Come and attack Christian belief please.

Originally posted by answers
However you need to understand that people suck. And Christians are people, they are saved people, but they are still people. I for one can say that I suck probably worse then most athiests.
Isn't that how I sounded to you, and you judged me for it, note the word "Judged"!

Although I fail every single day. But all Jesus asks you to do is to try your best, even if it is mostly failure. He really has made it easy to be saved, there's no doubt of that.
I fail often, but does that make me any less of a Christian than you.
According to you it would appear so.

Here is what you said to me...

Originally posted by answers
Vienna, not meaning this in a bad way, but shut up and get out of my thread. Your answers scare me. They are so unbelievably cruddy that my stomach sunk when I read them. This thread is for attacks on Christianity, I'm the one defending and answering, not you. Make your own thread if you want to give out short and erroneous hollow bull crud answers to some very good questions. Please learn about Christianity before you try to preach it.

Hope you listen to this rebuke because you're leading people down a path that isn't Christian.

Christianity is on the decline (especially here in the UK) and reactions from people like "Answers" doesn't encourage Christianity one bit. If this is what a fellow Christian brother can think of me, then Christianity can go and get truly stuffed.

I will have more questions for you later "Answers", OK!

....many questions.
Originally posted by answers
It's called righteous anger, it’s the only type of anger, which a Christian is allowed (and commanded) to have.
And there I was thinking Christianity was all about love and peace. Who commanded and gave Christians the right to be angry, and why be angry at anyone for their choice, didn't God give mankind freewill?

If you can sit back and watch someone spit in the face of someone you love, then I doubt you love that person. Similarly if you can sit back and watch someone say false things about God, taking away His glory, while that person says they're a follower, then you're not a true Christian.
I feel that you are talking about the answers I gave. I was honest and gave truthful answers, isn't that Christian-like, if I'm wrong then tell me. I was also using the freewill that God gave me, am I wrong to use that gift, tell me if I'm wrong.
Originally posted by Vienna

I fail often, but does that make me any less of a Christian than you.
According to you it would appear so.

i saw in some post you said you are not christian? so what is it? please celar.
Originally posted by 567
i saw in some post you said you are not christian? so what is it? please celar.

I have posted this explanation a few times, here you are:

"Where do I stand? Well, thats a fair question.

I used to believe in Jesus Christ and God without any fear of contradiction.

But events happen in ones life when you question your faith, and whether there is a God after all. But even in times of doubt I try not to forget the teachings of Jesus.

There are good standards here to live by, and I still try to keep to them (sometimes not very well) when my faith and belief in God escapes me."

I'm a Christian who is questioning his faith.

People like Answers repel me from Christianity

And I want to see some answers to my questions from Answers!!!
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MY REPLY: Okay I can honestly say that I get more annoyed with Christians, than many atheists. They're not perfect, but that doesn't excuse their attitude. There are a couple types of Christians I have come across over the 14 or so years I've been a Christian.

1st Type: The HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY alien freak get away from me now before a shoot you type of Christian. My school chaplain fell under this category. This type of Christian simply does not have the brainpower needed to investigate their own beliefs, let alone the beliefs of others.

2nd Type: The ‘I'm a Christian because I've been going to church all my life’ type of Christian. This kind of Christian is too lazy to even become a Christian, because you don't become a Christian from going to church, you become one from giving your life to Christ. Now this type of Christian is too lazy to be what they say they are, let alone investigate what else they could be.

3rd Type: ‘I'm a Christian for social reasons’ type. These Christians leave church early, or stay out back during the service. They aren't interested in their own belief, and couldn't be stuffed finding out about any other beliefs.

THEN THERE IS ME, the 4th Type: We are extremely rare. We listen to sermons at church, and even outside of church on CD. We actually read the Bible. We have learnt about our own belief, and have found great confidence in it. We are so confident in fact that we go out and learn about other beliefs as well, to test our faith. We read about the joke of Mormonism, the stupidity of Jehovah Witness, the arguments of atheism which were proved wrong 25 years ago but are still used, we read about the self defeating belief of agnosticism, the satanic influence on New Age belief, the unlivable philosophies of Buddhism (like who could live their life while thinking that the world was a figment of their imagination). We investigate all these beliefs, and there is one thing we find that all these beliefs have in common. They're all wrong. And there is another thing we find over and over again, it's that every single argument these beliefs have against Christianity can either be convincingly fought against, or totally refuted. And it is when you become this kind of Christian that you become the kind of Christian the Bible tells us to be. The Bible says to have a ready answer for any question people ask you about your faith. But many Christians are happy with ignorance, and don't even have the desire for the wisdom that the Bible says is better then gold and silver. The Christians that don't fall into the fourth category fall away from Christianity and become backsliders, unless they are extremely lucky.

Anyway, hope that has been at least a bit interesting.

CyA's [/B]


You say you've been a Christian for ONLY 14 years yet you claim to be such a wise and knowable member?

