Demonic possesion

yeah tis stupid fukin culture' answer--'anti-psychotic medicin'---what a scam that is. itmeans jck shit. what it does isdamages te bran is wat it does. so person/victim is ven worse of tqn befo. but te psychologicall-led-by-henose-dupes dont care. they got their 'peaceful- life. they dont have to tink, wonder, explore WHY, they just drug and zombify
I personally think there are more suicides caused by "Drugged Zombies" than those that don't undergo medical treatment. I'm sure there are probably figures to prove/disprove this but then we'd have a question about how reputable those figures are.

What I left out previously was that in certain Parapsychological experiments, the uses of vile images of mutilations etc were used to study if ESP was real. If the girl in question is fooling herself into believing she has ESP and can see premonitions certain studygroups might utilise such inserted imagery to check. So quite simply she's best denying all of it to herself and to others.

I do state though the images are artificial, my original concern though was potential cultist or paedophile activity in conjunction with such "Parapsychological investigators" afterall they don't exactly checkout parapsychologists before letting them mess with electronic equipment.
peope stigmatized wit the label 'schizophrenic' resent such propaganda. that they're all potential murders. i hope you listen and learn. because such shit does NOThelp anything..!
My advice is that you forget all that demon stuff, the world is crazier than you think, with ideas of sorts spinning left right center. I don't know but psychologists believe that people who see demons have a predisposed fear and respect for demons. To me if you are obsesses with anything that thing is your demon, sort of like endless hours of reading or playing PS2. I personally don't believe in Gods because there are just too many to choose from, I'd rather not follow any than to offend another, besides the whole idea just sounds too creepy. The number 1 doesn't really exist but its use makes it withstanding, thats the way most things work-Utility. Take out the utility and you will be fine, my guess is that your friend is a devout christian follower who believes in good and evil. Take your mate to an excorcist or call John constantine, if all else fails take him to the psychotic clinic.
I hope the inexperienced that ridicule both anti-psychotic medication and the fact of schizophrenia get a chance to spend some time with a person suffering from this condition, because in most cases they really do suffer, and there have been many cases of anti-psychotic medication relieving that suffering. It's not just a fanatical devotion to normality that leads me to think that if these people are able to sleep, feed themselves, have friends, ect., that their lives are better.

Calling someone schizophrenic does not imply that they are potential murderers or bad people, that's an unfair cultural prejudice. The fact is schizophrenics are often unable to recognize their illness, since a major symptom is an inability to separate reality from fantasy and hallucination.
oh, you mean not 'have INSIGHT into teir condition?' that is shrink talk alright, and is used as ameans to take all human rights away from their victims

look spidergoat. i am not stupid. i am aware tat some people can get very disturbed etc. BUT the ANSWER. te only answer from this culture is 'anti-psychotc medicine' whcih actually damages the nervous system.

so. to understand the fallacy of 'our answer' is first priority, dont you think?


bcause it is based on phony science is why!
A certain amount of understanding your condition is helpful, but it only goes so far. Of course I can't recommend medication for everyone, because there are a wide variety of helpful substances and harmful side effects. Some people never find a drug that helps them, and some people do. Treatment of mental illness has a questionable history, but the alternatives- lack of any treatment, (or even worse, theories of demonic possession)- are even more horrifying.

You could question the safety of medications, but it's the only thing that has been proven to work. Someday there will be something better, I'm sure.
Drop the demons...dream of nice stuff...remember that you got one life...and demons are not part of it...thinking of fear brings demons...your philosophy of life is wrong then if you enjoy dreaming of demons. Take my advice: dream of something that makes peace with yourself, if you have demons in your dream still, then make those demons act nicely and do good deeds, make them behave like they were not demons, make yourself not fear them, change them to images of friends...not friends of evil...but friends who had been given a new meaning to life. In other words...change yourself and yourself only...dont watch horror movies or movies with nature and romance...go and enjoy life and make every second of life count...make good deeds to feel better and consiquently making others feel better. blah blah blah i know...but thats how it works.
Is this really the "friend" we are talking about here? Either way, if the symptoms are true, it sounds like schizophrenia to me.

