Did Jesus Suffer Enough?

I really don't think it's that involved. The only thing you need is hormones. That's...about it.

Yes, I believe that. Have you never sat around in your room pondering what it would be like to kill someone? As long as it's just thinking about it, it's cool. You might just want to make sure to never get drunk. After all, you know what they say: "drunk actions are sober thoughts."


um, never mind.
I really don't think it's that involved. The only thing you need is hormones. That's...about it.

Yes, I believe that. Have you never sat around in your room pondering what it would be like to kill someone? As long as it's just thinking about it, it's cool. You might just want to make sure to never get drunk. After all, you know what they say: "drunk actions are sober thoughts."
M*W: I have never sat around pondering what it would be like to kill someone. Thinking like that is not "cool." It's deranged. Some people self-medicate with alcohol and other substances to get rid of those kinds of thoughts, but sometimes the substances enhance those thoughts and encourage taking actions on them. Maybe I'm just lucky that way, but I've never hated anyone enough to want to kill them.

If someone does have thoughts like this, there are excellent medications out there that can help.
To Lori

Re pedophiles

An interesting point you raised. If a person feels pedophile tendencies, but resists the urge....

My own thoughts here are that such a person is probably a good person. If a pedophile has this unnatural urge, and cannot stop the urge, but still rises above the urge, and prevents himself/herself harming children....

Then, is not that person to be commended?
To Lori

Re pedophiles

An interesting point you raised. If a person feels pedophile tendencies, but resists the urge....

My own thoughts here are that such a person is probably a good person. If a pedophile has this unnatural urge, and cannot stop the urge, but still rises above the urge, and prevents himself/herself harming children....

Then, is not that person to be commended?

perhaps on some level, but i of course think there is something seriously wrong with their thinking.
M*W: I have never sat around pondering what it would be like to kill someone. Thinking like that is not "cool." It's deranged. Some people self-medicate with alcohol and other substances to get rid of those kinds of thoughts, but sometimes the substances enhance those thoughts and encourage taking actions on them. Maybe I'm just lucky that way, but I've never hated anyone enough to want to kill them.

If someone does have thoughts like this, there are excellent medications out there that can help.


People "self-medicate" with alcohol and, by "other substances," I'm going to assume you're talking about drugs? That's asinine. You don't self-medicate with that shit. You take it because you're pathetic and can't handle real life. Well, that or you enjoy the feeling of being drunk (to each their own). I've thought about killing people. I've thought about killing myself. I've thought about a bunch of things. That's all it is, though: thinking. If you have no self control whatsoever, then I'm definitely glad you've never flexed your mental capabilities. Those who're irresponsible with thinking and their actions (sorry, but you strike me as such) should not trust themselves with anything.

It's common for humans to question themselves and think about death. It comes with having awareness. I even think about what it'll be like when I die and how I'll die. Death is death, regardless if whether it's you dying or you killing. The way I see it, those who are religious should pray for someone to kill them. Heaven seems like a much better place than here the way people keep hyping it up. Don't you agree? If you're religious, I'll bet you can't wait to die. :)
perhaps on some level, but i of course think there is something seriously wrong with their thinking.

You're stupid. I'm sorry, but I had to say it. How can you possibly fault someone for something that's not under their control at all? You're the type of person who hates homosexuals because "it's not right." That's basically the same situation since homosexuals can't control that they find the same sex attractive. If an individual finds children attractive and has the decency to hold it back, they should be commended. They're dealing with something you'll never have to deal with. You have no clue what it's like to constantly have an urge to do something you know is wrong. If you knew what that was like and could actually contain that urge, then you'd have a valid say in this.
To Lori

Re pedophiles

An interesting point you raised. If a person feels pedophile tendencies, but resists the urge....

My own thoughts here are that such a person is probably a good person. If a pedophile has this unnatural urge, and cannot stop the urge, but still rises above the urge, and prevents himself/herself harming children....

Then, is not that person to be commended?

