Creepy ghost photos

My favorite one is the one where the guy took a picture of his own reflection in a glass door and thinks its a ghost. Duh.
GHOSTS !! I knew about it from stories, movies,.....and........some imaginable possibilities.
It's the vaccuum cleaners why we don't see many ghosts anymore, but in the old buildings where dust is wiped and not vaccuumed. Ghost really hate it to be sucked out of the floors when they try to hide, and they get all itchy in the dustbag.
Ghosts can be such assholes. They are never around when there are witnesses. Then people think you are crazy.
Why do you think ghosts are real?

I have a question. Hypothetically, what if ghosts were proven to be real one day?

Then what would all of you say?

All the people who saw a ghost and people adamantly telling them it doesnt exist. It must be imagination or some mental disturbance. But they dont know that either. For sure.

They would excuse themselves with 'there was no evidence before' but thats not right because science does not know everything possible but didnt even leave the possibility open like they are all knowing already. Not even anywhere near.

What they are really saying is 'based on current understanding of reality' it does not exist but its taken to the extreme as any religion that its impossible. Unless you know all of reality and its possibilities, no one can say for sure ghosts cant exist or dont.
What would they be made of and how would they physically work?

If they have a physical component then what would that matter be composed of?

If they're made of energy, what kind of energy, how is it stored and how is it transmitted?

What physical processes are involved in creating a ghost?
I have a question. Hypothetically, what if ghosts were proven to be real one day?

What's a "ghost"? That would be my first question. How are we defining the phenomenon?

Then what would all of you say?

I don't think that all of Sciforums' participants would say the same thing. Some would just dismiss it and say "impossible!" because it doesn't conform to their worldview.

My own response would be very similar to Daecon's excellent questions.

I'd want to know precisely how these 'ghosts' were proven to be real. And I'd probably approach that conclusion with considerable skepticism. I wouldn't rule it out entirely though, I'd want to know more about it.

And I'd want to know more about what these 'ghosts' are. The traditional ghost myth imagines them as being the spirits of deceased human beings. That implies that things called 'spirits' exist. So, what are 'spirits'?

Is there really some supernatural gas inside living things that animates their bodies, giving them life? Many (not all) of the ancients believed this and we see traces of that belief in the Bible. (For example, in Gen 2:7 God forms man from dust and breathes life into his nostrils, making him a living organism.) The ancients imagined that the 'breath of life' that had once animated the living body separates from it at death and might still be lingering around places where deaths occurred like an occult humanoid fog.

It's interesting how even modern ghost mythology imagines ghosts as gaseous, like clouds of vapor.

So I'd want to know whether the ancients were right after all and whether all of modern physiology is just a mistake.
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I have a question. Hypothetically, what if ghosts were proven to be real one day?

Then what would all of you say?

All the people who saw a ghost and people adamantly telling them it doesnt exist. It must be imagination or some mental disturbance. But they dont know that either. For sure.

They would excuse themselves with 'there was no evidence before' but thats not right because science does not know everything possible but didnt even leave the possibility open like they are all knowing already. Not even anywhere near.

What they are really saying is 'based on current understanding of reality' it does not exist but its taken to the extreme as any religion that its impossible. Unless you know all of reality and its possibilities, no one can say for sure ghosts cant exist or dont.

I'm quite certain ghosts exist based on all the evidence and eyewitness accounts I've seen. My reaction is: I live in a mysterious universe. I don't have to know the how and the why of everything to know it exists. And I'm certainly not going to expect the paranormal to conform to our physicalist world view of reality. I'm fine with ghosts existing. I don't expect to see any anytime soon as I don't frequent haunted places at night. And that's ok too. I know ball lightning exists, and frogs falling from the sky, and black holes, and quantum entanglement, and the Big Bang, and ufos, and ESP, and so I am content just to live in a reality that defies definition and transcends what I think it should be. It doesn't bother me that magical and irrational things sometimes happen. In fact I think it's kinda neat. I don't go hogwild over it. But I do smile and carry on with my life in the humbling assurance that there's so much left to discover.
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I have a question. Hypothetically, what if ghosts were proven to be real one day?

One of Plato's definitions of real concerned an item having potency or "the power to...". Since the "ghost" label as a cognitive routine or "infectious thought-virus which affects interpretation" can cause some people to conceive certain perceptual appearances or disturbances in the environment as specters... Then in that context ghost (as one rarer template for understanding _x_) is thereby already real as an effective idea that leaves marks in the interpersonal world, via the consequences of human behavior therein.

To put another way: Most objects / situations are either aggregates or systematic complexes of components conceived vantage-wise from a higher hierarchy as just those former quick, synoptic conveniences (i.e., table, rock, lake, traffic accident, etc). The majority of a culture's non-physics population might ideate a mild swirling of air as a trivial "dust devil". Whereas Odd Joe might deviate by judging it a passing spirit if it happened to coincide "meaningfully" with something else. Different mental toolsets used by the orthodox group and the minority of eccentrics (though in the deeper past, the ratio might be switched).
The same law applies to ghost pictures as to UFO pictures: "I must go and get the worst and lowest resolution camera that I own and shake it while I take this ghost picture."
The same law applies to ghost pictures as to UFO pictures: "I must go and get the worst and lowest resolution camera that I own and shake it while I take this ghost picture."

But if clear pictures of ufos are posted, they are then dismissed as photoshopped. Case in point:
What do you think of this?

Actually the shaking and zooming in and out of focus are evidence the video is not photshopped. It is extremely hard to duplicate that artificially.
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True enough. That's why we have to examine each case carefully and not make generalizations about them.
When the one case that seems to be real . . . happens . . . then it will be a world news item . . . not some goofy "case" on some obscure website or weirdo blog. Then I will pay attention. Till this moment there has been no such case. So, to generalize, ghosts are bullshit.
True enough. That's why we have to examine each case carefully and not make generalizations about them.
But you never do that. You jump on any and every photo as irrefutable proof that ghosts, aliens, bigfoot et al exist regardless of sense or rationality.
But you never do that. You jump on any and every photo as irrefutable proof that ghosts, aliens, bigfoot et al exist regardless of sense or rationality.

No I don't. I constantly dismiss various photos and videos as fakes or as natural phenomena.

Oh look! Here's one now. It's called a sun dog.

Here's another one. Obviously a lenticular cloud.

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