Created by vs. Descended from?

Because you choose to see this entity as a robot, or some programed thing, instead of an individual, with individual desires.
Understand how it is you or anyone you know could fall from seemingly perfect and ideal situation, then you'll it may just add up.

If you insist on setting boundaries i.e. this or that cannot happen, therefore it is out of the question, then it will never add up.

And if I try hard enough, then 2x + 2x will be 5X!!!!

you said:
If I knew that my master is someone whose land and crops are not subject to droughts, floods, fires or thieves, whose funds are not subject to inflation, whose cattle is not subject to disease and death, whose property cannot be lost due to envious heirs or gambled away, who can ensure me with a job for as long as I shall live - if I knew all that, and still chose to betray and leave such a master, then I would have to be one utter idiot. By inherent, God-given nature so, not by mistake or temporary poor judgment.

No, I refuse to believe such a thing is even remotely possible. What you are suggesting is utterly repugnant, and is character assassination against God.

me said:
So what do you suggest occurs?

you said:
I don't know.

But a scenario in which it is posited that jivas are evil by nature and so can choose to fall, just doesn't make sense; other than if we are also to believe that God, in His infinite wisdom and goodness, has parts and parcels of Himself who choose to be evil by nature or who are evil by nature.

me said:
So what are you arguing for?
Either accept it, or not.

you said:
Typical Hindu power trip you have there.

me said:
What else can you do?
Right now you're not accepting it. You may think you're being neutral, and will decide as and when science and/or philosophy make break-throughs, but in fact you reject it automatically. There are no grey areas in reality, it just is. We constantly make decisions, we constantly recieve data, and we constantly act upon that, but we're not aware of such constant activity. We only aware of a small amount. We are affected by everything conscious and sub-concsious

you said:
Says someone who also suggested that the scriptures are talking about the disciplic succession and the importance of having a teacher "for effect."

you said:
Check if you can walk on water, or lift a mountain on your left little finger. I'm guessing you can do neither.

me said:
Way to avoid the question.

you said:
Not at all. I am being serious. If we'd be having this conversation in person, I'd challenge you to manifest some super-abilities.


In your effort to escape the discussion, you failed to miss out on the context of my post, which was that your response didn't even address the issues established by quinsong. You only challenged her assertion that man cannot live on God alone--which was merely a way of saying that spirituality is just one of many facets of life--by saying that man cannot live in matter. I was addressing your claim, which is erroneous.

Not sure what's hard to understand about that.

the problem is that you have shifted quinsong's context to your context ... kind of like if I took your statement about "we can live in matter" and demanded that you explain "how we can live in dark matter" (nevermind that you weren't actually talking matter in that sense).

IOW atm you are just sounding like troll bait as opposed to anything close to a participant in serious discussion.

Parts of Greater Whole

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to believe you were descended from the opposed to being created by the divine.This is what the Japanese followers of Shinto believe.
What about the ancient Romans...Greeks? If you believe you were created...this raises a question.
Created for what???

I do not believe we are created from the divine. We are descended only as far as we are resultants of deterministic cause and affect.

We humans are part of greater cosmically finite, whole set, that is inherently/apriori divine. Our speciality as humans, is the ability to conceive of a divine whole and then conceptually place ourselves outside of stated conceptual whole, look back in upon that whole, as if were a God holding the finite whole in our hands.

2ndary to the above finite whole, we humans also conceive of macro-micro infinite whole that embraces the finite whole set, but distinct from the finite whole set.

These are the top two catagories of "U"niverse'

1) the macro-micro infinite, non-occupied space that is beyond( outside of )

2) the finite occupied space we call Universe.

Consciousness = twoness = awareness...Bucky Fuller

We are one, because all parts of our finite physical/energy Universe are connected/interrelated. imho

I do not believe we are created from the divine. We are descended only as far as we are resultants of deterministic cause and affect.

We humans are part of greater cosmically finite, whole set, that is inherently/apriori divine. Our speciality as humans, is the ability to conceive of a divine whole and then conceptually place ourselves outside of stated conceptual whole, look back in upon that whole, as if were a God holding the finite whole in our hands.

We are one, because all parts of our finite physical/energy Universe are connected/interrelated. imho


What is our purpose?

the problem is that you have shifted quinsong's context to your context ... kind of like if I took your statement about "we can live in matter" and demanded that you explain "how we can live in dark matter" (nevermind that you weren't actually talking matter in that sense).

Nonsense. Quinsong was discussing "the fall," whereas I was not. Nor were you. You addressed only the point about living in matter, and I objected. Your response was a non-sequitur, and now you're running away. No wonder wynn looks up to you; you're her role model for intellectual cowardice.

