things like create secret support networks for serial killers, and decorate lively downtown areas with animal entrails and all manner of horrid unjustifyable evilness?

EXACTLY youre close to the point,truth is its not a religion,its a philosophy of life to which you may agree with and follow,its not evil,its way too acedemic and intelligent for that,its not satanism by christian standards,its not a REVERSAL of christian standards,in fact it could be argued its what christianity should be.
Its not really satan they worship, they just Coopted the symbol of satan, because they knew it would offend people and thats part of what they like about being satanists, gave it a big make over and get to have a nice counter culture religion of thier very own.

I dont agree at all with the idea that this is what christianity should be. By far the majority of christians i know are completely relateable regular bible thumping, everything liberal protesting segment of nice kinds of people. They get a bad rap from the ultra right wing evangelical segment of thier religion. But i cant say ive evere met a satanist who wasnt a pretentious self righious snotty idiot (I notice the wiccans ive known are the same way, although the wiccans ive known were also stupid raver kids into extacy). Although in their favor there are probably fewer satanists than ultra right christians.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Its not really satan they worship, they just Coopted the symbol of satan, because they knew it would offend people and thats part of what they like about being satanists, gave it a big make over and get to have a nice counter culture religion of thier very own.

I dont agree at all with the idea that this is what christianity should be. By far the majority of christians i know are completely relateable regular bible thumping, everything liberal protesting segment of nice kinds of people. They get a bad rap from the ultra right wing evangelical segment of thier religion. But i cant say ive evere met a satanist who wasnt a pretentious self righious snotty idiot (I notice the wiccans ive known are the same way, although the wiccans ive known were also stupid raver kids into extacy). Although in their favor there are probably fewer satanists than ultra right christians.

Its like anton lavey said,"religions are easy to invent",
if you want to follow the religion of a cat,thats catism,catism would include these statements:

(1) Don’t run, if you can walk.

(2) Don’t walk, if you can stand.

(3) Don’t stand, if you can sit.

(4) Don’t sit, if you can lie down, and

(5) Don’t stay awake, if you can take a nap.

Principle religion of a cat,you could take that as a religion quiet easily,providing you stuck to the rules.

Its not a religion unless you follow a system religously,if its what you do.

So if you dont follow the church of satan religously,then youre not of it,even if you claim thats what you follow,and agree with.

In many respects thats what christianity is,the problem is you got assholes who claim to follow it but dont,or they misquote it,plus their religion is all inside that book and they seem to take it how they please,sometimes including the 10 commandments,i mean which part of THOU SHALT NOT KILL did they not understand?

They constantly attach meaning to things when there could be an alternate meaning.

Christianity should be clear in what it says and be followed accordingly,with the strict rules set and not broken,if they are broken you are NOT following it as a religion,you have your own,thats the problem.
I dont think the bible can be missinterpreted. Im pretty sure its structure has all those ambiguitys and contradictions in it so that once you have a mob of followers you can justify having them do just about whatever you want to and say its what the creator intended.

Why the heck would the old testimate have all those stoneable offences in it, and those were THE word of god, then comes along the new testamate and suddenly you shouldnt stone people, and thats also the word of god. Did he change his mind or something? No, its just set up so that you can percecute folks when you want to or get leniency for people when you want it, its all about letting the leader get what he wants without having to be responcible because its what the book says he should do.
Originally posted by doom
"i dont believe in anything",but then its a choice between the two soooo...

Why does it have to be a choice between either of them?
Varg Vikernes calls the Church of Satan "tasteless, plastic Satanism".
I very much agree. LaVey was an occult Ayn Rand, maybe a bit more individualistic but that's it.
I don't have a very high opinion of the CoS. Packaged Satanism for the masses with a bit of sense thrown in here and there.

Still, pretty much anything is better than an Abrahamic religion.
Ive heard ones about this conspiracy theory that LaVey is supposed to be Levy and that satanism was supposed to rid the world of Christianity .

LaVey has written some nice things , some bull as well . Only compare between Raid & Lavey is that they're both ethical egoists , thats it .

As for the choice , sure would choose Christianity . Rather go to the church to worship Cesare Borgio than go to the church to be an ethical egoist .
Church of Satan?

Originally posted by Clockwood
Most from the Church of Satan basically think it about freewill, holding your life in their own hands, individualism, and belief in the power of man. I'm not even sure if they believe in the EXISTENCE of sin.

The Church of Satan is a misnomer. Satan is a name created to denote everything that is opposed to Judeo-Xian dogma. This connotation refers to the basic instinct and nature of the human race. However, instead of calling it the Church of Satan, I am more inclined to call it the Church of One. The Spirit of God created the human race just like God created Satan. Satan is everything organized religions decry. If we look at this concept with new eyes, we can see that the Church of Satan is nothing more than the human race using its God-given free-will! What's so wrong with using a God-given gift?

The human race is God's greatest creation. We were created for the sole purpose of being a vessel for the Spirit of God on Earth. We have free-will in how we go about manifesting this mission. There is only one God, only one Spirit, and only one human race. This is the Church of One. Contrarily, it has nothing to do with Satan.
Originally posted by James R
As I understand it, the Church of Satan is all about me me me. We already have enough of that kind of thinking in the world.

So? Xtians are all about us us us. "Us" meaning xans.

So whats wrong about "me me me"?

Doesnt it occur to anyone that you have to satisfy yourself before you can truly be there for others?

Ergo - egoism before altruism.

I voted church of satan, BTW. I'm sick of the cristianity that pervades the western world. :mad: