Did Nothing Create Everything?

Here, after a boxing match, the winner often won't talk to the reporter until thanking God for giving him the talents to beat a man half to death. Thanks God. Praise be to Allah.
I have noticed.
I enjoy cage fighting.
I recall a fight with Kenny Florian where his brother said between rounds to the effect trust in the Lord he will guide you...I can't say I have ever enjoyed a fight so much..Kenny was flogged...but that obviously was his fault because he no doubt did not listen to the Lord.
It's worse than crazy.
I have noticed.
I enjoy cage fighting.
I recall a fight with Kenny Florian where his brother said between rounds to the effect trust in the Lord he will guide you...I can't say I have ever enjoyed a fight so much..Kenny was flogged...but that obviously was his fault because he no doubt did not listen to the Lord.
It's worse than crazy.
Maybe "God" likes fighting? Why would he pick one fighter over the other? Where would he get any pleasure in known who's going to win? Win or Lose you had the bottle to do it. I learn more when I lose.
I was thinking about...

The belief that there was once absolutely nothing. And that nothing happened to that nothing for an eternity

Which again suggests that nothing is a kind of something, that has duration in this case. That's probably an error.

A better way to think about it is how some people explain the Big Bang. Space/time extends from now into the past for a finite temporal distance. What lies beyond the Big Bang? According to some, there isn't any beyond the Big Bang, since that's where time (and space) start. It's kind of a limit concept, 'This far and no farther'.

until the nothing magically exploded (for no reason), creating time, everything, and everywhere.

Something from nothing theorists try to use quantum field theory to account for that. Which assumes the principles of quantum field theory. So in a way it's just another species of ancient Platonism, seeking to spin the world of experience (in this case our space-time-matter universe) out of a higher, abstract and non-physical realm that mere mortals can't sense but physicists (the Philosopher-Kings) can penetrate with chalkboards full of mathematical hieroglyphs.

Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself into highly organized molecular elements (again, for no reason whatsoever),

I'm starting to think that those who make that kind of "for no reason" criticism are mourning the loss of the idea that life is a story, a narrative. A story in which everything fits and everything has its place, role and function. The idea that time has a plot and that like characters in a novel, all of the events of our lives happen so as to advance the plot. God's great Plan for creation or whatever it is. Progress. Without it, things threaten to just become one damn thing after another.
Maybe "God" likes fighting? Why would he pick one fighter over the other? Where would he get any pleasure in known who's going to win? Win or Lose you had the bottle to do it. I learn more when I lose.
God is omnipotent and therefore already knows the outcome, right? You learning more when you lose has nothing to do with thanking God for the boxing win.
Do you have an opinion?

Yes and no.

No in the sense that I don't think that anyone can explain why reality exists. I'm not even sure that the question makes sense. (If a question is unanswerable in principle, can it be said to make sense? Or is it being misconceived somehow?)

And yes, in that my own view on these fundamental metaphysical matters is agnostic. The word basically just means "don't know", but like Thomas Huxley said, it gives us a descriptive label, a tail like the other foxes.
The humor in all this (to me) is that one side says, in effect, "I don't know but most evidence seems to point this way" and the other side says "see, you can't prove it" and then proceeds to make everyone up with absolutely no evidence.
I will start off with the following description for your review...

EVIDENCE - On the Northwest side of the Jabal al Lawz mountain range there is a massive 60’x40’x20’ Rock that has been cracked down the middle and which shows extensive water erosion inside the crack from the bottom up. This site also shows clear evidence of massive water erosion cascading down the hill the Rock rests on and out into the plain below. The top layer of smaller rocks in these water eroded areas has been washed away. The erosion area is clearly visible in Satellite Photography. This Site matches exactly the Biblical description of “The Rock” that Moses struck in Rephidim at Mount Horeb. Real physical evidence left behind from the miracles that happened there and real physical evidence for the existence of God. The Altar that Moses built there (ADONAI Nissi, or ADONAI is my Banner), mentioned in Exodus 17:15 is still there today, with ash remains as well. The Altar is located on the West side of the Split Rock.

And I will try and post as many on the ground photos of the Site, and related Bible references as I can.
As always, please decide for yourself...
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