Disappointment about our own species

why i don't like cremation
i'd rather rot, decompose, and be reborn through the guts of bacteria and worms, ...(flies, i ain't so fond of)
LOL, Renfield is not one of my favorite characters either. I would hate to be a tasty morsel for him. But then he did prefer fat juicy spiders over flies.

OTOH, I would not object being served up to Shakespeare. It might inspire him to utter:
"Lord, what foods these morsels be"
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Please forgive the injection of light hearted banter into this otherwise serious discussion. It is only a temporary insanity, I promise.
In the interest of science I feel compelled to add this information for clarity. Note, I have no agenda or ax to grind in agriculture., but this should be of interest to all commercial crop growers or bioresearchers.

And hopefully to concerned people in general, such as myself. I was astounded by the versatility of LOW THC Hemp and its high commercial value due to its versatility of uses and ease of growing.



Save the forests, plant the hemp!

p.s. Both BMW and Mercedes use hemp moldings in their cars' interiors.
It's a phenomena plant. It has many uses. Not the least as a medicinal. Ummmm.
zoophagous maniac
I do actually eat raw meat and fish-----------an even lower carbon footprint
brats and beer on the boat in a safe harbor where the winds are calm and the bottom deep
does it get any better?
zoophagous maniac
I do actually eat raw meat and fish-----------an even lower carbon footprint

I"m from Holland and we love raw herring. When herring season starts, the first catch is flown all over Holland. As herring are pickled aboard ship, the first catch is just lightly pickled and identified as "green herring". In Amsterdam, I remember herring stands on street corners. A big barrel of freshly pickled raw herring and a large bowl of snipped onions. The vendor cleans the fish except for the tail, which is used to hold the herring and dip it in the onions, then raising the herring high, open mouth and down the hatch it goes, biting the tail off.

The best raw fish you'll ever taste. Of course Holland also exports pickled herring in various forms.

Japan has its sushi, Holland has herring.
Salt and vinegar?
In the US many (>60) years ago, they were heavily salted and free in many bars. I assume that "free" was compensated for by increased sales of beer.
In the US many (>60) years ago, they were heavily salted and free in many bars. I assume that "free" was compensated for by increased sales of beer.
Yes, the longer they are in the brine, the saltier they get. That's why the first catch of the season is flown all over and is on the table in just a few hours, "lightly salty" (groene haring)
\http://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/?/indonesie_onafhankelijk_-_fotos_1947-1953/items/ANP01:13865371/&p=1&i=9&t=51&st=Vangst&sc=subject all "Vangst"/
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In the US many (>60) years ago, they were heavily salted and free in many bars. I assume that "free" was compensated for by increased sales of beer.
Indeed. 90 years ago, my dad and his dad used to do a fair amount of heavy work in Chicago. At noon they'd walk into the nearest tavern and order a couple of beers each. There were huge piles of ham sandwiches on the bar and everybody was welcome to eat them.

Nice salty ham, resulting in more thirst and more beer sales. ;)
Hog Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders:
We have become arrogant and ignorant. Or ignorant and arrogant.

Great minds have become gods of thought . By the many. Yet they have never thought of themselves in this way.

Simplicity is the rule. Where complexity exists as well. The hydrogen atom is the simplist thing I know. However the complexity is UNDERSTANDING this atom.
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I'm late coming back...
...mind-opening moments...

... lead me to the conclusion that we are the most sophisticated and intelligent form of a virus on Earth.
[separate post]
1) I was not citing any movie. Nor it came to my mind any movie when reflecting about it, those thoughts came from me, from inside.

[separate post]
... I totally agree about the 'cancer' analogy.

Yeah...revalation (mind-opening moment)....virus....cancer. That's the sum total of the Agent Smith "Virus Monologue". Whether you got there yourself or forgot you were remembering it is really neither here nor there. The point is that it is a bad, factually wrong (actually backwards -- and therefore, ironic) pseudophilosophy.
We heard this argument many times [that other species affect their environment]. But it seems to forget one important thing: from all known species, we are the only ones capables of reasoning. No other specie on Earth went from arrows and hammers to Artificial Intelligence and nanotecnology as humans. So this fact that we are able to reasoning, make us much more guilty.
Actually, the fact that twe are capable of reasoning makes humans the only species that ever takes pro-active steps to preserve the environment. All other species will consume and excrete and grow until they use-up all available resources and/or poison themselves and all die. The "equilibrium" attributed to them is an incidental result of species competing for the same resources and killing each other to get them. It's an equilibrium of a war in a stalemate.

So, you have this issue exactly backwards. That's the irony.