CNN Refugees

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Mod Hat — Making the point clearly

I know a mod locked it but I am wondering if it’s Chuckles posts that caused the mod to take this action. If so, I hope he is banned soon or he could have that impact on any thread we create.
We’re still a bit shell-shocked, but we really are good people. We’re here to avoid the battlefield. We should have the kinks worked out quite soon.

When a bunch of people walk in the door, start making a bunch of rude noise, and then start complaining about each other, as as happened, I don't believe the people in the group who say, "We’re here to avoid the battlefield. We should have the kinks worked out quite soon."

So, no, that's not your line. Your line is, "We will behave ourselves while we're here."

If you need a Twitter group, go make one. But nonsense threads will be closed and filed away where they won't bother anyone.
Mod Hat — On definitions

I am obliged to disagree insofar as in order to make the phrase "rational, generally respectful discussions", we need to revisit definitions of the words "rational" and "respectful".

You might have witnessed some particularly combative discussions in recent months in the Politics thread. The only real comment we have from the Administration on that is that the worst of it is not problematic under the rules; that is to say, we've known for a while the rules aren't necessarily in effect, but the Administration won't come right out and say so.

As near as I can tell, the point over the last decade-plus has been to raise a mean-spirited, stupid menace. Of course, the problem with that thesis is a matter of hindsight; for most of the period the proposition was beyond belief. But we've gone from saying this sort of thing (we used to describe it as FB-style or Twitter-style) with short, nonsensical posts counting as traffic being prohibited to wondering if it's actually the point.

At any rate, good faith: Within the same dimensions of "everyone" agreeing on "rational, generally respectful discussions", those folks will need to call out bad faith when they encounter it; that is, there is a point at which someone posting something grotesque does, really believe what they're saying, and then there are those who rely on pretenses of naïveté in order to disrupt. I have a bit in my inbox I haven't figured out what to do: Put the example in front of someone, so they send you three posts asking for examples.

There is also something else going on, here, but it's a larger question that goes beyond Sciforums or the tech-shell that owns it.

And this latest invasion is actually part of it. I'm not certain what to do, yet, but think of it this way: The site is actually a breeding lab or proving ground for alt-right trolls. At some point, Ockham insists.

But they've moved on to reporting each other's posts.

I recommend longtime and regular users avoid this crew for high collateral potential.
You recommend people avoid us. We have kept mostly to ourselves while we figure out this new forum. I don’t think that declaring we should be shunned because a troll found us, is really fair. But it’s your place, your rules.
Mod Hat — Making the point clearly

When a bunch of people walk in the door, start making a bunch of rude noise, and then start complaining about each other, as as happened, I don't believe the people in the group who say, "We’re here to avoid the battlefield. We should have the kinks worked out quite soon."

So, no, that's not your line. Your line is, "We will behave ourselves while we're here."

If you need a Twitter group, go make one. But nonsense threads will be closed and filed away where they won't bother anyone.
Hmmm... nonsense threads.
You don't trust Republicans? Me either.
I am a registered independent, but the current political state of our country is ludicrous. After the past year, you are correct. I do not trust any republican. I’m the only non-republican in my family, but we’re from trump country, so none of us voted for him.
Mod Hat — Making the point clearly

When a bunch of people walk in the door, start making a bunch of rude noise, and then start complaining about each other, as as happened, I don't believe the people in the group who say, "We’re here to avoid the battlefield. We should have the kinks worked out quite soon."

So, no, that's not your line. Your line is, "We will behave ourselves while we're here."

If you need a Twitter group, go make one. But nonsense threads will be closed and filed away where they won't bother anyone.
Who are we bothering on this thread?
Mod Hat — Making the point clearly
But nonsense threads will be closed and filed away where they won't bother anyone.
So Tiassa, you always were a wordy one. Try harder to be clear. You will close "nonsense threads" because they "bother you". So a group of people chatting occasionally is frowned upon. You want formal, on-topic, threads so as not to be bothered, correct? Please inform on what constitutes "nonsense".
Mod Hat — Making the point clearly

When a bunch of people walk in the door, start making a bunch of rude noise, and then start complaining about each other, as as happened, I don't believe the people in the group who say, "We’re here to avoid the battlefield. We should have the kinks worked out quite soon."

So, no, that's not your line. Your line is, "We will behave ourselves while we're here."

If you need a Twitter group, go make one. But nonsense threads will be closed and filed away where they won't bother anyone.
When I said that, I meant we were working to get rid of certain trolls who followed us here. So, yes that is my line. I have yet to see anyone misbehaving, and I think we deserve a chance.
The one vulgar hypocrite and posting racist tropes complaining about cussing offers a fine example of trolling.
If this is the way of it now, fuck em, we'll find something better.
I feel like I need to tell you that unless you stop using indecent language, I will be forced to report you.
Mod Hat — Basic courtesy

Well, a group of us have migrated from the CNN boards for the very reason of escaping the alt-right monsters. Hopefully threads will not get locked willy-nilly when one or others invade. If we report individuals, and the mods or the higher powers-that-be still want to close it, a reason would be appreciated.

I don't really think behaving as this crew has is helpful. Honestly, if you need a chatline, go find a chatline. But think of it this way: Whatever else is going on here, a bunch of loud, rude people just walked in and are standing around being as rude and loud as possible, and now they've start complaining to security about how loud and rude they are.