I agree with this wholeheartedly.
as far as being condemed for your thoughts..
i have noticed it is considered irresponsible to hold someone accountable for what they think..(non-verbalized thoughts)..they only get held accountable when they express those thoughts in one form or another,whether it is through speech or through action..

so the question about whether we should be accountable to our thoughts does not account for the duality of our species..i am speaking of the age old battle between good and evil, and how it applies to our thinking..as a species we are capable of both good and evil, as individuals we have good thoughts and bad thoughts..we do not get held accountable for either until we express those thoughts..

that also does not say anything about how much we are responsible for our own thoughts and how much moderation we employ with our own thoughts..

do i get condemed for thinking:

"today is a shitty day i think i am going to go out and kill someone today"

or for..
"today is a shitty day i think i am going to go out and kill someone today..wait im not so supposed to be thinking that..nevermind"

in both there i was thinking about killing someone..
to be condemed for just thinking about it to me is wrong..

now all this speaks only to others condeming me for my thinking..it does not address how much i would condem myself for this thinking..
..."today is a shitty day i think i am going to go out and kill someone today"

to be condemed for just thinking about it to me is wrong..

now all this speaks only to others condeming me for my thinking..it does not address how much i would condem myself for this thinking..

So do you... do you condem you'rself for certan thangs you thank.???
There have been times in my life when I have had nasty experiences due to the actions of people who are scumbags and arseholes. Downright nasty and unpleasant.

I admit freely that I have fantasized things in relation to those unpleasant characters, that I am not supposed to think about. However, a fantasy is one thing. Actually putting it into action is something else. I have never acted out those fantasies.

I suspect that, if we could read minds, we would all be utterly shocked about what ordinary people think. Fortunately, we cannot read minds.

Sexually, there are probably all sorts of weird and warped fantasies passing throught the minds of lots of people who we consider to be good and decent. Again, so what? As long as those fantasies stay locked up between their ears, and their words and actions are socially acceptable, then we need not worry.

It is actions, not thoughts, that determine if a person is good or evil.
I suspect that, if we could read minds, we would all be utterly shocked about what ordinary people think. Fortunately, we cannot read minds.
fortunately is an understatement..

It is actions, not thoughts, that determine if a person is good or evil.

it is thoughts that drive action...just cause you think it don't make it true..

and i am intentionally ignoring you clueless..your questions are irrelevant.
There have been times in my life when I have had nasty experiences due to the actions of people who are scumbags and arseholes. Downright nasty and unpleasant.

I admit freely that I have fantasized things in relation to those unpleasant characters, that I am not supposed to think about. However, a fantasy is one thing. Actually putting it into action is something else. I have never acted out those fantasies.

I suspect that, if we could read minds, we would all be utterly shocked about what ordinary people think. Fortunately, we cannot read minds.

Sexually, there are probably all sorts of weird and warped fantasies passing throught the minds of lots of people who we consider to be good and decent. Again, so what? As long as those fantasies stay locked up between their ears, and their words and actions are socially acceptable, then we need not worry.

It is actions, not thoughts, that determine if a person is good or evil.

i agree with squirrel. again, this is psych 101. your thoughts absolutely influence your behavior. if your thoughts don't, then pray tell, what does?

try to convince me that your sexual thoughts don't influence your behavior. if, for example, you have sexual thoughts about one woman, and don't about another, it is guaranteed that you will treat the two women differently, even though you have not had sex with either of them, and don't know either of them. the way you look at someone, the tone in your voice, what you choose to say, how you behave even in a non-sexual way or environment.

i can testify to this behavior myself after toting around a couple of 36DD's for the better part of my life. i have been appalled and hurt by men's behavior, and some women's behavior, just because of the way i looked and the fact that many people can't look at a big breasted woman without thinking about sex. it's no fun being looked at that way, and treated that way...as a sex object and not a whole human.

try to convince me that a pedaphile's sexual thoughts wouldn't affect the way they relate to children. they would look at them differently, talk to them differently, or perhaps not talk to them at all, for shame, or for fear. and what a shame to miss out on the company of, and the love for and from a child. to think of a child or a woman in this way is not loving.

beyond that, thoughts are conditioning.
Dying for our sins reminds me of Clash of the Titans when Perseus refuses the favors of Zeus to make some point about the worth of his human kindred. After that he suffered by having his liver eaten day after day, right?. If the origin of the idea of the suffering of Jesus for man is in the Perseus myth, then maybe Jesus did not suffer enough. Poor guy!
...try to convince me that your sexual thoughts don't influence your behavior.

