It was qualified in the context of the discussion at the time.. see post preceding #524
It is very easy to misrepresent someones post by quoting out of context when you have an ongoing discussion covering hundreds of posts. It indicates dishonesty and a lack of due diligence.
I have read those posts, and your post #524 was quite clear in the matter.
You had previously suggested, despite any clarification of the matter when asked, that there were notions of material freedom and immaterial freedom.
You then quite specifically stated that: ""
there is no freedom in a deterministic universe . period. Not for a human not for a thermostat not for a sophisticated infinitely programed self taught android either. Zip zilch zero."
There is no qualification of that freedom, just freedom.
The freedom that Sarkus was chasing on page 26 and 27 is impossible in the version of determinism you and he are using. Hence any freedom has to be supernatural.
No not even a thermostat has freedom because you are talking about material freedom not non-material freedom.
And yet you haven't actually provided any example of "material freedom", so that we can distinguish from "immaterial freedom".
You have created this distinction yet have failed completely to provide any explanation of it, any example of it.
You guys are constantly mixing up the context of the word freedom and have refused so far to indicate a willingness to clarify your position.
We have been quite clear in the freedom we are discussing: "ability to do otherwise" (or words to that effect).
It is you who has failed to provide any explanation or clarification.
Do you see how confused you are?
Material freedom is impossible period. Non-material freedom is a quality...and is possible...
Stating it doesn't make it so.
First you actually have to explain what you mean by "material freedom" and "non-material freedom".
Can you please do that?
You have been asked repeatedly yet all you have done is... nothing.
So you answer your own dilemma... well done...and declare knowing even though you plead confusion.
I don't answer any dilemma that I didn't have.
Can you not see how even your response here is confused??
If I am referring to freedom (ability to do otherwise) as a quality etc, which I am, then this, per you, is "immaterial freedom".
If I am saying that this freedom, per the logic, does not exist, then your foray into the distinction between "material" and "non-material" freedom is nothing but a red-herring.
You can't then point to what I am referring to as freedom and go "look, that's material freedom" because it is, per you, immaterial, a quality.
You see, you are confused by your own terminology, and your own muddled thinking.
Freedom is a property, a quality and can exist in a deterministic universe.
It is indeed a quality.
Whether it can exist in a deterministic universe or not is what is in question.
I, and others, claim it can not, and have provided our reasoning.
You, and others, claim it can.
If it does not exist then what we observed as such freedom
must be an illusion of that which otherwise does not exist.
and that ability to actually do other wise is genuine... yes...again well done.
You assert it is genuine, but your reasoning for such is...?
Or are you just going to go with the unsupported claim and beg the very question at the heart of the debate?
Co-determination fully integrates self determination into a deterministic universe. That self determination grants a quality called freedom...
It's not all that hard when you think about it...
If you redefine freedom, sure, you can end up with any conclusion you want.
Hard Determinism fails.
Regardless the whole issue is over and done with once you understand that for logic to be genuine an actor must determine it to be so.
If there is no genuine actor then there is no genuine logic. Period.
So therefore self determination and it's associated qualities, is fundamentally essential for the logic of determinism to be valid.
The rest of the discussion is trivial and inconsequential when compared to the above.
Still trotting out the inane effort to justify ignoring one side of the debate, eh?
Or do you genuinely think the universe only operates the way it does if we are here to observe it?
The logic of secular fatalist hard determinism falls on it's face, simply because for it to have any validity, there must be an actor WITH the learned ability to choose other wise....
While logic requires some sentience to identify it as such, the universe will continue to operate the way it does irrespective of the existence of such sentience.
If you can't accept even that much I'll happily move out of the sandpit and leave you to bury your head in peace.
Do you always end your posts with a silly taunt deliberately or are you dealing with some sort of uncontrolled vitriolic compulsion like Sarkus is?
Every one of you posts follows the same pattern... perhaps a lack of creativity is present...or are you really just taunting reflection...?
Ah, the irony.
If you don't deliberately post to confuse people, perhaps you could start by actually providing clarification when and where asked?
That would make a welcome change.