
It seems most likely that a significant percentage of your "pros" do ignore (or are unaware of) the outliers, and are rather narrowly educated. ergo, the level of understanding is rather dependent upon which pro you have in mind.
Some have a relatively good understanding of the evolution of paleoclimates, some do not.
Some have a good understanding of computer science and little else.
Yep. Fortunately, together, they have a very wide field of understanding. Which is why climate predictions, based on those models, have been running fairly close to reality.
Sure, let's just focus on one particular place, in a dynamic ice sheet. And yes, an ice sheet is dynamic, regardless of what might happen on the surface with some (mythical?) planes.

Just more dishonesty and bad character.
Sure, let's just focus on one particular place, in a dynamic ice sheet. And yes, an ice sheet is dynamic, regardless of what might happen on the surface with some (mythical?) planes.

Just more dishonesty and bad character.

Now you're just being silly.
mythical planes with mythical pilots from a mythical war
but, then again
you do know the name of the plane
it is you that are mythical?
and ai?
just lazy?
No model predicts reality perfectly. Not Newtonian mechanics, not Boyle's Law, not the laws of thermodynamics. Still, we use them, because they come pretty close.

that being said,
do you agree that (as stated in #2475 above)
CMIP5 and CMIP3 show a consistent bias toward higher temperatures not supported by observations?
"No cigar"
You're still not convinced? Read the literature then watch the weather channel. I might speculate that flood insurance is going to be a thing of the past. There's no question that we're seriously in an extreme weather cycle that's going to get much worse. All over the world. Your no cigar is irrelevant nonsense.
It seems most likely that a significant percentage of your "pros" do ignore (or are unaware of) the outliers, and are rather narrowly educated.
based upon what evidence? your opinion? or can you show a blatant disregard for outliers in large numbers of studies?
while you are at it, also demonstrate or provide evidence that demonstrates the "narrow education" of the climate scientists...
but please note: you are talking about the entire planet here - not just one country (or even a couple countries, for that matter)
Remain skeptical my boy, it will serve you well.
there is a difference between remaining skeptical and falling for anything that a good con man provides to you
case in point: the electric universe folk
just because they're being led by someone who claims an education doesn't mean the argument is valid any more than owning a set of cast iron frying and bake-ware makes you a blacksmith
then again:
I could be wrong
(though that ain't likely)
so - you think you are correct, but you can't provide evidence to demonstrate this?
you will just make a claim? and then state:
"No cigar"
[WRT models? what?]

given that you've actually provided no evidence (this means, by definition, you are making a false claim: )
given that you aren't demonstrating your argument with any peer reviewed journal studies
given that you are simply stating a personal opinion
your posts can be dismissed as conspiracist ideation * ( )
*based upon your delusional belief that "a significant percentage of your "pros" do ignore (or are unaware of) the outliers, and are rather narrowly educated"

This statement, by definition as written, infers that there is a worldwide conspiracy to ... to do what exactly?

defraud you?
or is it create a socialist single government?
take away your freedoms?
spank all the naughty deniers?

or is there something more sinister you can demonstrate?
sculptor said:
It seems most likely that a significant percentage of your "pros" do ignore (or are unaware of) the outliers, and are rather narrowly educated.
Of whom, exactly, do you speak?

Do you think the people who have been studying the Greenland ice cap for fifty years, estimating its melt rate and so forth, arguing and comparing and combining research and writing each other and so forth, are unaware of various significant sources of evidence involving snow and ice accumulation rates over areas of that cap, that you have discovered on wingnut websites?

Do you think they are ignorant of the snow and ice accumulation on those planes, for example?

Are you presuming that the information from the actual research behind such misrepresentations as this: , is not being seen or included in the evaluations of Greenland ice cover under AGW?

btw, from the article there (a Christian Fundie screed), in reference to some issues above:
Good examples of this phenomenon can be found in areas of very high precipitation, such as the more coastal regions of Greenland.It was in this area, 17 miles off the east coast of Greenland, that Bob Cardin and other members of his squadron had to ditch their six P-38’s and two B-17’s when they ran out of gas in 1942 - the height of WWII. Many years later, in 1981, several members of this original squad decided to see if they could recover their aircraft.They flew back to the spot in Greenland where they thought they would find their planes buried
under a few feet of snow.To their surprise, there was nothing there.Not even metal detectors found anything.After many years of searching, with better detection equipment, they finally found the airplanes in 1988 three miles from their original location and under approximately 260 feet of ice!
Now compare that popular Christian fundie account, including the descriptions of how researchers in the field do things, with the accounts in your links. Notice where your links are dealing in deception and misleading their readers in their own ways. And then quit relying on people who have been lying to you consistently for years, for information.
sculptor said:
There ain't no cookie cutter understanding of/for the knowledge and abilities of the myriad individual "pros".
That's one reason they talk to each other. The IPCC reports are committee projects. Most of the published research is done by teams, analyzed by even more people, reviewed for publication by yet more people.
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For an example:
Lets consider the credentials of Ethan Coffel whose dire predictions were linked above.(who extrapolated from cmip 3 and cmip5, which are known to be inaccurate)
What, exactly, do you know of him?
Do you think him a well rounded and well educated climate scientist?
Which brings us back to extrapolations from cmip 3 and cmip 5.
Can you .....(deleted).... and look at the pros you would follow?
Or seriously look at the variance between the models cited and reality?
For an example:
Lets consider the credentials of Ethan Coffel
So... without me even looking up that name... you're gonna cherry-pick one scientist out of 30,000 plus worldwide and claim it is representative of the whole?


