Definition of athiest and agnostic

Originally posted by wesmorris
I suggest you check your profile before accusing me of putting words in your mouth. I merely thought YOUR words were fitting.

I hav't even looked at my profile since I first signed-up. It just seemed odd that you completely went off-topic and had no rebutle.

Thus far you appear to be both.
Oh, Ow, I am hurting.

I find it interesting that you:

1) Apparently assume that I violate that based on what you divined from my post.
2) Apparenlty think that you are justified in making that assertion about people other than you.
3) Apparently think that is the only way to form a valid opinion.

Actually I had a very valid opinion and you just quoted a thing from my profile that had no validity at all to what the conversation was about. It got your attention didn't it and made you form an intelligent argument.
Originally posted by Increan
Actually I had a very valid opinion and you just quoted a thing from my profile that had no validity at all to what the conversation was about. It got your attention didn't it and made you form an intelligent argument.
Be careful, you might sway his thinking and proove he is dumb for agreeing with you. :p
Originally posted by Increan I hav't even looked at my profile since I first signed-up. It just seemed odd that you completely went off-topic and had no rebutle.

So you think I should be responsible that you forgot what you put there? Did you also forget that you put THIS as your occupation: "Fucking With People's Heads"? You might see how I had a hard time taking your comments seriously.
Originally posted by Increan
Oh, Ow, I am hurting.
It wasn't meant to hurt, sorry. It was meant to let you know how you appear to me. I don't neccesarily think you're stupid, it's just that I haven't seen (nor looked particularly hard for it) evidence to the contrary.
Originally posted by Increan
Actually I had a very valid opinion and you just quoted a thing from my profile that had no validity at all to what the conversation was about.
Of course your opinion is valid, it's just that your message was stupid. An observation like "People just want everything to be deeper than it really is" doesn't merit much effort towards formulating an "intelligent argument" to refute it. I thought your own words seemed to describe your argumentative style as it had been presented up to that point.
Originally posted by Increan
It got your attention didn't it
Pretty much anyone who claims that I lied about them will get my attention. My absolute honesty is something I pride myself on, and I am generally compelled to defend myself when accused of beign otherwise. So yes, you got my attention in the sense that I responded to something you accused me of.
Originally posted by Increan
made you form an intelligent argument.

Truly inspirational.
Originally posted by wesmorris
So you think I should be responsible that you forgot what you put there? Did you also forget that you put THIS as your occupation: "Fucking With People's Heads"? You might see how I had a hard time taking your comments seriously.

I see how you would think that but that was a long time ago and I only put it down because I was bored and couldn't think of anything interesting to put.

It wasn't meant to hurt, sorry. It was meant to let you know how you appear to me. I don't neccesarily think you're stupid, it's just that I haven't seen (nor looked particularly hard for it) evidence to the contrary.

I don't think your stupid either, I just haven't looked for any evidence otherwise.

Of course your opinion is valid, it's just that your message was stupid. An observation like "People just want everything to be deeper than it really is" doesn't merit much effort towards formulating an "intelligent argument" to refute it. I thought your own words seemed to describe your argumentative style as it had been presented up to that point.

Just really think about almost always there is a simple logical answer for everything. People tend to add layers of nothing to topics and ideas so there is more to talk about, when in essence most of it can be put aside.

Pretty much anyone who claims that I lied about them will get my attention. My absolute honesty is something I pride myself on, and I am generally compelled to defend myself when accused of beign otherwise. So yes, you got my attention in the sense that I responded to something you accused me of.

Sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you, I honestly forgot about what I put in there.

Truly inspirational.

I like how you edited out the part of welcoming me to sci-forums since I've been a member for like a year or so now. And I'll try hard not to be a wanker, but everyman has needs:D

Oh by the way I changed my profile a bit you should check it out.
Originally posted by Increan
I like how you edited out the part of welcoming me to sci-forums since I've been a member for like a year or so now. And I'll try hard not to be a wanker, but everyman has needs:D
Yeah my bad I was looking at the post below yours. Seemed like your names were kinda similar and I realized after posting I was seriously confused.
Originally posted by Increan

Oh by the way I changed my profile a bit you should check it out.

Kind of simple but:

Theist: a person who does believe in god(s)
Atheist: a person who does not believe in god(s)
Agnostic: a person who believes god(s) are unknowable

I like to think I’m an agnostic atheist. God is unknowable and I don’t think there are any. But you could just as easily be an agnostic theist (there are many agnostic Christians for example)
Originally posted by Ectropic

Is it strange that I hope my children can live in a world without God? I bet some of you think so, but I think that would be a great world where the only real pursuit is that of knowledge. No more holy land wars or suicide bombers.

Why were we kicked out of the garden of eden? For eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and you sit here advocating that we should continue to perpetuate that same act.

(shaking head)
Why were we kicked out of the garden of eden? For eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and you sit here advocating that we should continue to perpetuate that same act.
I don't remember being kicked out of anywhere.

