Consensual sex? Or rape by deception.. A disturbing case..


Firstly, you don't quite seem to grasp that we have a Western legal system openly advocating racial purity and and handing down verdicts that are, to the core, racist.

Secondly, we have gone beyond 'racial purity' in this case. Do you know why? Because racial purity were generally a social phenomenon - in that the pressure is applied by the family and/or community of the couple. What we have here is legally sanctioned racial purity, stepping dangerously close to completely banning sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews. What we have here is a court sanctioning and and finding for racial purity and the result is a jail sentence for a man who actually did not rape anyone.

Now, you have claimed that this is apparently fairly common or, more to the point, not uncommon. You have not been able to substantiate your claims.

What is not uncommon is a court finding that someone has raped another because they were of a particular race. And finding that if they were of another race, it would not have been rape. Especially for a Western court. That is what you're not quite grasping here. The system that allows this verdict to stand is severely flawed, and also dangerous, as it sets very dangerous precedents.

I don't want to assault your intellect Geoff, but when you simply shrug your shoulders and say 'this isn't that uncommon', when it is quite uncommon (especially in light of the verdict in a non-religious court in a Western court system).. then yeah, I am going to ask if you understand the gravity of this case.
It is uncommon in a Western legal system.

It is not uncommon as a meme or trope.

I'm not going to bother with your requests for confirmation of the specific case as described, since you've delimited the notion down. Sorry. I can provide lots of the meme, naturally, since that was my point from the start.
OP is most hilarious LOLRACISM instance in recent memory.

"So, was it good for you?"
"Yeah, BTW I'm an Arab."
Its a strange country when the government uses fake passports for their operatives to enter other countries because they won't permit entry to Israelis and then convict a guy who uses a nickname to get laid..

Non sequitur.

Every country's intelligence agencies regularly break other countries laws, that's sort of their express purpose. Hypocrisy and one-up-man-ship is the name of the game, brainiac. Think Arab countries tread lightly when sending their spies to other countries, especially Israel?

This isn't rape. if this was a decent and moral society this bitch would have been the one charged with criminal acts.
This situation is pretty pathetic on all counts.

The guy - aptly nicknamed "Dudu" because he's a piece of shit -cheated on his wife.

The woman - just as eager for a quick lay as "Dudu" - played the card of being the innocent victim whose virtue was stolen by an evil Arab.

Then, of course, the court system that actually allowed this nonsense to reach this conclusion.