you are seeking anything that you think will justify your bias... so you cherry-pick some data you think is relevant
(this is directly tied to your conspiracist ideation * - )

please point out specifics that are wrong with the person and the data
and don't link pseudoscience or biased sites
original source studies only

Once you start pointing to specifics then there can be logical or methodical discussion with evidence...
but only then...

otherwise you are simply making noise and hand-waving your way into a fanatical froth while people are looking at you and wondering who gave you a day-pass
sculptor said:
It seems most likely that a significant percentage of your "pros" do ignore (or are unaware of) the outliers, and are rather narrowly educated.
stumpy said
Of whom, exactly, do you speak?
sculptor said:
For an example:
Lets consider the credentials of Ethan Coffel
stand up on top of that stump so you can see farther
previously, sculptor said:
Some have a good understanding of computer science and little else.
If you would defer to the "pros", know to whom you are deferring.
CMIP5 and CMIP3 show a consistent bias toward higher temperatures not supported by observations?
Well, no; they are often pretty close (the CMIP3 predictions have a lot of variability.) So it's not a consistent bias. But on average there is a bias towards higher temperatures. However, it still fits the trend quite well.
sculptor said:
It seems most likely that a significant percentage of your "pros" do ignore (or are unaware of) the outliers, and are rather narrowly educated.
stumpy said
Of whom, exactly, do you speak?
Ah... not quite
lets see ... if you will (please) bear with me, Ice is the one who stated that
Of whom, exactly, do you speak?
so... when you said
stand up on top of that stump so you can see farther
i guess you were talking about...???

try re-reading the above again.... thanks!


still not sure where you are going with this...
the comments, by definition, are conspiratorial and suggest intentional wrongdoing (and fraud)... except that there was none found with several panels investigating...

so... the point is ambiguous at best - as well as not supported by evidence
sculptor said:
Lets consider the credentials of Ethan Coffel whose dire predictions were linked above.(who extrapolated from cmip 3 and cmip5, which are known to be inaccurate)
What, exactly, do you know of him?
Do you think him a well rounded and well educated climate scientist?
Nothing and no opinion. Who linked to him?

Do you have any reason to think he has been studying Greenland's ice cap for many years, playing a role in the official and published estimates of its behavior and fate, playing a role as an authority at IPCC on Greenland ice cap behavior, or the like, without ever becoming aware of the accumulation rates in the inland regions or such common knowledge as the burial of those P38s?

Do you have reason to think his use of the cmip modeling was careless and uninformed regarding its deficiencies and other issues?
oops:(ok, so the cherry picked dude was for ice---------still valid?)
that being said:

To my mind; bias does not equal fraud
I prefer to not see scientists as having criminal intent. (seriously, how would I know)

Correct me if I am wrong:
It is my understanding that:
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(s) (cmip) is a peculiar beasty trying to incorporate many different models, some of which are reasonably accurate, & some of which are grossly biased(and just about as worthless as tits on a boar).

If that's accurate:
What I do not understand is why keep the grossly biased models in the mix?
sculptor said:
Do you have reason to think his use of the cmip modeling was careless and uninformed regarding its deficiencies and other issues?
So you have no reason to think your choice of example (of what?) was functioning as any kind of authority or expert or source of official error, and you are going to keep your reasons for believing him careless and and uninformed in his use of cmip models to yourself.
sculptor said:
The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(s) (cmip) is a peculiar beasty trying to incorporate many different models, some of which are reasonably accurate, & some of which are grossly biased(and just about as worthless as tits on a boar).

If that's accurate:
Why would you think that was accurate? If your information is limited to guesswork regarding some third year grad students's internet tossoffs, the first reaction to finding yourself baffled by something like that would reasonably be to seek better understanding of where you had gone wrong.

Were I you, I would start by discarding everything "learned" from your source for the plane information, because it seems to have misled you in certain calculated ways - recall:
sculptor said:
as/re: ... "shifting ice sheet" ...
the planes were found where they were abandoned over 50 years ago
no shift
The planes were found some three miles from where they had been abandoned. Just one of those little details that can add up to the wrong impression entirely.

The ice is flowing, eventually into the sea - the key being exactly how fast.
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