Considering what he accomplished with the Abraham Peace Accords should Israel grab Trump?

Should Israel attempt to lure President Donald J. Trump to Israel?

  • no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes....this would decrease the probability of Israel being attacked

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No.....this would increase the probability of Israel being attacked

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe..... constitutional monarchies proved helpful during WWII.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes...the economy of Israel has been hit hard by COVID 19 and he would help them a lot.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No.... the economy of Israel has been hit hard by COVID 19 and his going there could hurt them

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Dennis Tate

One option would be for them to offer him the Throne of Moshiach ben Ephrayim as explained by Orthodox Jewish scholar and historian Mr. Yair Davidiy.

Isaiah chapter forty five predicts that a Gentile......... in the end of days will build the Jewish people at least one Temple......... I betcha Mr. Donald Trump might want to build Israel two or even three temple complexes if they would back him up????????

Yair Davidiy:
"Since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 the USA has often helped protect the State of Israel from destruction. The USA has not however really helped Israel expand her borders. On the contrary the USA has often forced Israel to give up territories it had liberated and to constrict her borders, but maybe that will change. Maybe the USA and Britain will help Israel expand her borders in the future as the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is supposed to do. Ingathers the Exiles “Kol HaTor” says [2.40] “His [i.e. Joseph’s] bow abode in strength” (Genesis 49;24). This should be an important principle for us. We have to stand obstinately strong in the holy work of gathering in the exiles which is the task of the first redeemer [i.e. of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH]. Purifies the Land of Israel “Kol HaTor” says [2.41] “And Joseph was governor over the land” (Genesis 42;6). This means he will overcome all the forces of impurity. This is one of the great tasks of the First Redeemer [of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH]: to extirpate the spirit of impurity from the country by means of settling the Holy Land. When the Holy Land is not settled [with Israelites] a spirit of impurity settles over it. [When the Holy Land is settled with Israelites the Land becomes pure]. Joshua ben Nun Was a Forerunner “Kol HaTor” says [2.44]

The First Redeemer [MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH] fights against Amalek with total warfare…[he fights against the forces of anti-Semitism]. This was the task of Joshua ben Nun who was [a forerunner and ancestor of] the Messiah Son of Joseph. Aroused by Elijah “Kol HaTor” says [2.71] “Behold I will send you my prophet Elijah…and he will return the hearts of the fathers to their sons” (Malachi 4). One of the tasks of Elijah is to arouse the spirit of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Comment:


If any of President Trump's people see this message I would suggest getting counsel from near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava regarding this possibility?
Is there any references in the Bible that could be interpreted describing Trump's loveliness?

Old OR New Testament.
Is there any references in the Bible that could be interpreted describing Trump's loveliness?

Old OR New Testament.

Some translations of I Kings 18 indicate that Elijah / EliYah was really, really, really sarcastic!

We are used to political leaders who lie pretty much all the time.....
because they are afraid to tell us their ideas on any topic......
but President Trump just says and writes what he thinks whether we like it or not.
He is not a politician..... he is not a diplomat... .he is a real estate developer and I believe that initiating a real estate boom in rural America will be one of his next major projects.

"And of whom hast thou been afraid or feared, that thou hast lied, and hast not remembered me, nor laid it to thy heart? have not I held my peace even of old, and thou fearest me not?" (Isaiah 57:11)

He is certainly capable of assisting in a boom in USA real estate if Israel chooses him to sit on some variation of a throne for them.
YES......I believe that it will soon be known that he got around eighty million votes and Biden only got about sixty eight million.

You believe this due to someone's Near Death Experience or is it from Rush Limbaugh talking from the grave or does it derive from some latest theory that you haven't blessed us with yet?
Some translations of I Kings 18 indicate that Elijah / EliYah was really, really, really sarcastic!

We are used to political leaders who lie pretty much all the time.....
because they are afraid to tell us their ideas on any topic......
but President Trump just says and writes what he thinks whether we like it or not.
He is not a politician..... he is not a diplomat... .he is a real estate developer and I believe that initiating a real estate boom in rural America will be one of his next major projects.

"And of whom hast thou been afraid or feared, that thou hast lied, and hast not remembered me, nor laid it to thy heart? have not I held my peace even of old, and thou fearest me not?" (Isaiah 57:11)

He is certainly capable of assisting in a boom in USA real estate if Israel chooses him to sit on some variation of a throne for them.


Imagine you're like monumentally about every you've said so far in this three. Do you think you could have e reaction from it?
You believe this due to someone's Near Death Experience or is it from Rush Limbaugh talking from the grave or does it derive from some latest theory that you haven't blessed us with yet?

