Death Penalty is Right!

Originally posted by Vertigoll
A 14 year old's brain is no where near fully developed

I'm 14 and I know a lot about law and the judicial process. I think you should reword that. Maybe say 8 year olds don't know murder is bad?

I hate to break it to you, but your brain is not fully developed, your cortex, which is involved in most abstract thought is still not mature and will not be until roughly the age of 20. You can drill the idea that killing=bad into a 2 year old, but full understanding of the meaning, and certainly the implications that go along with it at an adult and fully cognizant level won't be possible for years. The fact is that such a young person' hasn't got the mental or emotional faculties to fully understand how to control their behavior and be responsible for their actions. If you don't think that my word is good enough on this take it up with a doctor.
There is only two choices: A. The kill was for the good (self defense, war or the death penalty) or B It was bad... the person was killing for the wrong reasons and should be put to death. There is a difference between killing because it was unintentional (such as a little kid who doesn't know what pulling the trigger of a gun at someone will do) and killing for.. for killing. It is my belief that each case is different. (of murder) It is NOT justified for an "undeveloped child" to kill. It doesn't matter how dumb the kid is... you don't just kill people!
Originally posted by Wilcox8686
I can't believe that people are opposed to the death penalty. I mean if you kill another person, why should you ust be locked up? You deserve to die. Also, in the old days the hangings were public and used as as deterrant for anoboty else thinking of raping or murdering. The only thing we should change about executions is to make them more public, and scary for the public to act as a deterrent.:mad:

I would be cool with death sentence if sentencing a man who was innocent to death meant the jury and the judge were tried and executed for murder. Then nobody would have the guts to do so, but it would still be allowed. And the fact that nobody would have the guts to do so, if they risk their own life, proves that the judicial system isn't good enough to support death sentence.
Originally posted by SG-N
Why is it wrong ? I was about to say that I didn't know... I just felt it ! But I had a thought : US soldiers in Iraq !!!
During the first part of the war, some soldiers were captured by Iraqis. Did you saw them on TV ? No ! Because following Geneva Convention, they can't be shown in humiliating positions...

These people are soldiers, not lawbreakers
Originally posted by Wilcox8686
These people are soldiers, not lawbreakers
We could talk about it for hours... but I don't care : I was dealing with respect of people - an idea that you may not understand. :rolleyes:
The death penalty is moronic punitivism. It also does not achieve its goals.

Honest executions are a different story.
death penalty

Part of me says yes to capital punishment, but there seems to be so many miscarraiges of justice. Once your dead a quashed conviction and a pardon are not a lot of help.
death penalty all the way!

and it should include kids as young as 14, and the mentally retarded.

if you're killing people @ 14, what the hell are you gonna do when you're 20??

and if you don't understand that killing is wrong, what's to stop you from doing it again?
if some retard kills my parents i want him DEAD (i'd kill the retard myself if i was allowed to)

the only problem i see with the death penalty is that some innocent ppl were executed... or were exhonorated after a lengthy stay in death row.

today's technology, particularly with the help of DNA, there is much less chance for a mistake.

also there are 2 kinds of "guilty" imho.
1- when it's beyond any shaddow of a doubt. when there are many eye witnesses for example
2- when it's "beyond the shaddow of a doubt" which means "he probably did it. there are no eye witnesses or DNA but he has no alliby or whatever"

those in the 1st category should die
those in 2nd should rot in jail if convicted.
I agree with jerrek, they should give the death penalty to CEOs of companies that fuck up, commit fraud and such...

also saudi arabia is an excellent example. I am happy Jerrek uses it as an example. We should implement torture immediately and deny the existence of any crime, even though it obviously exists. Also when a terrorist bombs some building we should arrest the foreigner who happens to be nearest and torture him into a confession...and then execute him. Haha...and the poor sucker doesn't even know he is convicted, because the trial is in a language he doesn't speak and he doesn't have a lawyer...

Jerrek...your brilliant and an example of enlightened thinking...keep up the good work, and finish your obviously excellent education.
How many innocent people have faced the hangman ? and as a consequence the murderer let of ?
Am I the only one to feel so much shock at the driven desire for revenge ?
those of us who feel the DP is wrong also know that nothing will change

just look at the US, finding ways to send MORE people to the death chamber

luckly australia will never have that again
Originally posted by Wilcox8686
I can't believe that people are opposed to the death penalty. I mean if you kill another person, why should you ust be locked up? You deserve to die. Also, in the old days the hangings were public and used as as deterrant for anoboty else thinking of raping or murdering. The only thing we should change about executions is to make them more public, and scary for the public to act as a deterrent.:mad:

I think your "eye for an eye" idea is a gross mistake. I'm a politically conservative person so I do support the death penalty but not as an eye-for-an-eye punishment.

Just because you killed somebody DOES NOT mean you deserve to die. If an eye for an eye was the law, we would all be blind.
xelius: just cause Gandi said it doesn't make it right.
it's one thing to philosophize but when your mother gets murdered you forget about good ol' Gandi and want the f_cker dead.
Originally posted by otheadp
it's one thing to philosophize but when your mother gets murdered you forget about good ol' Gandi and want the f_cker dead.

I had a good friend that was killed. And, yeah, I was more than upset, to say the least. But no matter how many murderers I kill, it's just that many more people dead. Killing more people doesn't resurrect the victims or anything. All it does is satisfy someone's perverted lust for revenge.

Personally, I don't believe in punitive sentences at all. Lock them up if you have to to keep more people from getting killed, but not even that if it's just for revenge. But to kill people just to get back at them, well, that's just as bad as the guy who kills someone in a fight. Either way it's for revenge. Neither way is it right.
am i wrong?

This is a very confusing issue for me, because everyone I like feels differently than I do about it.

I'm for the death penalty, but wish the justice system were less capitalistic.

If the cops and judges were all decent men interested in justice above all else, then the death penalty would be just.

But then there is the real world, and the real reasons people do things....
we are a primitive creature in a modern society,
killing others is our ancient birthright , crazy but true.
It is now we should try to change our primitive mindset and move on...
If the government cant get your taxes right, how can you expect them to judge life and death ?