Correcting evolutionary mutations

I think he meant the ancestors of the present time animals had a different number of digits before it fixed to five, and except some later acquired exceptions, is a uniform trait.
The Sumerians depicted their rulers as huge in size - most mainstream archaeologists of course think is was symbolic...trying hard now to find a picture of what I am talking about.
I'm happy that you believe in something but humans belong to the extensive group of tetrapods. Most representatives of them have 5 digits on each limb. YOou have to go back far in evolution to find more digits, as I already stated. We started with 8 digits.

Note that I say we in a very general fashion. I do not mean humanoids, I do not mean primates, I do not mean mammals. I mean tetrapods.

To suggest that humans had more than 5 digits indicates a case of ... an evolutionary throwback to the reptilain brain by a primate.
The Sumerians depicted their rulers as huge in size - most mainstream archaeologists of course think is was symbolic...trying hard now to find a picture of what I am talking about.

I don't know of a single actual archaeologist that thinks that the depiction of rulers in antiquity on things like stelae, tablets, cylinder seals, pottery, and the like is anything but symbolic of status. That would make the adjective "mainstream" unnecessary. What other realistic possibility is there?
I don't know of a single actual archaeologist that thinks that the depiction of rulers in antiquity on things like stelae, tablets, cylinder seals, pottery, and the like is anything but symbolic of status. That would make the adjective "mainstream" unnecessary. What other realistic possibility is there?

i would say it isnt that great a leap of logic to assume things are the way they were depicted.

we are giants compared to people just 100 years ago, due to our nutrition and healthcare. im sure the rulers at those times ate better and had better medical attention, dont you?
Except that when the tombs of rulers from Europe to Mesopotamia to Egypt and even in Mesoamerica are excavated and the ruler's remains (or key articles of clothing) are analyzed, they seem rather ordinary in stature. The stature for status hypothesis seems reasonable, it just isn't born out by data.
Originally Posted by nietzschefan
Consider why we once had a base 6/12 number system.

Isn't that related to the lunar cycle ?

Here is the answer: " ... The ancient Sumerians (Babylon) used a Base Six number system because they knew that the length of one side of a six-sided polygon (that is a hexagon) is the same length as is the radius of the circle that circumscribes this hexagon.

They also knew that the constellations of the zodiac seem to rotate along the horizon like a merry-go-round at a rate of 72 years per degree (per one degree of 360 degrees) of rotation which is known as the precession of the stars. This precession results from the slow wobble of the earth's axis (like a gyroscope) which would wobble once through one full 360 degree precession in 25,920 years (as 72 years x 360 degrees equals 25,920 years/360 degrees of precession) ... "

Advanced students may desire to examine the entire study here:
I dont know if this has been posted before, but do you know if these fingers are fully functional?

I've seen a few people with extra fingers, but these were floppy finger parts hainging from their hands or from another finger...
I dont know if this has been posted before, but do you know if these fingers are fully functional?

I've seen a few people with extra fingers, but these were floppy finger parts hainging from their hands or from another finger...

this baby's weren't, but there have been people who's extra fingers were.
What if this kid was the next step in evolution? Wouldn't he have a better ability at keyboarding, which is necessary these days? What if we have been surgically 'correcting' our evolutionary mutations?
I believe these extra fingers aren't fully functional. Even if they were, I doubt they'd be that useful given that everything is designed for five fingered people.

Regarding the surgical correction of defects, this is just a temporary measure until we develop the ability to manipulate things at a genetic level. That's how evolution will proceed. With us in control, choosing what modifications we would like.

First we'll just cure disease. Really bad ones where doing nothing would result in an outcome worse than any possible side effect of the cure. As we gain experience, it will be like the movie Gattaca. You'll choose what features you want in your offspring.
Joking right? :eek:

That's what I though too, but he's serious. :shrug: I don't believe it myself, but he has shown me pics and pointed out things I've never known before. Learning new things is good, its just the believing that's.....well, no gonna be do-able.