You literally interpret the Bible? How amusing....

you're right, I suppose instead of taking the bible literally, I should just take the parts I like out of context, and therefor I can justify having sex with my children, murdering my neighbors, stealing from everyone, etc.

The Bible is either all true, or none of it is true, in which case we're all wasting our time
Re: ummmm...

Originally posted by crazydanny
The Bible is either all true, or none of it is true, in which case we're all wasting our time

I agree.
So why are you wasting your time?
Originally posted by crazydanny
Why were we kicked out of the garden of eden? For eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and you sit here advocating that we should continue to perpetuate that same act.

(shaking head)
I don't even like outside, let alone gardens. Why are you giving me pity for not taking in to account a fairy tale when I talk? If you want a fun book to worship try Dr. Seuss. It's not as goofy as the bible, but it is more recent.

Just read that book of the bible again from my perspective. Can't you see the opression built in. It's a nice story for a king to write to keep his miserable peasents in line. If they strive for knowlege about the how and the why (The Knowlege Tree) they will be banished from the garden. That book has slowed down the progress of humanity for too long. Even my own because I am compelled to try and sway you to the "dark side". I am thinking it is time for a grass roots effort to purge that book from anyplace public. I wouldn't want one of my kids picking it up and thinking he can do soemthing dangerous like walk on water, or wander in a desert for about as long as he pleases.

Wow! Where did that come from? Sorry for snapping, I really do believe you are entitled to your own thoughts about the universe. Just remember that the pity you feel is mutual.
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Re: ummmm...

Originally posted by crazydanny
you're right, I suppose instead of taking the bible literally, I should just take the parts I like out of context, and therefor I can justify having sex with my children, murdering my neighbors, stealing from everyone, etc.
Yes, because that is what everyone wants to do. They think to themselves "Man, if only that Bible wasn't here I could be outside right now raping my son. Man it would be sweet!" I think you are confusing and intertwining morals and religion. Believe me sometime I think morals are easier to have without religion because there really is no book telling me I can't over and over.

We all know that it is part of human nature to do what we are not supposed to. Test it on a kid. Tell him never to look in a certain drawer over and over. There is no kid that wouldn't peek (Now replace "kid" with "Priest" and "peek" with "grope" and you have the state of the Catholic Church.)

The Bible is either all true, or none of it is true, in which case we're all wasting our time
Isn't there a specific section of the book that says that you must believe everything in the bible? What if just that part is wrong? Then you can pick and choose the parts that are sort of nonridiculous! :D
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Lets not look at the bible for a second, there have been to many threads on it. Lets look at the commandments. I think I shall quote the great George Carlin, in where he said all we need is 3 commandments.

1.Be Honest and Faithful
2.Try not to kill if at all possible
3.Keep thy religion to thyself

I wish I would have taped his whole routine in where he went through every commandment and stated why it wasn't needed or how it could be combined with another one. If you think about it thats all you really need, especially the last one.
Originally posted by Increan
Lets not look at the bible for a second, there have been to many threads on it. Lets look at the commandments. I think I shall quote the great George Carlin, in where he said all we need is 3 commandments.

1.Be Honest and Faithful
2.Try not to kill if at all possible
3.Keep thy religion to thyself

I wish I would have taped his whole routine in where he went through every commandment and stated why it wasn't needed or how it could be combined with another one. If you think about it thats all you really need, especially the last one.
George Carlin is great. No one can deny that it was outstanding to see him as a priest in Dogma. When he introduces teh "Buddy Christ" "Don't you think it just... pops?" :D
Originally posted by Increan
Lets not look at the bible for a second, there have been to many threads on it. Lets look at the commandments. I think I shall quote the great George Carlin, in where he said all we need is 3 commandments.

1.Be Honest and Faithful
2.Try not to kill if at all possible
3.Keep thy religion to thyself

I wish I would have taped his whole routine in where he went through every commandment and stated why it wasn't needed or how it could be combined with another one. If you think about it thats all you really need, especially the last one.

If you have to have commandments, I think he did a great job of boiling it down. Love the Carlin, that whole schpeal was awesome. :)
Originally posted by wesmorris
If you have to have commandments, I think he did a great job of boiling it down. Love the Carlin, that whole schpeal was awesome. :)

I don't think we need commandments, just another way for religion to control people, but yeah i had no reason to post what i did i just had it stuck in my head and figured why not post a Carlin quote.
The Bible is kind of like The Iliad or The Odyssey. It is a fictional story based loosely on a few actual events in order to make it sound like it's true.
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
The Bible is kind of like The Iliad or The Odyssey. It is a fictional story based loosely on a few actual events in order to make it sound like it's true.
As someone who has read the Bible, the Illiad, and the Odyssey, I think you do Homer an injustice.
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
As someone who has read the Bible, the Illiad, and the Odyssey, I think you do Homer an injustice.
My apologies in apostrophe to Homer. I wasn't comparing literary talent, of course. I'm sure Homer would understand.