We are so confident in fact that we go out and learn about other beliefs as well, to test our faith. We read about the joke of Mormonism, the stupidity of Jehovah Witness, the arguments of atheism which were proved wrong 25 years ago but are still used, we read about the self defeating belief of agnosticism, the satanic influence on New Age belief, the unlivable philosophies of Buddhism (like who could live their life while thinking that the world was a figment of their imagination). We investigate all these beliefs, and there is one thing we find that all these beliefs have in common. They're all wrong.

Pray tell, how do you test your faith? Do you sit there and compare their belief to yours? How do you know you are correct when you deem these other beliefs to be 'wrong'? Don't you think you're being judgemental in stating that all these other beliefs are wrong? Isn't God the one meant to judge and not the individual person?

You've even gone so far as stating that you're a better Christian then your school chaplain? Scarily interesting. So in the 14 years you see yourself as better than a priest in understanding the religion?

We are extremely rare. We listen to sermons at church, and even outside of church on CD.

You are rare because you are what catholic priests refer to as a church rat. Do you run eagerly to the priest to shake his hand after mass and praise him on how he's interpreted the bible just so, or do you critique him on how his sermon did not have enough zeal or praise god enough?

But anyway, the Book basically says those who say they are Christian aren't really Christians if they don't also say it with their actions as well.

So your actions is to judge others by YOUR standards and interpretation of what is in the bible or what YOU think God said? Who gave you the right to judge?

Similarly if you can sit back and watch someone say false things about God, taking away His glory, while that person says they're a follower, then you're not a true Christian.

I think I'm watching a self righteous someone do that right now... but then I guess I'm not a Christian.. I'm what Christians fear most. An agnostic:D. You know the people who question things. But then I've been a Christian for 32 years now and I matured and realised that the notion of the all saving and all conquering God and the notion that no matter what I do I shall be saved because I'm a Christian, was a fallacy... and I came to this realisation when I was around 3 or 4. But I was one of those children who always asked why... So that means that by your standards, I'm not a good christian... wooohoooooo!! Because I know that if I were to become a christian like you, even my mother (who is a strict follower of the church) would shoot me. She detests Christians who deem themselves worthy to to judge the beliefs of others to be wrong and unchristian like. But then hey, she's only been a strict Christian for more than 65 years or so now, what could she possibly know.

Originally posted by Markx
So, "answers" did any one attack christianity yet?

I think answers has done all the attacking him/herself.

Originally posted by Vienna
People like Answers repel me from Christianity

Nooooo I'm being forced to agree with Vienna on something again. I'm scared... hold me...

Originally posted by Answers
Vienna, not meaning this in a bad way, but shut up and get out of my thread. Your answers scare me. They are so unbelievably cruddy that my stomach sunk when I read them. This thread is for attacks on Christianity, I'm the one defending and answering, not you. Make your own thread if you want to give out short and erroneous hollow bull crud answers to some very good questions. Please learn about Christianity before you try to preach it.

Sheesh who died and made you God? And I'd suggest you relearn about christianity before you try and preach it answers. Take your own advice. You were wrong about there only being 4 types of Christians. There is a 5th type. The 5th type of Christian is one who thinks he is better than all others and therefore erroneously thinks himself superior to others. This 5th type of Christian gives himself the right to judge others, even though the bible and God has said that thou shall not judge others and the book and God have said that the only one to judge will be God himself. Now this 5th type of Christian has taken it upon himself to assume that he knows better than all and therefore is in a place to judge those who's beliefs differ from his own. This 5th type is not a Christian but a Christian wannabe. Answers, guess which one you really are?

Originally posted by Bells

You say you've been a Christian for ONLY 14 years yet you claim to be such a wise and knowable member?

Pray tell, how do you test your faith? Do you sit there and compare their belief to yours? How do you know you are correct when you deem these other beliefs to be 'wrong'? Don't you think you're being judgemental in stating that all these other beliefs are wrong? Isn't God the one meant to judge and not the individual person?

You've even gone so far as stating that you're a better Christian then your school chaplain? Scarily interesting. So in the 14 years you see yourself as better than a priest in understanding the religion?

You are rare because you are what catholic priests refer to as a church rat. Do you run eagerly to the priest to shake his hand after mass and praise him on how he's interpreted the bible just so, or do you critique him on how his sermon did not have enough zeal or praise god enough?

So your actions is to judge others by YOUR standards and interpretation of what is in the bible or what YOU think God said? Who gave you the right to judge?

I think I'm watching a self righteous someone do that right now... but then I guess I'm not a Christian.. I'm what Christians fear most. An agnostic:D. You know the people who question things. But then I've been a Christian for 32 years now and I matured and realised that the notion of the all saving and all conquering God and the notion that no matter what I do I shall be saved because I'm a Christian, was a fallacy... and I came to this realisation when I was around 3 or 4. But I was one of those children who always asked why... So that means that by your standards, I'm not a good christian... wooohoooooo!! Because I know that if I were to become a christian like you, even my mother (who is a strict follower of the church) would shoot me. She detests Christians who deem themselves worthy to to judge the beliefs of others to be wrong and unchristian like. But then hey, she's only been a strict Christian for more than 65 years or so now, what could she possibly know.

