Darwinism Benefits Scientific Method?

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It has been said that to not treat Darwinian evolution as writ would lead to a retardation of scientific progress because many new discoveries are supposedly predicated upon Darwinian theory.

I challenged some chatters at the New York Times message board to say what scientific discoveries were derived from Darwinian theory, and all they could come up with is "traffic flow solutions" and "airplane wing designs," so obviously, Darwinian theory really has no impact on scientific progress, and in fact, actually impedes it has people are preoccupied with that nonsensical notion which has no bearing on how the world works.
The existence of a genetic code was predicted by Darwin (and the Augustinian priest Gregor Mendel), although he could not know the actual form. This led to the discovery of DNA, and the mapping of the human genome.
The word "who" implies a necessarily complex entity, which is the opposite of the principle I was suggesting- the preservation of complexity as an impersonal passive process.
The only thing necessary for complexity to accumulate is for a slightly more complex variation on a theme to be preserved in an iterative process.
The study of emerging bacterial and viral resistance to treatment is predicated on an understanding of evolution.
A bacteria is a bacteria, but how to they adapt and become resistant to anti-bacterial agents? They aren't that smart.
The adaptibility of bacteria depends on the principle of evolution, ie. variation and natural selection. Most modern discoveries in biology depend on an understanding of evolution. I think what those guys were referring to were evolutionary algorithms.
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