Corona virus


Valued Senior Member
For general information; NPIS for Community Preparedness

CDC recommends individuals and families follow everyday preventive measures:
  • Voluntary Home Isolation: Stay home when you are sick with respiratory disease symptoms. At the present time, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to COVID-19-related virus.
  • Respiratory Etiquette: Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw it in the trash can.
  • Hand Hygiene: Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60%-95% alcohol.
  • Environmental Health Action: Routinely clean frequently touched surfaces and objects
Routine use of these measures by individuals and their families will increase community resilience and readiness for responding to an outbreak.

NPIs for COVID-19 Outbreaks in Communities
  • Personal Protective Measures. During an outbreak in your community, CDC recommends the everyday preventive measures listed above—especially staying home when sick—and taking these additional measures:
    • Keeping away from others who are sick.
    • Limiting face-to-face contact with others as much as possible
    • Consulting with your healthcare provider if you or your household members are at high risk for COVID-19 complications
    • Wearing a facemask if advised to do so by your healthcare provider or by a public health official
    • Staying home when a household member is sick with respiratory disease symptoms, if instructed to do so by public health officials or a health care provider (Voluntary Home Quarantine)
  • Community Measures. If COVID-19 disease is occurring in your community, state and local public health authorities may decide to implement:
    • Temporary closures or dismissals of childcare facilities and schools
    • Other social distancing measures that increase the physical space between people, including:
      • Workplace social distancing measures, such as replacing in-person meetings with teleworking
      • Modifying, postponing, or cancelling mass gatherings.
Has anybody entertained the idea that the virus may be imported by mail or mail-order goods?
An infected person handling your package or merchandise, you open your package and you're infected.

No need to even go out of your house if the packege is deliverd at your door.
Has anybody entertained the idea that the virus may be imported by mail or mail-order goods?
An infected person handling your package or merchandise, you open your package and you're infected.

No need to even go out of your house if the packege is deliverd at your door.

I do not want to
You do not need the bold
I do not want to
You do not need the bold
It seems fairly unlikely, give that items in the mail dry out completely. But perhaps not impossible if the mail delivery is within a couple of days. However, for goods transported from Asia by sea, or something like that, I think we can probably discount the possibility.
Has anybody entertained the idea that the virus may be imported by mail or mail-order goods?
An infected person handling your package or merchandise, you open your package and you're infected.
Nope. From the Australian Department of Health information for cargo workers:

"This [virus] is not considered an increased risk to cargo and mail workers as on most dry surfaces, coronaviruses die within a few hours as secretions dry out."

From the US CDC:

"Because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures." :
" The current coronavirus could survive up to nine days outside the human body if it proves as resilient as previous strains, according to researchers studying past outbreaks.
Cold, low-humidity environments are ideal for the disease, an analysis of 22 former coronavirus surveys by the Journal of Hospital Infection found. Past strains included Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
Some surfaces are better for the virus than others.
“On copper and steel it’s pretty typical, it’s pretty much about two hours,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said Thursday. “But I will say on other surfaces — cardboard or plastic — it’s longer, and so we are looking at this.” " :
" But how long can the new coronavirus linger on surfaces, anyway? The short answer is, we don't know. But if this new coronavirus resembles other human coronaviruses, such as its "cousins" that cause SARS and MERS, it can stay on surfaces — such as metal, glass or plastic — for as long as nine days, according to a new study. (In comparison, flu viruses can last on surfaces for only about 48 hours.)
In the new study, researchers analyzed several dozen previously published papers on human coronaviruses (other than the new coronavirus) to get a better idea of how long they can survive outside of the body. The authors found that these coronaviruses can linger on surfaces for over a week but that some of them don't remain active for as long at temperatures higher than 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius). The authors also found that these coronaviruses can be effectively wiped away by household disinfectants " :
" 2019-nCoV also called SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious virus. The virus can spread even through casual contacts and proximity.
Current studies suggests that virus can survive on surfaces like glass, plastic, metals etc for may be up to 9days and in fecal material for may be upto weeks of which studies are still going on for confirmation.
People with long hairs should keep hair in such a way that it doesn’t come in contact with potentially infected objects in public places e.g. handle on seat back on buses and trains."
NPIs for COVID-19 Outbreaks in Communities
  • Personal Protective Measures. During an outbreak in your community, CDC recommends the everyday preventive measures listed above—especially staying home when sick—and taking these additional measures:
    • Wearing a facemask if advised to do so by your healthcare provider or by a public health official
"The surgeon general wants Americans to stop buying face masks"
"They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

Ok... a face mask is NOT effective for the general public... but face masks are required for those who are in contact wit sick patients.!!!
I thank a face mask woud be just as effective if someone wit the virus coughed on me at Walmart... or if a sick patient coughed on me at my home.!!!

An infected person handling your package or merchandise, you open your package and you're infected.

