I like the white background, the black is hard on the eyes, especially if you try to read
Enmos could you add RSS to your blog so I know when you add new pics?![]()
looks real good. i have always been partial to dark backgrounds so i would go with the second layout. But then not necessarily but something slightly higher up on the grey scale.
i typed 444444 into google and got this: http://www.colorcombos.com/444444-hex-color
Oh how lovely.
I love the greens, what insect is this?
Have you considered making a coffee table book with your pictures and publishing it? You could do several on the themes in your blog.
I'd buy that book, SAM.
Wow...the colors in that photo are so brilliant and beautiful, it made me forget I was looking at two bugs fucking.
That reminds me of a joke.
A young native American boy approached his father and asks him: "Father, from where do I get my name?"
The father replied "After your grandfather was born, the first thing his father saw was an eagle flying in the sky...and so he named his son "Soaring Eagle". When I was born, the first thing my father saw was a deer running through the forest, and he gave me the name "Running Deer". Does this answer your question, son?"
The son replied: "Yes, father."
"Good, now go finish your chores, Two Dogs Humping."![]()
I feel like I want to :bawl: the photographs are so beautiful.
gray or black.![]()
the white seems too cold\stark. but then it all depends if you are looking for a mored media oriented or more science oriented feel. not sure why white is so prevelant on the web. seems to me to be a throwback to white paper and black type.:shrug:
yes. the combinations of text colors on your site, imo, works very well.
Mr. Bug is impossibly lovely! Good job, Enmos!
i think insects are disgusting.
other than their bodies being remarkable feats of engineering i consider most of them loathsome.
personal opinion.Why ?
There must be a reason for it ?personal opinion.
they just give me the creeps.
Yes, lets hope soi must however say this in their favor:
in any doomsday event the insect is the most likely to survive, not man.
you just love digging at me on the subjective don't you enmos?There must be a reason for it ?
i base my observation on tests carried out at hiroshima and other a-bomb test sites. insects were the first forms of life to appear and survive the radiation.Yes, lets hope so![]()