What, really, would you expect anyone else to do?

There is nothing of substance being posted here; you can waste all those bytes without having to put up with moderators under circumstances more suited to the style of posting you present, at other sites or through other services, so we know the actual sitting around and saying nothing useful is not, in and of itself, the valued act.

Rather, you need someone else' walls to paint on, someone else's furniture to piss all over, and then the group starts complaining to security about itself.

That is, it's not just the chatter; you need people to see you chatter.

So now that you've gone out of your way to get our attention by being rude, please understand that people are not anxious to witness, as your associate put it, that you "should have the kinks worked out" of this disrespect "quite soon".

(And no, we have no reason to believe you are "escaping the alt-right" when you bring it with you.)
Mod Hat — Basic courtesy

I don't really think behaving as this crew has is helpful. Honestly, if you need a chatline, go find a chatline. But think of it this way: Whatever else is going on here, a bunch of loud, rude people just walked in and are standing around being as rude and loud as possible, and now they've start complaining to security about how loud and rude they are.

What, really, would you expect anyone else to do?

There is nothing of substance being posted here; you can waste all those bytes without having to put up with moderators under circumstances more suited to the style of posting you present, at other sites or through other services, so we know the actual sitting around and saying nothing useful is not, in and of itself, the valued act.

Rather, you need someone else' walls to paint on, someone else's furniture to piss all over, and then the group starts complaining to security about itself.

That is, it's not just the chatter; you need people to see you chatter.

So now that you've gone out of your way to get our attention by being rude, please understand that people are not anxious to witness, as your associate put it, that you "should have the kinks worked out" of this disrespect "quite soon".

(And no, we have no reason to believe you are "escaping the alt-right" when you bring it with you.)

They are CyberBullies.
Mod Hat — Basic courtesy

I don't really think behaving as this crew has is helpful. Honestly, if you need a chatline, go find a chatline. But think of it this way: Whatever else is going on here, a bunch of loud, rude people just walked in and are standing around being as rude and loud as possible, and now they've start complaining to security about how loud and rude they are.

What, really, would you expect anyone else to do?

There is nothing of substance being posted here; you can waste all those bytes without having to put up with moderators under circumstances more suited to the style of posting you present, at other sites or through other services, so we know the actual sitting around and saying nothing useful is not, in and of itself, the valued act.

Rather, you need someone else' walls to paint on, someone else's furniture to piss all over, and then the group starts complaining to security about itself.

That is, it's not just the chatter; you need people to see you chatter.

So now that you've gone out of your way to get our attention by being rude, please understand that people are not anxious to witness, as your associate put it, that you "should have the kinks worked out" of this disrespect "quite soon".

(And no, we have no reason to believe you are "escaping the alt-right" when you bring it with you.)
I don’t even know what to say. I didn’t report anyone. If you scroll through, it was a least one existing “senior user” (not including super) that reported chuckles. Are you suggesting we have all been reported and you are here to sort it out?
At least be sincere.
Mod Hat — Basic courtesy

I don't really think behaving as this crew has is helpful. Honestly, if you need a chatline, go find a chatline. But think of it this way: Whatever else is going on here, a bunch of loud, rude people just walked in and are standing around being as rude and loud as possible, and now they've start complaining to security about how loud and rude they are.

What, really, would you expect anyone else to do?

There is nothing of substance being posted here; you can waste all those bytes without having to put up with moderators under circumstances more suited to the style of posting you present, at other sites or through other services, so we know the actual sitting around and saying nothing useful is not, in and of itself, the valued act.

Rather, you need someone else' walls to paint on, someone else's furniture to piss all over, and then the group starts complaining to security about itself.

That is, it's not just the chatter; you need people to see you chatter.

So now that you've gone out of your way to get our attention by being rude, please understand that people are not anxious to witness, as your associate put it, that you "should have the kinks worked out" of this disrespect "quite soon".

(And no, we have no reason to believe you are "escaping the alt-right" when you bring it with you.)
Ha! Fuck you tiassa. I'm done. Have a nice fucking sterile "forum". (since you don't allow a middle finger emoji, I'll just say Fuck You again for shits and grins).
Mod Hat — Basic courtesy

I don't really think behaving as this crew has is helpful. Honestly, if you need a chatline, go find a chatline. But think of it this way: Whatever else is going on here, a bunch of loud, rude people just walked in and are standing around being as rude and loud as possible, and now they've start complaining to security about how loud and rude they are.

What, really, would you expect anyone else to do?

There is nothing of substance being posted here; you can waste all those bytes without having to put up with moderators under circumstances more suited to the style of posting you present, at other sites or through other services, so we know the actual sitting around and saying nothing useful is not, in and of itself, the valued act.

Rather, you need someone else' walls to paint on, someone else's furniture to piss all over, and then the group starts complaining to security about itself.

That is, it's not just the chatter; you need people to see you chatter.

So now that you've gone out of your way to get our attention by being rude, please understand that people are not anxious to witness, as your associate put it, that you "should have the kinks worked out" of this disrespect "quite soon".

(And no, we have no reason to believe you are "escaping the alt-right" when you bring it with you.)
I am almost impressed with your diatribe.
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