Do you as an Atheist try to convert people to your way of thinking?>

No not at-all, Mormons might follow a false prophet but I don't doubt their faith in the one true god.
Yet you denigrate their prophet.

If it's all Mythology to you stop asking for proof, what you want some evidence of Hermes?, shall I tell you the tales of Aphrodite and how I met her on an open Giant Clam shell just off the Greek Coast?
No point. She told me you made it all up.

I don't see you demanding such things of Ragnarok or of the Valkarye maidens.
You find someone who worships them/ demands we believe in them and I'll certainly get stuck in. Do you see the difference?
Yet you denigrate their prophet.

No point. She told me you made it all up.

You find someone who worships them/ demands we believe in them and I'll certainly get stuck in. Do you see the difference?

Ok don't believe then it's your fate and life and it's between you and god. Your the one who keeps comming to religious based threads they are not comming to you. You are the one choosing to engage in these debates, you are the one choosing to come onto sci forums and spend most of your time in religious threads and yet claiming to be a man of reason and science. Im not "Demanding you believe"

Who is forcing you? your the one who is here we didn't ask you to engage us in debate about myths go away then if you think it's garbage.
I don't think so. It's not like it has to be intentional. As far as I'm concerned it's just the way the world works.
Also, socialism is for humans.

True, so perhaps the correct phrase is "so long as people don't cause intentional harm it's fine".
Generally I only consider intentional harm to humans an issue, or harm to animals without a greater purpose. I consider those to have possible solutions in an ideal (but unrealistic) world.

I think it can be interpreted to include that.
Perhaps, if their intent is to harm then yes. If a person has no intent to harm but is just a part of the complex nature of the world then I'll let it slide - on condition they try to improve it and work towards a better place for everyone.

All together now:
*sings* kumbaya my lord kumbaya....
Ok don't believe then it's your fate and life and it's between you and god.
No, it's not between "me and god", any more than it's between "me and the giant leprechaun" or "me and the FSM". :rolleyes:

Your the one who keeps comming to religious based threads they are not comming to you. You are the one choosing to engage in these debates, you are the one choosing to come onto sci forums and spend most of your time in religious threads and yet claiming to be a man of reason and science.
Oh dear.
Is this, or is it not SciForums? What is the basic premise of the forum?

Who is forcing you? your the one who is here we didn't ask you to engage us in debate about myths go away then if you think it's garbage.
Yet you persist in posting your myths on science-based/ led board. Do you somehow think your posts should be immune from inquiry? Do you somehow think that you're not required to support your myths?
Maybe you should post somewhere else, if all you're after is back-patting and "Yeah, you're so obviously right".
No, it's not between "me and god", any more than it's between "me and the giant leprechaun" or "me and the FSM". :rolleyes:

Oh dear.
Is this, or is it not SciForums? What is the basic premise of the forum?

Yet you persist in posting your myths on science-based/ led board. Do you somehow think your posts should be immune from inquiry? Do you somehow think that you're not required to support your myths?
Maybe you should post somewhere else, if all you're after is back-patting and "Yeah, you're so obviously right".

I didn't say people can't refute anything I say, I encourage you to study my words and the things I cite.

This is Sci-Forums and from the looks of it Sci-Fi forums is what it is. You think this meets any academic standards your a bunch of Militant atheists and some agnostics who are rude to people. There are some very nice and honourable people here but sadly you are not one of them.your a mere troll who seeks to diss-credit god that is your agenda here checking your post history confirms this.
I didn't say people can't refute anything I say
Yet you persistently query why I respond to your posts.

You think this meets any academic standards your a bunch of Militant atheists and some agnostics who are rude to people.
Nothing but assumptions. Yet, despite holding this opinion, you STILL post here. Why? Masochism?

There are some very nice and honourable people here but sadly you are not one of them.
I think you'll find that that, too, is a matter of opinion.

your a mere troll who seeks to diss-credit god that is your agenda here checking your post history confirms this.
Then you have no idea what "confirm" means. How can I "seek to discredit" (note the spelling by the way) something that cannot be shown to exist?
Yet you persistently query why I respond to your posts.

Nothing but assumptions. Yet, despite holding this opinion, you STILL post here. Why? Masochism?

I think you'll find that that, too, is a matter of opinion.