The Michael J. Lindell documentary entitled "Absolute Proof" that was censored off his website but it is now up again!
I betcha Mr. Donald Trump might want to build Israel two or even three temple complexes if they would back him up????????

how much money will they take on the front door per temple per month ?
can they lease out the temple to some other religion to use to make profit ?

thats how business people think

whos hundreds of millions of dollars as total loss are you suggesting to be used ?

do you think any retail brand investor will want to own property taken against the international court which is constantly in the news for attacks and racism

McDonald’s rejects request to build in occupied Palestinian territories


excuse me is that my double all beef patty burning ?
how much money will they take on the front door per temple per month ?
can they lease out the temple to some other religion to use to make profit ?

thats how business people think

whos hundreds of millions of dollars as total loss are you suggesting to be used ?

do you think any retail brand investor will want to own property taken against the international court which is constantly in the news for attacks and racism

McDonald’s rejects request to build in occupied Palestinian territories


excuse me is that my double all beef patty burning ?

Those are interesting questions I must admit. Since I am not yet Jewish I cannot do justice to those questions...... but I can make a couple of wild guesses.

The Noahide Movement that the Jerusalem Sanhedrin has began will eventually result in a much larger understanding of this verses than happened two millennia ago:

Isa 56:3

"Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree."

Isaiah 56:7
"Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people."

What do I mean about the atmosphere two millennia ago?

Just think about the implications of these verses:

"Crying out, Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place: and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place.
(For they had seen before with him in the city Trophimus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)" (Acts 21: 28, 29)
Those are interesting questions I must admit. Since I am not yet Jewish I cannot do justice to those questions...... but I can make a couple of wild guesses.

The Noahide Movement that the Jerusalem Sanhedrin has began will eventually result in a much larger understanding of this verses than happened two millennia ago:

Isa 56:3

"Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree."

Isaiah 56:7
"Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people."

What do I mean about the atmosphere two millennia ago?

Just think about the implications of these verses:

"Crying out, Men of Israel, help: This is the man, that teacheth all men every where against the people, and the law, and this place: and further brought Greeks also into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place.
(For they had seen before with him in the city Trophimus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)" (Acts 21: 28, 29)

a cheap temple is probably around 25 million US dollars to build(with an annual cost of around $350,000 to keep up & running)

how much will i take in door sales per year pr temple if i decide to invest ?

25 million investment loosing $350,000 per year
plus loosing interest (15% per annum)

each temple needs to take around 2.5 million per year in free hold tax free profit to cover its asset cost to "not lose" money

1 to 1.5 million to cover investment lost interest
around 2 for 1 dollars on costs to cover up-keep, covid safety etc etc etc land tax wages etc
YES......I believe that it will soon be known that he got around eighty million votes and Biden only got about sixty eight million.

OK, last night I was more than baked but anyway, wish I had found this Youtuber 15 min rundown of right wing TikTok displays of Trump loosing election and what not.

Mod Note

If any of President Trump's people see this message I would suggest getting counsel from near death experiencer Rabbi Alon Anava regarding this possibility?

You have already been warned about this.. Numerous times, in other threads and through infractions.

This is a politics sub-forum on a science forum.

This is NOT a parapsychology forum.

Stop posting your ridiculous woo everywhere. I am moving this to the Parapsychology sub-forum.

I do not know what your issue is, but you seem unable to discuss topics without veering all over the place. You seem incapable of understanding that this is not appropriate content for the politics sub-forum.
You believe this due to someone's Near Death Experience or is it from Rush Limbaugh talking from the grave or does it derive from some latest theory that you haven't blessed us with yet?
No no, you've got it all wrong, it comes from the wisdom of Henry Chaim Tejman M.D.

Mod Note

You have already been warned about this.. Numerous times, in other threads and through infractions.

This is a politics sub-forum on a science forum.

This is NOT a parapsychology forum.

Stop posting your ridiculous woo everywhere. I am moving this to the Parapsychology sub-forum.

I do not know what your issue is, but you seem unable to discuss topics without veering all over the place. You seem incapable of understanding that this is not appropriate content for the politics sub-forum.

If I go visit the White House and get some advice from Abraham Lincoln's ghost though I'm allowed to share that here, right?
If I go visit the White House and get some advice from Abraham Lincoln's ghost though I'm allowed to share that here, right?

I am glad that they moved this over to the Parapsychology forum......
that is definitely my primary interest.... so I think that President Lincoln's ghost would fit in here quite nicely as well!

Perhaps I am somewhat cynical but since politics are pretty much all scripted anyway.... it seems like kind of a waste to allow
such a perfect opportunity as this to go to waste!

