Developing Telepathy

ellion said:
what claims have i made about telepathy. you are making judgements and geussing at things to support your beliefs, you are supporting your beliefs about reality with projected belief about me.

tell me what claims i have made about telepathy?
My sincere apologies, Ellion. Looking back, I see that you have made none and I was confusing you with someone else. My mistake - sorry!
Ophiolite said:
No, I have told you, as have others here, that you have provided no evidence. Absolutely none. I have experience, first hand, more evidence for telepathy than you have deigned to present to us. Put up or shut up.

shut up.

Ophiolite said:
Let me know when you complete your remedial comprehension classes, won't you. Read what I said you puerile dumb ass. Yes, I read books. But I also spent evenings over the course of four ****ing years with a medium who claimed to have telepathy. I spent hours trying to duplicate the experiments of J.B.Rhine. You don't even know who Rhine is, and yet you claim to know about telepathy. [Run off and google now.]

Fool. Like I need to know some guy named Rhine for permission to believe in something I know exists. You are the one that needs permission from your betters to believe reality.
Good luck with your negativity and disbelief. It was fun trying to wake you up while there was a possibility of hope.
ellion said:
ophiolite can i just point out.
it was you that said i live in a fantasy world
This is a reasonable deduction. I presented a potted history of my experience with an informal study of a medium. For no apparent reason you decided I was lying and implied as much in your post. To arrive at a the conclusion of lying, based upon no visible evidence, constitutes living in a fantasy world.

ellion said:
it was you that said i have no moral courage
It is very easy to label people, but not so easy to justify those labels. I asked you to identify where you thought I was lying. You refused to do so. Perhaps you did not expect to be called on this. Your failure to specifcy the basis on which you brand someone a liar is the basis on which I accuse you of lacking moral courage.

ellion said:
it is then you that request via PM my solicitors address because, i have defamed your character.
PMs are called so because they are personal. It is good manners to maintain their private nature. As well as lacking moral courage I see you are also a boor.
You are resident in the UK as am I. I await your solicitor's particulars.
ellion said:
not only are you a liar you are fucking moron.
you can sue me for that too you retard!
I can only sue you for that if you furnish me with your particulars as requested above.

I repeat, where in this thread (or any other thread on these forums) have I lied?
It is quite simple for you to maintain personal attacks, but you seem quite incapable of providing any precise statements or evidence.
Feeling on less certain ground now, are you? Realising that probably I was telling the truth, since there is no motivation for lying about anything I have said. But, oh, to admit your error, or even to back it up, that would require a degree of moral courage, which I think you have clearly demonstrated, has deserted you for the moment.
looook, we are all annonymous here. how the fukin hell can you sue anyone for slander if yer fukin annonymous?

ophielite said:
I asked you to identify where you thought I was lying. You refused to do so.
that is a lie. i have never made this refusal. liar!!!
looook, we are all annonymous here.
Not exactly. Unless you are browsing via a proxy, the IP number that was asigned to you, which is retrievable from the logs of sciforums, is registered with your local Internet provider. This provider is probably required to provide authorities information about the mapping between IP numbers and client contact information, if a judge asks for it.

So, technically and in all likelihood, you are not anonymously browsing the web. However, the legal procedures to retrieve all the information necessary to track you down, are tedious at best and impossible to complete at worst.
the thread was dead from the get go. i only seek to return the the bodies to their graves.
but it would only matter if ophiolite was not a liar as he may then have a case. as he is a liar there is no case to bring. speak to the mods if you feel strongly about the title you requested of me.

you did ask for me to call you a liar, did you not?
ellion said:
but it would only matter if ophiolite was not a liar as he may then have a case. as he is a liar there is no case to bring. speak to the mods if you feel strongly about the title you requested of me.

you did ask for me to call you a liar, did you not?
1. Again, specify where I have lied.
2. You are persistently refusing to identify where you claim I have lied.
3. I asked you stop hiding behind the skirts of snide implication and state clearly that you were claiming I was lying.
4. Re the mods - this is the obvious next step. I am perfectly happy for you to retract your inaccurate and offensive statement. I do not especially want to be bothered with the legal hassle of chasing you down, but if you persist in calling me a liar I may be left with no alternative.
In the interests of the forums, and out of respect for other posters, I am withdrawing any further communication with ellion from this thread. I shall pursue this through pms and, if necessary through legal channels.
I do reserve the right to pounce on the litte dip shit any time I notice him posting crap elsehwere on the forum.
YO....all you materialists out knooooow who you are. let me arsk you this: i know you love all them shiny high tech gadgets.......mainoy cause they are the physical evidence you can flaunt to assume the superiority of the appliance of science...yas?......well, take a computer then. when you buy one you want it to have
different modes don't you?.....Internet, Mp3, mulotmedia, films, video, etc etc......different capacities you want from tis man-made computer, rite?.....a machine only reall been around ...what, as we knowsit since the early 90s?