Then you have no idea what "confirm" means. How can I "seek to discredit" (note the spelling by the way) something that cannot be shown to exist?

No I query why you ask for evidence and proof of something which is personal experience or faith and has been explained as such.

I post here to help people and help them find happiness and truth in what I have come to know and understand. I bring people the word of god and some personalexperience and expression along with that.

Ifyou think I have no idea what something means you should try to teach me then shouldn't you instead of being rude and enjoying the feeling of intellectual superiority. Is this how you teach children or even other adults?, you laugh at them say they fail and posture yourself as some sort of higher entity who is a smug pompus git.

You need to humble yourself,you think you are wise yet you are foolish
No I query why you ask for evidence and proof of something which is personal experience or faith and has been explained as such.
Why do YOU continue to post things which you know will be queried?

I post here to help people and help them find happiness and truth in what I have come to know and understand. I bring people the word of god and some personalexperience and expression along with that.
You see? You claim to KNOW and understand something which you have, in your previous sentence, claimed to be a personal experience. If I hear voices in head that tell me to kill all left-handed red heads am I, in your opinion, correct to espouse this publicly? Should I expect to be questioned on it?

Ifyou think I have no idea what something means you should try to teach me
Ah, this from the guy who claimed he was going to tutor me on language.
Your original claim was that "checking your post history confirms" my "agenda" is to "diss-credit god".
I have already asked how one can have such an "agenda" (i.e. this would imply your "confirmation" is NOT confirmation, and also actually checking my post history - not cherry picking) would show that I post on other topics at least as much as on "god".

then shouldn't you instead of being rude and enjoying the feeling of intellectual superiority.
What can I say. When someone states something as fact and it has no factual support (and , indeed, they post as if none were required) I find them laughable. Call it a personal failing in that I refuse to treat such a person in any other manner than they have treated the entire membership.

Yet this person Is this how you teach children or even other adults?
In point of fact it's exactly how I teach adults.
I've always taken the word "adult" to imply that one takes at least a little responsibility for one's opinion and actions. If someone espouses stupidity they should expect to get called on it.

posture yourself as some sort of higher entity who is a smug pompus git.
If I were you I'd see someone about your defense reflexes. A hint of an inferiority complex, maybe?

You need to humble yourself,you think you are wise yet you are foolish
And you fail, again, to see anything other than your own prejudices,
Why do YOU continue to post things which you know will be queried?

You see? You claim to KNOW and understand something which you have, in your previous sentence, claimed to be a personal experience. If I hear voices in head that tell me to kill all left-handed red heads am I, in your opinion, correct to espouse this publicly? Should I expect to be questioned on it?

Ah, this from the guy who claimed he was going to tutor me on language.
Your original claim was that "checking your post history confirms" my "agenda" is to "diss-credit god".
I have already asked how one can have such an "agenda" (i.e. this would imply your "confirmation" is NOT confirmation, and also actually checking my post history - not cherry picking) would show that I post on other topics at least as much as on "god".

What can I say. When someone states something as fact and it has no factual support (and , indeed, they post as if none were required) I find them laughable. Call it a personal failing in that I refuse to treat such a person in any other manner than they have treated the entire membership.

In point of fact it's exactly how I teach adults.
I've always taken the word "adult" to imply that one takes at least a little responsibility for one's opinion and actions. If someone espouses stupidity they should expect to get called on it.

If I were you I'd see someone about your defense reflexes. A hint of an inferiority complex, maybe?

And you fail, again, to see anything other than your own prejudices,

You like to make up false positions for people and then attack those false positions don't you, you are a 1 man arguing machine. You create an argument before you even read the persons content.

I have never said don't query me and I have never said i dont expect ridicule or expect questions.

You cannot troll me kaffir it is futile to try and engage me in a cyclical pick apart battle of scoring kudos pointson each other, Cemantics...
You like to make up false positions for people and then attack those false positions don't you
I used your position as you gave it.

you are a 1 man arguing machine. You create an argument before you even read the persons content.
Wrong. On the other hand you always seem to resort to personal comments when you can't reply to the actual questions. Why is that?

I have never said don't query me and I have never said i dont expect ridicule or expect questions.
Yet you persistently ask why I query you (at no point have I claimed that you have asked not to be queried).