Yair Davidiy:
The Messiah son of Joseph will be the leader of the Lost Ten Tribes. He will be descended from Joseph. In a sense The Messiah son of Joseph may be understood to represent Joseph and the Lost Ten Tribes, as a collective body. By considering some of the deeds and actions of The Messiah son of Joseph we can gain further evidence as to who the descendants of Joseph are today. Some points concerning the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH that are to be found in the book “Kol HaTor” (“The Voice of the Turtledove” in Hebrew). This book is a collection of the sayings of a great and famous Rabbi (Eliyahu of Vilna) and his followers in the eighteenth century. The book deals with the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Rabbi Elyahu of Vilna is considered to have been one of the greatest Rabbis of all time. The ideas in this book “Kol HaTor” are all based on Biblical or related sources. Similar to Cyrus king of Persia “Kol HaTor” says [1.6.1] The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is similar to Cyrus the Persian Monarch who encouraged the Jews to return from the Babylonian Exile and rebuild the Temple. Cyrus, the King of Persia, in some respects may be considered a forerunner (or prototype) of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Verses associated with Cyrus (Isaiah 42) are actually to a degree applicable to the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH will be revealed little by little.

The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH in some sources is referred to as the “Messiah son [descendant] of Ephraim.” The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is associated with the saving of lives and the rescue of Israelites and in this he is assisted by Judah and by the MESSIAH SON OF DAVID. By way of Comment: The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH, as we have seen, is connected with the ingathering of the exiles. America and Britain both in their own way in the past did helped the ingathering of the exiles of Judah to the Land of Israel. Our Prayers Are Needed “Kol HaTor” says [1.24] “With our deeds and prayers we shall come to the aid of MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Through our exertions with all our might of self-arousal [arousal from below as distinct from arousal from heaven] we will achieve the union of the two messiahs, the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH and the MESSIAH SON OF DAVID, ‘the stick of Joseph and the stick of Judah’ [mentioned by Ezekiel 37]. [The two sticks will join together just as Judah and Joseph will join together].

[In Ezekiel 37:16, Ezekiel was told to take one stick, FOR JUDAH. Ezekeil was then told to take ANOTHER STICK, FOR JOSEPH. Ezekiel was told in Ezekiel 37:17 to join the two sticks together. THEY SHALL BECOME ONE IN THINE HAND. The two sticks (representing Judah and Joseph) were to first become one in the hand of Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 37:19 God says that the two sticks SHALL BE ONE IN MINE HAND.] [Ezekiel says that] First the two sticks will become one in your hands and afterwards they will be one in my [God’s] hand.” [i.e. This means that: First Judah and Joseph should try to join together from below and afterwards God will help them from above]. On the same theme: “Kol HaTor” emphasizes The Two Sticks (representing Judah and Joseph) Must be Joined Together Through Our Initiative! [2.101] Ezekiel (37) speaks of the stick of Joseph [and Judah and the union of Judah with Joseph]. This concerns the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. The Redemption is dependent on the union of the two sticks, the stick of Joseph with the stick of Judah. These are the two Messiahs, the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH and the MESSIAH SON OF DAVID. [It says: “Join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in your hand” (Ezekiel 37;17)].

At first the union [of Judah with Joseph] comes about through arousal from below by way of nature [through our actions] as it says, “Join them one to another into one stick.” And afterwards [the re-union is confirmed] in a miraculous manner, [through the hand of God, as it says in Ezekiel “they shall become on in Your hand” meaning they shall become re-united in the hand of God! Comes From the North “Kol HaTor” says [2.11] “His glory is like the firstborn of his bull” (Deuteronomy 33;17). The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH comes from the north side and will be aroused by himself. i.e. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH will come from somewhere in the north or at least to the north of the Land of Israel. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH will Defeat Esau meaning the forces of Europe. “Kol HaTor” says [2.17] The guardian angel of Esau will be pulled down by the guardian angel of Joseph (This is also spoken about in the Biblical Book of Obadiah. We will discuss this subject and the Book of Obadiah in another talk). Expands Borders of Israel, Wars Against Amalek “Kol HaTor” says [2.36] “Enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitations...” (Isaiah 54;2). The commandment to expand the borders [of Israel] is part of the task of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. The MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH has the duty of waging war against Amalek and of expanding the borders of Israel and of protecting Israel from destruction. Comment: “Amalek” represents anti-Semitism and the attempt to exterminate the Jewish people. Britain and America in the 19th and early 20th century did often attempt to protect the Jews in Europe from Anti-Semitism. In the Second World War Britain and the USA defeated Nazi Germany and Japan. Nazi Germany had planned to exterminate the Jewish people and did murder one-third of the total Jewish population in the World at that time." (Yair Davidiy, Messiah son of Joseph)
Literally "ugh'ed".

You may change your reaction once you see where this is all going for the long term.

I believe that this needs to begin in the nation of Israel but I think that the best place to boost this up to a whole new level is in the Canadian province of Alberta due to their
history where Premier (Bible) Bill Aberhart began a provincial currency unit in order to boost their economy during the Great Depression.

