Do you atheists feel safety and happiness when ...

When I am in a danger or in such a situation that there is no one to help me or when all the circumstances are to my opposition, even then I feel a strength in my heart. I feel my God is with me as I am in truth. In such a situation what is the feelings of a atheist?

Wow. No. And it hurts when someone pinches me and I poop a lot like non-atheists. Of course, I'm not really much of an atheist so maybe they don't poop. But i know that they jump and look surprised when I pinch them!

It is not rare for atheists to be passionately against some notion that theists are in favor of; the atheists generally seem to be into that kind of automatic, reactive opposition.
If a theist were to claim that snow is white, some atheists would probably have the urge to claim it is black, just to spite them.
Atheism, at least in the West, tends to be a reactive position to theism and is shaped after it. Atheists don't seem to be making any truly unique or original claims about God, they just oppose existing ones.

God exists. - No, he doesn't.
God is good. - No, he isn't.
God loves you. - No, he doesn't.
God is not evil. - Yes, he is.
There are no atheists in foxholes. - Yes, there are.

Atheism is not a reaction to theist claims, it is a rejection of those claims as having any truth...

God exists. - There is no reason or evidence to think this statement is true.
God is good. - Evidence suggest that gods and their followers are responsible for most of the evil in the world.
God loves you. - Not if you are gay, a woman, of another race, color, creed or nationality. Religion promotes the "us v them" mentality that leads to segregation, not working for the common good and equality.
God is not evil. - Evidence suggest that gods and their followers are responsible for most of the evil in the world.
There are no atheists in foxholes. - What absolute, common BS.

If a theist says a kitten is cute I have no desire or kneejerk to say it isn't, I like kittens(hate cats, though). Atheists react when theists claim absolute BS to be real, especially when they try through law to impose that "truth" on everyone else and in science.

As long as your end-of-life considerations include helium bags and such, all your talk about the wonders of human civilization remains unconvincing.
I don't understand. One of the things civilization has gifted us with is the ability to avoid intense suffering. Why should I not avail myself of that gift?

Why should we not be entitled to the same kindness as our dogs?

Would you like to come visit my mother-in-law (who did not make the proper arrangements and tells us how much she regrets that in every lucid moment) and then with a straight face insist that you want to go out of this world just like her?
Whatever you say Syne.
You admit you didn't clarify about how you define anecdotal now until post 94.

You never dealt with the fact that permanent disabling injury is NOT supportive of the conclusion that person must have faced death.
My suggestion of records was a lot more helpful for actual Evidence.

The whole post is just more ad hom attacks and crap.

Get over yourself.

Anecdotal has always had the same definition. You merely made up a straw man to conflate the two very different things that could have anecdotal evidence. Yes, I gave you more credit than you warrant, by assuming you could figure out which can only have anecdotal evidence and which could have objective evidence. Don't worry, this discussion has thoroughly disabused me of any optimism about your reasoning skills.

Your say so does not refute the fact that service record information freely available to the general public, through the FOIA, can indeed corroborate physical evidence of seriously life-threatening injury.

But you can play the whole "ad homs mean I don't have to address your arguments" ploy all you like. Logical fallacies do not, themselves, make an argument invalid, which is why I have addressed all of yours through the onslaught of straw man arguments and red herrings.

Whether you realize it or not, I've shown you more respect than you've shown me. But that's typical of trolls.

Does anyone else see an extreme similarity between wynn's posting style and syne's posting style? Makes you wonder.....

You are a troll who rides of the coattails of others.
God exists. - There is no reason or evidence to think this statement is true.
God is good. - Evidence suggest that gods and their followers are responsible for most of the evil in the world.

If there's no evidence to think that a god exists, how can there be evidence that said god is responsible for evil?
If there's no evidence to think that a god exists, how can there be evidence that said god is responsible for evil?
This is trivial. You could have though this through yourself.

The concept of God certainly exists - we are all talking about it. It is certainly possible for followers to follow a fictitious entity. The evil comes from the hearts of those who believe in God, whether or not they are right.
This is trivial. You could have though this through yourself.

The concept of God certainly exists - we are all talking about it. It is certainly possible for followers to follow a fictitious entity. The evil comes from the hearts of those who believe in God, whether or not they are right.

