You go on and on and on, like a true pontificator.
Although superficially plausible, in fact, Maslow's Hierarchy is a fraud.
I don't suppose you have any proof of same? Unlike "science" from your end of the political spectrum, Maslow's Hierarchy was based on research.'s_hierarchy_of_needs
Every day throughout human history, people have risked their very lives for some of the most trivial reasons conceivable. This is a complete repudiation of Need Hierarchy. Complete. Maslow CLAIMED that our first directive was to continue living. Uh huh. So why do people risk their lives for a hit of an opiate, often killing themselves in the process? They jump out of aircraft, and do stupid stunts risking, and taking, life and limb.
Maslow based his Hierarchy of Needs based on healthy individuals, not deviant individuals. Additionally, all of those people jumping out of aircraft have obvioulsy fullfilled their basic needs (e.g. have enough food, clothing and shelter, etc.). Last time I checked, homeless folk are not jumping out of aircraft. They cannot afford it because they are not able to cover their basic needs.
It is much more accurate to say that we are all prostitutes. We will do anything, include risking our lives, for the right price.
No it is much more accurate to say that you are ignoring inconvenient facts and reason.
Nota bene, Mister Powerful Moderator: You spoke on behalf of your wife.
You claimed she believed and would say thus and such. Men's opinions are worthless because they can't bear children. What utter nonsense.
Were any man to claim women's opinions on some issue are meaningless for some silly reason would be instantly derided as a "sexist." Yet your own sexism and that of your wife's doesn't seem to occur to you.
You either overlook or else neglect the fact that men are required to pay child support for eighteen years.
You either overlook or else neglect the fact that men too love their children, and can want to raise them, even if not married to the mother of the child.
But promoters of child butchery don't care about men's rights, just as they don't care about precious lives. Simply killing unborn babies is the objective, and no excuse is needed.
Anybody who supports abortion on demand, any time, for any reason, is truly sick.
Feel free to exert your Powerful Supreme Authority, Mister Storm Trooper.
It must give you a shiver down your varicose veined leg, as perhaps nothing else will.
You are misrepresenting the facts again. No one is advocating "child butchery". And the issue with respect to abortion is one of individual choice. Your side argues that the state should tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
Pro Choice (abortion) individuals are arguing that it is the right of the individual to decide what they can and cannot do with their bodies, not the state.