My theory is that two hockey teams are needed...... .the players each become actors playing the role of themselves and the Calgary Flames use Calgary Dollars but
in Edmonton the Oilers should I believe use a new alternative currency unit entitled perhaps an "Edmonton Volunteerism Hour." In theory the national debt of both
the USA and Canada can be paid off from the Canadian province of Alberta but a central part of all this must happen in the nation of Israel.

City in Austria Printed Local Currency
Worgl, like many other European towns and cities, was hit hard by the Great Depression. There was mass unemployment; four of the five local factories had closed, and the people were starving in the streets. Nobody had any money to buy anything. One of the features of an economic depression is that there is not enough money in circulation to ensure that people can meet their basic needs, and in the 1930s, the shortage of currency in many countries of the world became catastrophic.

The mayor of Worgl, together with local businessmen, decided to try to break this economic impasse by creating their own local currency. They printed and issued 60,000 Austrian shillings worth of local currency. These shillings could only be spent in Worgl, so they remained in the local community and were exchanged over and over again.

The positive impact was immediate and surprising to everyone. In only six weeks, unemployment disappeared, all the factories had reopened and everyone had food. For the inhabitants of Worgl, the economic depression was gone. This dramatic transformation became known as the “miracle of Worgl.” Surrounding towns, inspired by the success of Worgl, immediately started printing their own local currencies.

Sadly, the miracle did not last long. When the Austrian Central Bank heard about Worgl’s local currency, they initiated legal proceedings against the mayor and local businessmen. According to Austrian banking law, it was illegal for anyone except the Austrian Central Bank to issue money. The bank won the court case, and the mayor was ordered to shut down the local currency, which he did, under threat of imprisonment. The town then returned to the devastating economic depression of the 1930s, with all the human pain and suffering associated with this catastrophe. Factories closed, and once again, the people starved.

Alternative Currency in the U.S.
Irving Fisher, an American professor of economics at Yale University, visited Worgl before the local currency was suppressed and witnessed the ‘miracle’ firsthand. When he returned to the United States, Fisher spread the word by traveling and lecturing across the country, advocating the use of the Worgl ‘scrip’ everywhere. Inspired by his vision, hundreds of communities began issuing their own currency, and by 1934 there were over 1,000 local communities using ‘scrip’ throughout the U.S.

Every one of these communities experienced a tremendous rejuvenation of their local economies. They thrived while others suffered. Fisher then met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, proposing the implementation of government-sanctioned local ‘scrip’ in every community in America. When FDR consulted with his top financial advisors and bankers, however, he was advised to shut all the ‘scrip’ systems down, which he did. Instead, he borrowed large amounts of money from bankers, at interest, and used it to pay for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the other work-creation projects, which collectively came to be known as the ‘New Deal.’ So ended the last widespread use of a local currency within the U.S.

This pattern of economic collapse and re-emergence of local currencies has occurred thousands of times in many parts of the world. When these currencies have failed or have been suppressed, banks have not always been to blame. Sometimes, local currencies fail because they have been badly designed or implemented. Sometimes, people lose interest in them when the mainstream economy recovers. But they have always returned in one form or another during times of economic failure.

Our present world situation is uniquely different. Despite a relatively prosperous and stable world economy, a quiet monetary revolution has been occurring around the globe over the last 20 years. Awareness is growing about the flaws in our current monetary system, and people are re-creating viable alternatives. We are witnessing for the first time the worldwide creation of money systems designed by the people who use them, instead of by central banks." ( by Francis and Lia Ayley
The Truth About Money: The Money System—Isn’t There a Better Way?)

All of this is in my mind centred around a plan to boost real estate prices in rural Canada and rural America.
So in a way what is in my mind is a way to take Volunteerism....... and monetize it...... .and perhaps the major asset at first
could be income tax and / or other forms of taxes........ PAID IN ADVANCE?! (I have quite a bit of work ahead of me to fully explain all of the necessary background for anybody to comprehend all this
but this is definitely built on my ideas on parapsychology.

“Rise and thresh, Daughter Zion, for I will give you horns of iron; I will give you hooves of bronze, and you will break to pieces many nations.” You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the LORD, their wealth to the Lord of all the earth." (Micah 4:13)

"There will be a sudden rush to buy farms, ranches, and homes in the country.

Thousands will attempt to flee from cities, hoping that a return to the land and

nature will provide security. There will be a growing urge to "get away from it

all"---and much money will be invested in land and acreage in rural areas by

people who have secret dreams of raising their own food and cattle and of

becoming self-supporting. The price of open rural land will continue to soar.

Acreage within 100 miles of most major cities will skyrocket out of reach to

all but syndicates." (David Wilkerson, The Vision, page 18,19).

The following suggested method may be the best way to take the idea of the Worgl Austria local money experiment as it was applied in over a thousand communities in the USA with
somehow managing to pay off the national debts of both Canada and the USA? Oops.... I will need another post to finish off the major part of the foundation to all of this.