Do atheists celebrate on religious festivals?

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I'm an atheist who celebrates religious festivals and I do it for the food, drink and good company. But I don't try to go out of my way to do it. ie., in a hypothetical if my Muslim friends and family are out of town, I wouldn't celebrate Eid. But if they happen to be in town I'm happy to join them.

This is what I do not understand. If you think I am delusional, why would you be happy to join me in it? I find it very strange that someone who thinks I am mentally challenged would expect a party invitation to celebrate it.
"and I do it for the food, drink and good company"

So what if you're delusional, you're not hurting anyone with your delusions are you? And people via religion can do some very good things like charity work. Now, if part of the celebration involved praying or sermons or what not, then I wouldn't be there.
Thats your belief. :shrug:

However, if a person tells me he's hanging out at a KKK barbecue even though he thinks they are planks but because he likes to partay, I would consider him a bigger hypocrite. At least they are being true to their beliefs, what is he doing there?

Dunno.. dont know anyone like that.
"and I do it for the food, drink and good company"

So what if you're delusional, you're not hurting anyone with your delusions are you? And people via religion can do some very good things like charity work. Now, if part of the celebration involved praying or sermons or what not, then I wouldn't be there.

Ah, so you don't care enough to pray with them, but you'll go for the food and drink.
That's pretty gay, then. By the way, are there any atheistic festivals? Bet those would be a blast.

Kadark the Provider

An atheist festival would be stupid and arrogant, so I hope none exist. And it's just as gay as a Muslim celebrating Christmas with his or her Christian friend(s). Not saying you do that of course, just pointing out that it isn't exclusive to atheists.
An atheist festival would be stupid and arrogant, so I hope none exist. And it's just as gay as a Muslim celebrating Christmas with his or her Christian friend(s). Not saying you do that of course, just pointing out that it isn't exclusive to atheists.

Not really, I celebrate Christmas with my friends and they celebrate Eid with me. We have mutual respect for each others beliefs. But if I consider someone as delusional, you won't find me breaking bread with them. I won't go around saying someone is a plank and then party at their house and pretend everything is ghey. That would be dishonest.
What I have gathered about this thread... there are lots of bigots and some sanctimonious asses... but GOD LOVES TO PARTY!!!
I have just realized (thank to Sam) I am not an atheist anymore. My religion is celebrating all the other religions' holidays. I don't know if there is a name for it, but it sure is a happy one...The more myths are included the better!
An atheist festival would be stupid and arrogant, so I hope none exist. And it's just as gay as a Muslim celebrating Christmas with his or her Christian friend(s). Not saying you do that of course, just pointing out that it isn't exclusive to atheists.

I agree with you wholeheartedly, ashura. I would call a Muslim ''gay'' straight to his or her face if he or she celebrated Christmas with his or her Christian friend(s). Reason being that Muslims don't believe in the religious principles of Christmas, meaning it's both hypocritical and stupid to celebrate it. Any Muslim who celebrates Christmas and complains about atheists celebrating Christmas is a hypocrite.

No ifs, ands, or buts.

Kadark the Sustainer
What I have gathered about this thread... there are lots of bigots and some sanctimonious asses... but GOD LOVES TO PARTY!!!

And athiests love free food drink and company apparently.

So how do atheists here return the favour? Considering they sponge off on religious occasions that they do not believe in with people they think are delusional?
You are setting up a pathetic straw man.

One more time here: We are not exclusively celebrating the religion at these events. Your analogy should be a big family barbecue with a racist uncle.
Would there be a festival without the theists? I've never seen Christmas celebrated by non-Christians [except sponging atheists], have you?

And if you're not celebrating it for religion, do you give Christmas parties? Easter parties?
And athiests love free food drink and company apparently.

So how do atheists here return the favour? Considering they sponge off on religious occasions that they do not believe in with people they think are delusional?

Why are you addressing that to me? Would not know... I am not atheist.
S.A.M. said:
Not really, I celebrate Christmas with my friends and they celebrate Eid with me. We have mutual respect for each others beliefs. But if I consider someone as delusional, you won't find me breaking bread with them. I won't go around saying someone is a plank and then party at their house and pretend everything is ghey. That would be dishonest.

I and my theist friends and family have enough mutual respect for each other's beliefs too, we've come to accept that we believe in different things but that we also value each other as people. Thus, when they have a celebration, I'm invited. Similarly, when I have a celebration, though not of course a religious one, I invite my theist friends too even if they're not directly related to what's being celebrated, like a birthday.

(That's the first time I've heard the word 'plank' used like that, had to go urbandictionary it.)
Plank might only be a South Africanism. :p

Its used to mostly describe really simple thick headed people.

Now it has spread to India.
I and my theist friends and family have enough mutual respect for each other's beliefs too, we've come to accept that we believe in different things but that we also value each other as people. Thus, when they have a celebration, I'm invited. Similarly, when I have a celebration, though not of course a religious one, I invite my theist friends too even if they're not directly related to what's being celebrated, like a birthday.

(That's the first time I've heard the word 'plank' used like that, had to go urbandictionary it.)

I suppose you go for their birthdays as well. And weddings and funerals and christenings etc. Or do they not believe in those things and come anyway? I mean, I stood up as bridesmaid for my Catholic friend and sang at her niece's confirmation.

Also, do you not feel it strange that you should be celebrating something you don't believe in. I mean at least with my Christian and Hindu friends, we all agree that all roads lead to God but as an atheist, you're not going anywhere they are. So what exactly are you celebrating?
As someone who has no idea if I'll exist after death, I try my best to make most of the only life I know I have. Why wouldn't I spend the time with friends and loved ones when the occasion occurs? While you can agree with only your theist friends that all roads lead to God, I can agree with all of my friends that we can have a good time with what little time we have.