Of course thouts influence behavior... no one has suggested otherwize.!!!

try to convince me that a pedaphile's sexual thoughts wouldn't affect the way they relate to children.

they would look at them differently, talk to them differently, or perhaps not talk to them at all, for shame, or for fear. and what a shame to miss out on the company of, and the love for and from a child. to think of a child or a woman in this way is not loving.

No one disagrees wit that... you'r argument that bein a pedaphile will likely lead to a less happy life is jus anuther strawman.!!!

Som people behave beter than others an som people may have a less happy life dew to circumstances beyond ther control... such as the genes they was borned wit an the people who raized 'em when they was young an ther personalities was bein formed.!!!

The issue is... is it fare an just that God condems people for "sinful" thouts even tho they behave properly.!!!
Of course thouts influence behavior... no one has suggested otherwize.!!!

No one disagrees wit that... you'r argument that bein a pedaphile will likely lead to a less happy life is jus anuther strawman.!!!

Som people behave beter than others an som people may have a less happy life dew to circumstances beyond ther control... such as the genes they was borned wit an the people who raized 'em when they was young an ther personalities was bein formed.!!!

The issue is... is it fare an just that God condems people for "sinful" thouts even tho they behave properly.!!!

that is no excuse! your genes nor your parents can stop you from changing your mind.

and yes it is fair. if you think one way and behave another, then you're a liar. it all comes down to people either believing lies or entertaining lies. with all of the things we have to think about, wouldn't it be best to think about truth and love?

Thoughts and actions are two separate things.

If I think something, that does not drive my actions. My actions come from my choices, and they result from rational thought, not animal reflex.

You describe yourself as a large breasted woman. OK. That is a quality that will cause a lot of guys to notice you. They will have lascivous thoughts about you. And the nastier ones will put those thoughts into action, by leering, making snide remarks, or worse.

It is natural that those are the ones you remember. However, for every such nasty beggar, there will be many that act as gentlemen.

The large breasted feature has little impact on me, since other physical features affect me more, but that is just my personal quirk. When I see a sexy lady, I do not respond with leering, snide remarks or worse. If I am in a position to converse with her, I do so courteously and hopefully with human consideration.

Your idea of nasty thoughts driving nasty actions only applies to nasty people.

People "self-medicate" with alcohol and, by "other substances," I'm going to assume you're talking about drugs? That's asinine. You don't self-medicate with that shit. You take it because you're pathetic and can't handle real life. Well, that or you enjoy the feeling of being drunk (to each their own). I've thought about killing people. I've thought about killing myself. I've thought about a bunch of things. That's all it is, though: thinking. If you have no self control whatsoever, then I'm definitely glad you've never flexed your mental capabilities. Those who're irresponsible with thinking and their actions (sorry, but you strike me as such) should not trust themselves with anything.

It's common for humans to question themselves and think about death. It comes with having awareness. I even think about what it'll be like when I die and how I'll die. Death is death, regardless if whether it's you dying or you killing. The way I see it, those who are religious should pray for someone to kill them. Heaven seems like a much better place than here the way people keep hyping it up. Don't you agree? If you're religious, I'll bet you can't wait to die. :)

M*W: Alcohol and drugs are used to self-medicate, my friend. I am not advocating their use as a cure for whatever ails you.

Thinking about death is probably normal for most people. Dwelling on death is not. Theists probably dwell more on death than atheists. I'm an atheist. I'm ready when my time comes.
It is natural that those are the ones you remember. However, for every such nasty beggar, there will be many that act as gentlemen.
then you gotta weed through the ones acting as gentlemen...
Your idea of nasty thoughts driving nasty actions only applies to nasty people.

thats assumeing the action is unwanted..