IOW atm you are just sounding like troll bait as opposed to anything close to a participant in serious discussion.


What I sound like is someone standing beside the crumbling foundation of your metaphysical worldview with a sledgehammer in hand. I suppose that's a scary proposition, but I would imagine most intelligent people would jump at the chance to have their mind changed.

Nonsense. Quinsong was discussing "the fall," whereas I was not. Nor were you. You addressed only the point about living in matter, and I objected. Your response was a non-sequitur, and now you're running away. No wonder wynn looks up to you; you're her role model for intellectual cowardice.

What I sound like is someone standing beside the crumbling foundation of your metaphysical worldview with a sledgehammer in hand. I suppose that's a scary proposition, but I would imagine most intelligent people would jump at the chance to have their mind changed.

.... meanwhile your molars rot

The only thing crumbling is your teeth.

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Human Purpose

What is our purpose?

Hi Jan, to be clear, by "our" I presume/assume you mean 'humans' purpose.

Universe does not have purpose for its existence nor does it assign a purpose for its existence or any of it local parts ex humans.

2) humans assign a purpose for Universe's existence and for any of its local specific/particular/special-case parts.

R B Fuller lays out purpose of humans, apart from those things all biological have in common, is as follows;

1) harvest information) objectively )

2) sort out/winnow out details of the informations

3) discover patterns and principles

4) apply subjectively any discovered patterns and principles in support of the eternally regenerative Universe.

These are the top two catagories of "U"niverse'

1) the macro-micro infinite, non-occupied space that is beyond( outside of )

2) the finite occupied space we call Universe.

Consciousness = twoness = awareness = otherness...( Bucky Fuller ) and at minimum there is a gravitational relationship/interrelationship between any two space occupying whole entities. imho

We are one, because all parts of our finite physical/energy Universe are connected/interrelated via gravity at a minimum. imho

If you research multi-verse scenarios, you will find one shred of commonality that is unique in multi-verse theory and that is that gravity is the only force that passes between all of verses. I'm not a proponet of multi-verse theory but only wanting to show other places that resonate with my belief of gravity as a universal interrelating force and imho the essence of our existence.

.... meanwhile your molars rot

The only thing crumbling is your teeth.


And how does this strengthen your position, or weaken mine?

I've never met anyone who wasn't embarrassed to admit they viewed their worldview as superior because it was comforting.

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And how does this strengthen your position, or weaken mine?

I've never met anyone who wasn't embarrassed to admit they viewed their worldview as superior because it was comforting.

balerion taps out

1 + 1 = 4............3 + 3 = 12

That still doesn't make 2x plus 2x equal 5x.

Hi Wynn, 1 man plus 1 woman can = 5 children.

I synergetics via the synergetic principle, we find geometric examples of how;

1 + 1 = 4:rolleyes:


3 + 3 = 12:bugeye:


Do regard human beings as purely material beings?
And how do you define ''divine''?

Material = physical/energy = spirit

Divine = "U"niverse = cosmic wholistic integrity, whether systemic, structural or both.

In-spirited = the first in-breath of biological animal upon exiting from the womb egg or whatever mechanism the leads to first in-breath.

Out-spirited = our last breath, which assume is more often out rather than in. I dunno if there are any studies on that.

Complex humans have most access to complex metaphysical mind/intelligence ergo humans have most access to comprehension of a concept of
divinity. imho

Woman being more complex than man has functions with more complex set of relationships than a man. See more lateral complexity occurring in womans brain.

This must be one of those "special experiences" where LG sees shit nobody else sees. It's pretty amazing to witness the birth of a new delusion, though.
on the contrary your demise (and the events leading up to it - eg. rotting molars ) are quite standard ....
on the contrary your demise (and the events leading up to it - eg. rotting molars ) are quite standard ....

As is your intellectual cowardice.

Anyway, I was referring to the "Balerion tapping out" bit. You seem to have perceived my question as something other than a question.
Material = physical/energy = spirit

Divine = "U"niverse = cosmic wholistic integrity, whether systemic, structural or both.

In-spirited = the first in-breath of biological animal upon exiting from the womb egg or whatever mechanism the leads to first in-breath.

Out-spirited = our last breath, which assume is more often out rather than in. I dunno if there are any studies on that.

Complex humans have most access to complex metaphysical mind/intelligence ergo humans have most access to comprehension of a concept of
divinity. imho

Woman being more complex than man has functions with more complex set of relationships than a man. See more lateral complexity occurring in womans brain.


I can't comprehend he meaning behind what you're proposing.
How do you arrive at these conclusions?
