
Salzburg, Austria

That is definitely a great place to visit. My sister stayed there for a while. I missed my chance to visit. One of these days....

Warnings or Dangers: For Austria: don`t throw trash from out of your car. You will get a ticket from the police. Very expensive. Don`t swim in boxershortlike clothes in the pool. You will be removed immediately! Don`t go to Austria when you are afriad of heights. Drive carefully in the small tunnels and along the ravines. Also deer can jump in front of your car at night. Crime : There are no real dangers as Austria is reported one of the safest countries in all of Europe! Austria has a very low crime rate, especially in regard to violent crime.

Oh, the scenery looks the same as in Park City, Utah or Boulder, Colorado area. One of our friend lived in Conifer, Colorado - the scenery is awesome.
Isum thank you my friend, you have got my full attention on this pencak silat, mainly the telepathy part as i am confused about this long range attack can you explain more to me, am i right in thinking that you dont have to be close to cause injury, is this a fact have you seen it done or maybe you can do it, pray tell.
Originally posted by BLASTOFF
Isum thank you my friend,

urr... ismu....
your welcome.

you have got my full attention on this pencak silat, mainly the telepathy part as i am confused about this long range attack can you explain more to me, am i right in thinking that you dont have to be close to cause injury, is this a fact have you seen it done or maybe you can do it, pray tell.

Yup. you don't have to be close to cause injury. There are many way to do these.

Tenaga dalam is a form of energy (undefined by todays physics) wich we're can collect from suroundings. We can use this power to produce non-make-sense acts. Such as break stones by bare hand, or transfer it thru a roll of papper (or other soft stuffs), or air to the target. That's kin of usage of tenaga dalam by dirrect/indirect impact.

Tenaga dalam also can be used to magnify our natural telepathy (yes, naturally all human have telepathic skill) to make a mess with someones mind. We can make them 'see' or 'feel' or 'hear' what doesn't exists, or make them 'want' to do what they currently don't want to do.
(note: research on rabbits shows that some rabbits has changes of it's brain signal, exactly at the time her baby killed in another room).

Tenung (voodoo alike stuff), i don't know much how to do this. This supposed to be forbidden skill such as you call it 'black magic'. They belive using some help from such genie. Magically, Dukun can put solid materials such as nail or needle into victim stomach from hundreds kilometers distance. This nails can be detected by rontgen (x-ray), but can't be found on surgery. It can cause death.
Tenung which specially mess up mind, called pelet can make any girls crazily 'fall in love' to you, for temporary (several months), but then she hate you like hell when she conscious.
These kind of tenung can be found in Java.

Bali tenung expertise called as Leak. Leak believed can change himself into animal such as dog, snake or boar. They can kill other person by traumatic nightmares, and other skills you won't believe.

Usually each islands has their specific tenung(s). But again, they personally don't like to be exposed.
isum thanks again/ i practice chi kung, and i feel a force like feeling around my body when i do, but can not transfer it out, i can hurt people from close up as i am fast with my feet and hands, but what a way to be adle to defend your self, to stop someone from a distance, will keep trying, had a word with my old master he has told me storys of the same things only these are from china.
Practice...and practice....

You want to be in a frame of mind when you control the reality of your existence. Under this ability, you will not be in a situation where you have to defend yourself in a crude physical way...that is the ultimate mastery of chi.

For example...
(Buddha did not have to defend himself against a physical threat - because he controlled the can learn that too...)

(Buddha did not have to defend himself against a physical threat - because he controlled the can learn that too...)

How...? :)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

How...? :)


I usually teach that in my meditation class. The short version is the purification of mind, body and spirit and be one with the universe. Understanding your connection and supporting your role in the greater scheme...enhancing your mind to the cosmic awareness...

Actually it goes like body...mind...spirit...let the chi flow through you and around you...

Originally posted by BLASTOFF
isum thanks again/ i practice chi kung, and i feel a force like feeling around my body when i do, but can not transfer it out, i can hurt people from close up as i am fast with my feet and hands, but what a way to be adle to defend your self, to stop someone from a distance, will keep trying, had a word with my old master he has told me storys of the same things only these are from china.

ismu! not isum :D

About long distance attack, take a look at my posts here:

Learning Psychic Powers *free-4-all*

...about brething technique in meditating. But perhaps you have different method. Chinese. Will you tell me aout it?