YEt, here we are organisms whic have been around thousands of years, BILLIONS ifyo include tew whole thang, yet you cannot fathom WE may have different modes??????that we also may have dimensionsof experience capacity like telepathy etc.....? how very ...un-imaginative. how staid, and self-regulatory. how very stilted and propaganderzed, and dead
duendy said:
YO....all you materialists out knooooow who you are.
Not necessarily. I suspect you think I am a materialist. Not in my book. So, perhaps you could help us all by defining concisely - without all the side discussions and agenda beating - what you mean by a materialist.

duendy said:
YEt, here we are organisms whic have been around thousands of years, BILLIONS ifyo include tew whole thang, yet you cannot fathom WE may have different modes??????that we also may have dimensionsof experience capacity like telepathy etc
This may be the case. It is certainly possible. In that case there would be good evidence for it. As I have indicated on a previous post I searched for that evidence as a believer and failed to find any. I remain open to new evidence should it present itself. I mean evidence Duendy - not the half baked ramblings and unfounded claims of Happy Daze.
It keeps coming back to evidence Duendy. You don't like evidence, do you?
duendy said:
i know you love all them shiny high tech gadgets.......mainoy cause they are the physical evidence you can flaunt to assume the superiority of the appliance of science
No, I find many of them very convenient. And I've to admit, some I just find extremely cool without good cause.

The application of science through technology i find far more siginificant in the medical sphere. Without it, I'd have been blind due to an eye infection in my youth. From the top of my head, I can count five persons in my immediate surroundings who are still alive because they were lucky enough to live in a society advanced enough to cure them. No medium or spiritual ritual, would have stopped the cancer from growing or would have stopped the infection from spreading.

That's the real power there, to overcome our boundaries, to not let nature take us away whenever she pleases.

YEt, here we are organisms whic have been around thousands of years, BILLIONS ifyo include tew whole thang, yet you cannot fathom WE may have different modes??????that we also may have dimensionsof experience capacity like telepathy etc.....?
By that rationale, you could justify the existence of just about anything by stating "that it had billions of years to evolve". Just because humans have been around for a long time, and life itself a hell of a lot longer, does not automatically imply we would have more senses or capabilities than those we usually know.

Given that we rigorously look at ourselves with keen interest and insatiable curiousity, I'd have guessed that by now we would have found some evidence for capabilities like telepathy if they'd really existed.
Ophiolite said:
Not necessarily. I suspect you think I am a materialist. Not in my book. So, perhaps you could help us all by defining concisely - without all the side discussions and agenda beating - what you mean by a materialist.

me))))))one who adheres to belief in the metaphysics of matter-in-blind-motion and that consciousness is produced by complex matter/brains---its ultimate spew-forth coming from western-white middle class males who believe in '((((((mSCIENCE)))))))'s 'truth' about what 'reality-IS'

This may be the case. It is certainly possible. In that case there would be good evidence for it. As I have indicated on a previous post I searched for that evidence as a believer and failed to find any. I remain open to new evidence should it present itself. I mean evidence Duendy - not the half baked ramblings and unfounded claims of Happy Daze.
It keeps coming back to evidence Duendy. You don't like evidence, do you?

dont be silly oph.
of bleedin COURSE there is evidence. but your 'whereszeeevidence' mantra BLINDSyou to it! period
We can't see it shaman. Our materialistic, paternalistic, scientific demand for unspiritual objectivity blinds us. Sorry, my mistake. BLINDS us, to even the most obvious of evidence.

Duendy, if anyone has a mantra going it is you. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true. The sceptics deny it: it must be true.

Works very well to the rhythym of a railway train. I am a fan of railways. Marvellous way to travel. But limited. They can carry you close to where you wish to go, in comfort. But then you have to get off and walk, away from the narrow restrictions of the parallel steel tracks that have guided your way till now, but heneceforth constrain you.