I think answers has done all the attacking him/herself.

Nooooo I'm being forced to agree with Vienna on something again. I'm scared... hold me...

Sheesh who died and made you God? And I'd suggest you relearn about christianity before you try and preach it answers. Take your own advice. You were wrong about there only being 4 types of Christians. There is a 5th type. The 5th type of Christian is one who thinks he is better than all others and therefore erroneously thinks himself superior to others. This 5th type of Christian gives himself the right to judge others, even though the bible and God has said that thou shall not judge others and the book and God have said that the only one to judge will be God himself. Now this 5th type of Christian has taken it upon himself to assume that he knows better than all and therefore is in a place to judge those who's beliefs differ from his own. This 5th type is not a Christian but a Christian wannabe. Answers, guess which one you really are? :eek:
O.K., Every culture has a mythology about their place in the world and it's creation. Yet so many of them are radically different and contradictory. Isn't creating a religion just an artifact of culture? -An attempt to explain things before the tool of science was developed?
Hey Answers...

You say that there are "Sooooo many" factual pieces of evidence regarding God's existance, yet you didn't list a single one. So please, do us all a favor, and list one fact. One single, solitary fact concerning the existance of God.

Factual. Evidence. Please.


Here are the scripture references below:

Isa. 13:16
Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.

Gen. 7:23 (the flood)
Thus He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark.

2 Kings 2:24 (Elisha cursing the children)
And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

2 Sam 6:6,7
And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth [his hand] to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook [it].
And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for [his] error; and there he died by the ark of God.
If Noah and friends were the only ones left after the flood, then people all over the world would not share genetic markers showing an african origin. Then the story of Noah is either false or an allegory, in which case Christianity is false. Discuss.
spidergoat, please elaborate. The comment is a bit confusing. If Adam and eve were the first two and then after the flood there were a handful, what would be the difference? You still have a small group populating or repopulating the earth right?
One thing that always gets me, and I am a christian, is the fact that we as humans are self-preserving selfish people. Christians and nons alike. Like, if you give $5 to the homeless or you don't, it seems selfish either way. Let me explain... Motive. If giving the $5 to him will make me feel better about myself, then my giving equals selfishness. If I don't give to him because I want to hoard my money, then that is selfish. Can we really as humans ever make a neutral decision.

We are self preserving because, well that is the nature, if you need me to explain or give example then I will.

Here is another question. A selfish one.

Why do you think God would create a universe so huge and put us in it, but we will live and die and not ever see most everything in it. Would it make more sense just to have our galaxy with the sun and everything rather than a near infinite universe? I often wonder why the universe is so big. I would hope that another race does exist out there to enjoy other parts of the universe that we don't.
I guess it is like having a huge house right, and you only use 1 room in a huge mansion. Lets say you have a museum of great stuff in your house, but you are unable to go in any other rooms. Maybe you get a glimpse here and there of what may be in them, but not get to walk in them and enjoy and use the rooms. Well if this were the case, I would hope that somebody would get to use them since I can't. Make sense?
I don't know if you are catholic...but what is with the whole incense thing? That stuff smells like ass!
I am not catholic, but I really like the paintings and stainglass and stuff that the old cathedrals have in them.

Yeah, the incense is weird and smells. I am not sure why they use incense. Maybe it is supposed to smell like burning carcass.
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat

If then the region around Ararat was where people came from, why does genetic information show that the most original people are actually the bushmen of Africa?

I realize, if you accept the validity of science and genetics, then there is alot of proof that bible stories are false. Obviously, Noah did not have access to polar bears, or keep alive all the millions of species of the Amazon in his arc.
Well, it depends if you believe that the ark had to have one of every kind of animal or not. Like did it have to have a shitzu and a bulldog or just 2 doglike things... Microevolution I think it is.

I don't know a whole lot about genetics and the research done in that area.
Originally posted by Quigly
Well, it depends if you believe that the ark had to have one of every kind of animal or not. Like did it have to have a shitzu and a bulldog or just 2 doglike things... Microevolution I think it is.

I don't know a whole lot about genetics and the research done in that area.
You have the idea wrong. Difference kinds of dogs are still dogs, just one specie. Spidergoat is talking about different species, and that's over millions already. After you can pack every species into the Ark, don't forget to put in one month of foods, too.
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
You have the idea wrong. Difference kinds of dogs are still dogs, just one specie. Spidergoat is talking about different species, and that's over millions already. After you can pack every species into the Ark, don't forget to put in one month of foods, too.
M*W: If the vast species were DNA in microtubules, they'd all fit. If the polar bear, black bear and grizzly bear end up on different areas of the planet, they would have adapted to their climate and environment, but they're still a bear.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
If the vast species were DNA in microtubules, they'd all fit. If the polar bear, black bear and grizzly bear end up on different areas of the planet, they would have adapted to their climate and environment, but they're still a bear.
If DNA labs and cloning facilities were inside the Ark, I rest my case.
What a jerk "Answers" is.

He says "Come and attack Christian belief please."

Then he does a Houdini trick and disappears.

Where has the little fakir gone? :D