You cannot troll me kaffir it is futile to try and engage me in a cyclical pick apart battle of scoring kudos pointson each other, Cemantics...
Fail again. And do learn how to spell.
Oh, and reported.
Not because I particularly take insult but because you are (painfully aware) that that word is subject to dispute and its use can only have been deliberately inflammatory.
Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
"Why do YOU continue to post things which you know will be queried?"

-followed by-

"at no point have I claimed that you have asked not to be queried"


So explain that then because I don't understand how you have been giving anything but false positions and imposing some sort of belief on me that i dont have.
Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
"Why do YOU continue to post things which you know will be queried?"

-followed by-

"at no point have I claimed that you have asked not to be queried"
So explain that then because I don't understand how you have been giving anything but false positions and imposing some sort of belief on me that i dont have.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here.
That's two separate answers to two separate questions.
You have complained about being queried hence my question (if you're going to complain about being queried why do it? Either stop complaining or stop posting*), you have not, as far as I am aware and as I confirmed, claimed that you should not be.
Please indicate WHERE I have given you a false position.

* Effectively what you're doing is the equivalent of banging your head against a wall, voluntarily, and then announcing to all and sundry that it hurts. Do one or the other, but persisting in doing both is irrational.
To the titular question:

I do indeed try to convert people to my way of thinking. But I don't do that "as an Atheist," but rather "as a pushy jerk."
I believe unity can and must be present with or without the pre-Concept of God. Religion, far too often, is used as a tool to separate and oppose groups of humans. How many innocent lives have been lost, slaves purchased, bombs detonated, women assaulted, children scarred; in the name of someones God? I am an atheist who believes in a universal sentient intelligence some men may call God. Perhaps a spiritual man who believes science was given to us by the creator to learn of his work. In any case (and back to the context of this thread) I do sway those around me toward my own beliefs, not in an attempt to make them discard their faith but to protect them from the methods of control which I know exist which feed on their ignorance. I would never tell a man to put down his holy book, but I will enlighten him as to its actual origins (I.E. astrological allegory). I would never tell someone not to go to their weekly religious meeting place, but I would tell them they need not be afraid of not going and that the very act of positive social congregation is far more powerful than any words one might listen to while doing so.
Religion is like a legendary sword of ancient lore. Incredible power. Amazing tool for the powers of good when in the hands of the righteous. Horribly wretched instrument of evil when not.
Enlightenment, however is a force which proves itself again and again to be an agent of good in anyone and everyone it graces.
"So you must forgive me if my path of enlightenment skips over your King of Kings as written about a hundred years after his supposed life ended -as my sole connection with the force which created life and the universe- and travels straight through the closest star in the sky (which is the true force he represents) and continues outward and inward. The path to God? You have words on a page to prove that yours once existed. I have warmth on my face to prove mine is still at work."

I appreciate the applause, but there is a serious point there - that conversion efforts may say more about the segment of any large group that are pushy, supremacist jerks than about their (ir)religion as such.

But as far as that goes, organized religions are still on the hook for such more than something like atheism, owing to the presence of institutional pursuit of conversion (and so, the empowering of said subset of pushy jerks with the at-least-implicit sanction of the entire faith, the general attraction of said jerks to such religions, the peer pressure for non-jerks to help in conversion, etc.). I.e., you can draw much stronger inferences from the institutional conversion efforts of, say, the LDS church, than you can about atheism from whatever subset of atheists go around trying to convert people. Institutions are different from mere identity groups, like that.
I am an atheist who believes in a universal sentient intelligence some men may call God.
Some conflict there, surely?

Perhaps a spiritual man who believes science was given to us by the creator to learn of his work.
Definitely a conflict. Whatever you label yourself you are NOT an atheist.
By definition.

In any case (and back to the context of this thread) I do sway those around me toward my own beliefs, not in an attempt to make them discard their faith but to protect them from the methods of control which I know exist which feed on their ignorance.
Methods of control?

I would never tell a man to put down his holy book, but I will enlighten him as to its actual origins (I.E. astrological allegory).
Our origins were an allegory?
I appreciate the applause, but there is a serious point there - that conversion efforts may say more about the segment of any large group that are pushy, supremacist jerks than about their (ir)religion as such.
Hence my applause.