Creating matter from light

The amount of matter converted to "light" in the Hiroshima Bomb was about the mass of a large pencil eraser. About 20 kilotons per gram of matter converted, is the commonly stated standard for ordinary fission.

The direct back-conversion is obviously possible, in theory - the applications would appear to be limited, at first glance.

The creation of matter/antimatter pairs offers a work-around of the brute force limitations - with its own problems, though. Intriguing what the applications would be.
I wonder if creating future technology that can create matter from energy could be used in some sort of 3D printing application. Perhaps items made of matter or antimatter could be made to materialize into existence out of stored or created energy, almost instantly, or over time, somehow using this imaginary futuristic technology.
If we could capture energy from the sun or interstellar space and convert it efficiently into matter perhaps we could ensure a steady supply or resources for future generations as we colonize space.
If you remove the mass particles from an atom, such as Hydrogen, somehow, can it travel at the speed of light like a mass-less photon, when sped up fast enough, without increasing in mass, as can happen when matter accelerates to high speeds, because its mass particles have been removed?
Gravity, being a property of mass, appears as mass appears

I don't see a problem

yet in theory energy can be neither created nor destroyed...

If you remove the mass particles from an atom, such as Hydrogen, somehow, can it travel at the speed of light like a mass-less photon, when sped up fast enough, without increasing in mass, as can happen when matter accelerates to high speeds, because its mass particles have been removed?
many are working with that theory.
last i browsed was the idea of particle duality or super positioning.
the ability of a particle to co-exist in 2 places at once.
this obviousely does not require an entire sun to drive it down the road n back, so it sits outside the commonnistic basic laws of physics.

thus why higs boson was proposed as there is direct suggestion that mass asa property is somehow detachable from light and thus gravity becomes evenmore mysterious.

is gravity always there ? and thus mass just focuses it like a lens ?
or is gravity a cascade of some type of particle we do not know yet like an attomic explosion on a nano level that creates gravity ?
or various other 'who knows whats'
I've always thought of mass as compressed energy - concentrated energy in essence

So as mass forms gravity appears - concentrate energy - up pops mass - mass exudes gravity

thats an interesting concept.
in that mass containing energy.
i gues the atomic structure of mass contains energy thus its coalescence creates gravity, however... does gravity exist prior to matter coalescencing ?
thus all matter contains gravity ?
micro gravity queue the question of
is there some atomic thingey that contains gravity as a particle ?
or, is gravity a field which is attracted by mass, and in so thus can it be repelled ?

light being a particle should attract gravity
light being a wave .... is ? a gravitational micro field ?
does gravity exist prior to matter coalescencing ?

Guessing here no

micro gravity queue the question of
is there some atomic thingey that contains gravity as a particle ?

Is the prime suspect the unfound graviton?

or, is gravity a field which is attracted by mass, and in so thus can it be repelled ?

No and no

As I have put down as gravity is a property of mass then negative gravity (or repulsion gravity) would be negative mass (not anti mass)