You many want to confer with reference sources such as and I would strongly recommend medical attention.
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This post isn't so much on the topic, however I remember something funny someone said when I noticed something had a Wiki entry. He said something like "I wouldn't be suprised if an Ex-Girlfriend has written and entry about me", the statement meaning that the problem with Wiki is anybody can write an entry.

As people have mentioned before Schizophrenia is just a Noun slapped ontop of hundreds of different ailments/disorders and even Mis-diagnosises. I know a number of posters have stated previously that such instances are really at first a wind-up, then either a disorder or something worse.

The problem is the medical profession is only too quick to place a diagnosis based upon their assumptions that just so happen to be in their particular genre. In some cases if they were given more information it would actually undermine their jobs and expertise.
The Devil Inside said:
actually, a simple scan of the brain (mri, cat scan) can reveal schizophrenia.
oh no they most certainly cannot. You are carrying on the myth of mental illness aren't you? albeit, probably Unconsciously.
Deudy is right, Scan's can't reveal psychological disorders, all they can reveal is what long term abuse or mistreatment causes. What really annoys me is they look to certain lobes developing greater mass andblame a condition or illness and tend to forget about the pea-soup of radiological waveforms that surround us in our atmosphere.

Most of the studies done to date on radiology have usually consisted of Identifying if a singular waveform is a threat, and not the overall pea-soup that so many transmitters causes.
Actually I think we are dealing with entirely different aspect here...this user...who made this thread...check out his profile.

life... people... anthropology

So his probable major is antropology...and antropology is study of humans. By sharing a story of supposevly demonic possessions he had, he has made a close contact with other members to reveal if they had any such possessions...what he is doing here is trying to evoke an argument and based on that argument make specific conclusion on how people/society handles such possessions, what does society see when someone has something like this. I believe the conclusion this person made is: whereas one declares of his/her demonic possession, the society reacts by isolating a person and by identifying the person as having szchizophrenia.
duendy said:
oh no they most certainly cannot. You are carrying on the myth of mental illness aren't you? albeit, probably Unconsciously.

duendy: i believe in demonic possession.

and yes, it most certainly CAN reveal schizophrenia. that particular disorder actually causes PHYSICAL damage to the brain, after an indefinite period of time. the brain appears to atrophy in specific areas in the cases of long term patients. look it up.
you know im going to add that age does not mean anything at all the fact that im 18 lol means nothing maturity level and what the person has experianced in his life is what matters

ooo dragon dragon dragon hahahaha man i liek you thats all im going to say well yes i am intresated in people and anthropolgy and i have gotten great iinght on peoples belives on this topic.. this topic was acaully about my freind everything i said was true i just waned diffrent peoples oppinions and i wanted to see how yes people reacted to this topic since it is on my intrest right now but if discoverd a few things and things are going good with her well alot better then befor hopefully theystay that way.... she is acaully dropping out of school to go to slovakia to get away from certain things here and addiction this should help her alot even tho shes not going to ahve a freind to turn to o well she needs the break from this place school for her will go back into session next year...

it is intresting i might add about how all of you came up with diffrent mental diseses and i really liked all the oppinions you all gave i really apprecieate it acually thanks alot

im going to ask what do all of you think about the word insanity? is this a mental disorder, a series of mental disorders? or is it just a man made term handed out by the government to futher help isolate certian people for having diffrent belives/thinking diffrently from the rest of the masses...

in my oppinion insanity=geniuse or is a hair line away from geniuse
I believe the conclusion this person made is: whereas one declares of his/her demonic possession, the society reacts by isolating a person and by identifying the person as having szchizophrenia.[/QUOTE]

and the prize goes to dragon for seeing the exact same thing i already thought was going to happen but that is completely ok because i still got alot of valuble information from all of you and like i said befor i would like to thank you all for putting heart into each of your posts you all made i like the fact of knowing if i ever have a question or a thoug in my head or an expectation or even an oppinion i can come to this website share it and get other peopels views/oppinions on the matter its a good feeling to have