Creation Theory

There was no beginning and there will be no end. Mass evolves to space!


In order for there to be work done there needs to be a force. In order for there to be a force there needs to be an opposing force. Saying God created the universe means there was no universe prior to God creating it. If there was no universe prior to creation then there could be no opposing force, so no work was done. If no work was done then there could be no power. No power means no energy over a duration of time. So...what this all means is that if there is a God it's powerless. What good is a powerless God?

On the other hand...Horsepower=Torque*RPM/5252. Engines create HP! Engines power vehicles and electric generators! Engines do work! Engines power your vehicle to carry you to the grocery store to get groceries so that you can eat and survive! So what's more important...God..or internal combustion engines???
There was no beginning and there will be no end. Mass evolves to space!


In order for there to be work done there needs to be a force. In order for there to be a force there needs to be an opposing force. Saying God created the universe means there was no universe prior to God creating it. If there was no universe prior to creation then there could be no opposing force, so no work was done. If no work was done then there could be no power. No power means no energy over a duration of time. So...what this all means is that if there is a God it's powerless. What good is a powerless God?

On the other hand...Horsepower=Torque*RPM/5252. Engines create HP! Engines power vehicles and electric generators! Engines do work! Engines power your vehicle to carry you to the grocery store to get groceries so that you can eat and survive! So what's more important...God..or internal combustion engines???

I like to think what created the mass, science has not yet proved that so I guess a intelligent being created it.
I like to think what created the mass, science has not yet proved that so I guess a intelligent being created it.

An intelligent being composed of no mass?

BTW...I like to think that if there really was a God, that there must have been a superior God that created that God, and a superior God that created that God, and a superior God that created that God......and on...and on...and on....:rolleyes:

So it boils down to the same thing, what created the first God? Did it just appear out of nowhere? Is God made of distance? Distance and time are inevitable, so there need be no explanation for distance and time. God, on the other hand...
An intelligent being composed of no mass?

BTW...I like to think that if there really was a God, that there must have been a superior God that created that God, and a superior God that created that God, and a superior God that created that God......and on...and on...and on....:rolleyes:

So it boils down to the same thing, what created the first God? Did it just appear out of nowhere? Is God made of distance? Distance and time are inevitable, so there need be no explanation for distance and time. God, on the other hand...

Science can't prove God, nor ...disprove him. :eek:
Science can't prove God, nor ...disprove him. :eek:

What is this God you speak of? In order for you to be speaking of something real you must present some type of evidence that what you speak of is...real. What evidence do you have that what you speak of is real?
What is this God you speak of? In order for you to be speaking of something real you must present some type of evidence that what you speak of is...real. What evidence do you have that what you speak of is real?

This is what faith is based on...I can't prove God to you. No more than you can disprove that a Creator was behind creation.
Do you believe in the concept of infinity? Can space be infinite?
Could the universe be infinite?
I look at it this way

We are perhaps in a mind that is trying to understand its self by its imagination , hence anything goes

The mind is immature

And the reason I say " immature " is because in the bible this mind behaves as a teenager , the mind did not anticipate the Human reaction in the so called " garden of eden " where Eve to the bite of the apple of knowledge

This mind then became angry and condemned Humanity , this is not an action of a mind like god , rather the action of a immature god-mind
This is what faith is based on...I can't prove God to you. No more than you can disprove that a Creator was behind creation.
Do you believe in the concept of infinity? Can space be infinite?
Could the universe be infinite?

I don't need to disprove anything because you haven't shown anything to be be real. What is your proof that what you speak of is real? Otherwise, I'll have to default to the fact that you aren't speaking of real entities.
I don't need to disprove anything because you haven't shown anything to be be real. What is your proof that what you speak of is real? otherwise I'll have to default to the fact that you aren't speaking of real entities.
Just one entity, and if I could prove God to you, it would be science and have nothing to do with spirituality and faith. Believe what you wish, we are entitled to believe what we believe.
Just one entity, and if I could prove God to you, it would be science and have nothing to do with spirituality and faith. Believe what you wish, we are entitled to believe what we believe.

If you could prove God to yourself then you would prove it to me, but you can't. So you believe in an entity that you cant prove to yourself. In other words, you don't know, you are making it up or repeating someone's made up fairytale.
If you could prove God to yourself then you would prove it to me, but you can't. So you believe in an entity that you cant prove to yourself. In other words, you don't know, you are making it up or repeating someone's made up fairytale.

If you need proof for everything you believe, how can I expect you to understand why I believe that God exists? Therein lies the dilemma.
It doesn't bother me if you don't believe in God, but it sounds like it bugs you that others do.
If you need proof for everything you believe, how can I expect you to understand why I believe that God exists? Therein lies the dilemma.
It doesn't bother me if you don't believe in God, but it sounds like it bugs you that others do.

I know why you believe in God, because the idea was put in your head to fill a void in understanding. You choose to fill that void with a fairytale. I have no problem with that. Many people choose to do the same as you. There are many many different Gods that people believe in, but most people believe in just one of those Gods out of all of them. I just believe in one less than they (you) do.
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I know why you believe in God, because the idea was put in your head to fill a void in understanding. You choose to fill that void with a fairytale. I have no problem with that. Many people choose to do the same as you. There are many many different Gods that people believe in, but most people believe in just one of those Gods out of all of them. I just believe in one less then they (you) do.

A "void." Hmmm.
I understand science. One doesn't need to abandon a belief in God to believe in science.
The two can coexist. Because you don't think so, doesn't make it so.

Science is based on evidence. God is based on a belief in a fairytale, so the two do not coexist. You are the one that tries to merge the two and pretend that they are compatible.
Then what is the Creation theory based on ?

Many people who believe in God, are not Christian, and don't follow the bible. And many Christians and non Christian believers in God believe in the Big Bang, but believe a Creator was the "cause," or the cause of what led up to it, at the very least. I can't prove this is merely something that has merit to me.
Science is based on evidence. God is based on a belief in a fairytale, so the two do not coexist. You are the one that tries to merge the two and pretend that they are compatible.

Well, I believe in God and science doesn't require my "belief." It just is.
But, who created all that man has discovered?
You have never contemplated a higher power before? :eek:
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Well, I believe in God and science doesn't require my "belief." It just is.

Not unlike someone that believes that blue butterflies are what causes rain.

But, who created all that man has discovered?

"Who" didn't create anything. Mass evolves to space! The earth came from the sun!

You have never contemplated a higher power before? :eek:

Way beyond that, girl friend! ;)