
Granted. You pictured "tubgirl" instead!

I wish for 20 more IQ points.

granted! but noone wants to talk to u anymore!!!

I really wish we have a fun and safe time this weekend!!! and that my cat comes back home unharmed!!! I had to make 2!!!!!!! chy slamed his tail and hind leg in the door as he was taking off:( i'm worried!!!
Granted. You have a fun and safe weekend and your cat comes home unharmed. You also get explosive diarrhea.

I wish I could think of corruptions that don't involve shit and puke.
Granted. You buy an illegal Huka(sic) and get arrested by the police.

I wish I could find a nice little island to live on.
You are literally in Disney. You are in Walt Disney's grave and you are stuck in there.

I wish I am in the Macross Universe right now

P.S. Omega, did you literally mean reverse as in it becoming a repulsive force, or did you mean eliminate it?
Granted, you get destroyed by the Macross Cannon.

I wish I didn't have to go to school to learn.

P.S: I meant as in you float away.
You don't go to school to learn, you go to be executed.

I wish I know everything

P.S. Um...that is eliminate. In that case everyone else dies with me lol.
Granted. But you get killed by the CIA for knowing to much. :D

I wish I could go to Burger King. (i'm hungry for a whopper)
You go there, eat the food and die a slow and extremely painful death, you feel that all your nerve endings are on fire, every single cell and that your mitochondrias explode MUHAHAHAHA!

I wish I had Lelouch's evil laugh.
Granted. But everyone gets wierded out and walks away, every time.

I wish I had an X-Box.
One that will explode in your hands, and it is made by Al-Queda.

I wish I can control probability.
One that will explode in your hands, and it is made by Al-Queda.

I wish I can control probability.

granted but your control of probability included the probability of anyone posting in this thread..

I wish this thread would be resurected
Granted, but everyone has put you on ignore.

I wish for an electric car that goes 200 miles on a charge and is priced like a low end Hundayi.
Granted, but everyone has put you on ignore.

I wish for an electric car that goes 200 miles on a charge and is priced like a low end Hundayi.

Granted, but there's only one "charging dock", and it's 210 miles away..

I wish I never had to pay another bill for the rest of my life.
Granted, your taken hostage and will remain locked up until they can drain your account.

I wish for all my wishes to come true.
Granted. You wished for a new puppy, but it craps everywhere, including on your pillow and in your food when you're not looking.

I wish I could put on 15kg of muscle.
Granted. You wished for a new puppy, but it craps everywhere, including on your pillow and in your food when you're not looking.

I wish I could put on 15kg of muscle.

Granted..But, it's all in your left calf..

I wish I had an endless supply of free beer.