Or... a contagious employee wit-out symptoms stocks the store shelf wit product they just sneezed on... you pick up the product an then rub you'r eye.!!!
"The surgeon general wants Americans to stop buying face masks"
"They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"

Ok... a face mask is NOT effective for the general public... but face masks are required for those who are in contact wit sick patients.!!!
I thank a face mask woud be just as effective if someone wit the virus coughed on me at Walmart... or if a sick patient coughed on me at my home.!!!
Yes, if you are caring for someone who is sick it's a good idea. Hence the warning.

It would suck if you were caring for a sick person at home and you couldn't get a mask because panicky people were buying them all for use at Walmart, eh?
Or... a contagious employee wit-out symptoms stocks the store shelf wit product they just sneezed on... you pick up the product an then rub you'r eye.!!!
Doesn't really work like that. And I would point out that a mask won't help you in such circumstances anyway.

For most people a mask does exactly one thing - it keeps you from touching your face with your hands. Thus if it worries you the answer is simple - don't touch your face with your hands until you've washed them. :
" The current coronavirus could survive up to nine days outside the human body . . . .
Note two things.

1) We don't know if this is the case yet and
2) "Survives" is not the same as "infectious." "Survives" is a misnomer anyway since viruses are not alive to begin with. What they really mean is that the virus retains its structure and is thus detectable by sequencing it. But again that doesn't mean it can infect you.
'It would suck if you were caring for a sick person at home and you couldn't get a mask because panicky people were buying them all for use at Walmart, eh?

It sure woud... about as much if you caut the virus at Walmart when an infected person sneezed on you.!!!

"I thank a face mask woud be just as effective if someone wit the virus coughed on me at Walmart... or if a sick patient coughed on me at my home.!!!"

So do you agree wit that statement or not.???

Or... a contagious employee wit-out symptoms stocks the store shelf wit product they just sneezed on... you pick up the product an then rub you'r eye.!!!

Doesn't really work like that.

Well its grate to hear that you cant be infected that way :?
Note two things.

1) We don't know if this is the case yet and
2) "Survives" is not the same as "infectious." "Survives" is a misnomer anyway since viruses are not alive to begin with. What they really mean is that the virus retains its structure and is thus detectable by sequencing it. But again that doesn't mean it can infect you.
Pretty well got to agree with you, billvon.
As far as the "misnomer" : in this day and age there is no telling what exactly the author(s) intended to convey by the use of the word "survive(s)", or with the phrase(s) "remain active" and "if it proves as resilient as previous strains".
I Posted the Links just to provide information.

The biggest takeaway I gleaned from the Links was :
" But how long can the new coronavirus linger on surfaces, anyway? The short answer is, we don't know."

At any rate, it might possibly be better to Err on the side of Caution, eh?
It sure woud... about as much if you caut the virus at Walmart when an infected person sneezed on you.!
A face mask will not help you if an infected person sneezed on you at Walmart, unless you were about to kiss them. It's an issue of aerosols and their lifetime in the air. Here's how you will get infected at Walmart:

1) A sick person sneezes on you. You get a largish bit of aerosol on your arm.
2) You touch your arm with your hand.
3) You touch your mouth or your eye with your hand.

Thus, not touching your face with your hands is as effective as wearing a mask for Walmart-vector infections.

Here's how healthcare providers get sick:

1) They bend over the sick person to care for them (listen to their chest, take their temperature etc)
2) The person sneezes and they get largish aerosols in their mouth.

Thus the healthcare provider needs the mask; the Walmart shopper really doesn't. It's more placebo than anything else. (And of course a reminder to not touch your face.)
Heres the CDC take on it as of February 28, 2020

How COVID-19 Spreads
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

The virus that causes COVID-19 seems to be spreading easily and sustainably in the community (“community spread”) in some affected geographic areas.
Looks like natural selection has found a virus that targets the weak and elderly (not unusual). When the immune system is compromised, the individual becomes a welcome host to virulent pathogens.

This was predicted by Dr. Albert Bartlett in his lecture on the Exponential function.

There will come a point where the earth can only support a Zero growth population. Maybe that point has been reached and Nature is beginning to cull the weak and the elderly (my target group).

If that sounds like a fictitious assumption, nature does not intentionally select, but will constantly test living things for survivability from a host of causalities, some known, some unknown.

For all we know, the Corona virus might be result of climate or environmental changes which caused it to mutate from the already existing varieties. The butterfly effect is very much a tool used by Natural selection. One small mutation in a virus and potentially millions could die across the globe.
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Looks like natural selection has found a virus the targets th elderly.
Killing off elderly is not natural selection. Natural selection only works when the people who die haven't reproduced yet.
If that sounds like a fictitious assumption, nature does not intentionally select, but will constantly test living things for survivability from a host of causalities, some known, some unknown.
Right. Natural selection works by culling the gene pool. If an 80 year old dies of the flu after having 8 kids in his lifetime - that's sort of the opposite of natural selection.
Looks like natural selection has found a virus the targets th elderly.
Correlation does not imply causation.

The elderly are unilaterally more at-risk to any stressors. This includes such things as, say, high pollution rates, heat waves or droughts - none of which involve this or any other virus.

They're not dying from the virus; they're dying from opportunistic secondary complications unrelated to the virus - just like they might if compromised by pollution, heat or drought.