Straw man, as he didn't say "the concept of God". He specified "gods and their followers" as two separate entities. Now if he wishes to clarify his own post, maybe you should let him.
Straw man, as he didn't say "the concept of God". He specified "gods and their followers" as two separate entities. Now if he wishes to clarify his own post, maybe you should let him.

Yes: gods and their followers. If I said UFOs and their believers, would you think UFOs had to exist to say that? No, it exists is in the people's beliefs (as well as conceptually in the mind of everyone else), not in the objective world.

There is no need to be pretend to be obtuse about it. I corrected your overly-literal interpretation of the comment. Surely you have a stronger defense than this, why not get on with it?
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Yes: gods and their followers. If I said UFOs and their believers, would you think UFOs had to exist to say that? No, it exists is in the people's beliefs (as well as conceptually in the mind of everyone else), not in the objective world.

There is no need to be pretend to be obtuse about it. I corrected your overly-literal interpretation of the comment. Surely you have a stronger defense than this, why not get on with it?

If you said "UFOs and their believers were responsible for something", yes, as this statement would be grammatically equivalent to "UFOs are responsible for something, and so are their believers". The correct way to clearly express the sentiment you are assuming would be "the believers of UFOs are responsible...".

Is English not your native language?

Just quit with your straw man and let the fellow clarify himself, if he wishes to. He said, "Evidence suggest that gods and their followers are responsible for most of the evil in the world." You can twist this around all you like, but until he amends this statement, it most definitely seems to indicate that he thought actual evidence had some bearing. Since when does evidence affirm anything about the characteristics of the nonexistent?

And what exactly do you suppose I am defending? I was criticizing what I assume may have been an unintentional contradiction.

If there's no evidence to think that a god exists, how can there be evidence that said god is responsible for evil?

Do I really have to dummy down everything I say or every concept I post so that you can keep up? OK, I'll type real slow next time. The term "gods and their followers" refers to religion, it is not a comment on any god's existence, just on religion's effect in the world. Neither the concept of a god nor those who follow that concept can be said to be good, they have been responsible for much evil and religion makes you no better or worse in these things than any other person.

Now, if you've got over your clownish linguistic trolling fit, move on...

OK Syne, there's your confirmation. 5 posts wasted on something you knew was erroneous in the first place. All those photons .. wasted.

Can we move on?
Do I really have to dummy down everything I say or every concept I post so that you can keep up? OK, I'll type real slow next time. The term "gods and their followers" refers to religion, it is not a comment on any god's existence, just on religion's effect in the world. Neither the concept of a god nor those who follow that concept can be said to be good, they have been responsible for much evil and religion makes you no better or worse in these things than any other person.

Now, if you've got over your clownish linguistic trolling fit, move on...

Yes, blame others for your unintended nonsense. You could have just as easily amended that with some grace.
OK Syne, there's your confirmation. 5 posts wasted on something you knew was erroneous in the first place. All those photons .. wasted.

Can we move on?

Why can't either of you realize that there are more than atheists here, and that assumptions based on your particular worldview may not be universal. Sure, you know your own meaning, but others can only read what is written, unless you want people to straw man you with attempts at playing psychic.

And Grumpy could have made a simple correction, rather than you making a federal case out of it on his behalf.
Why can't either of you realize that there are more than atheists here, and that assumptions based on your particular worldview may not be universal. Sure, you know your own meaning, but others can only read what is written, unless you want people to straw man you with attempts at playing psychic.

And Grumpy could have made a simple correction, rather than you making a federal case out of it on his behalf.
You blame others for your error.

I gave you the correct interpretation in the very next post.

You made the federal case.

Now let's move on.

And Grumpy could have made a simple correction, rather than you making a federal case out of it on his behalf.

And Grumpy could have flayed a strip off your ass(rhetorically, that is), what you got was several degrees more grace than you deserved to get. Everyone else understood what I said, only YOU made a Federal case out of it. Instead of addressing the content you waste several posts on a rhetorical faux pas. I'm sorry you aren't in on the lingo, but when I say Evolution I mean "the changes in creatures we see in the fossil record and in DNA that charts a history of changes stretching almost 4 billion years into the past" but I'm too lazy to do that. Likewise "god and his followers" was all the hint everyone else needed to understand what I meant.

Syne, stop trolling. Address the points being made, and stop pretending you don't understand what people are talking about.
Syne, stop trolling. Address the points being made, and stop pretending you don't understand what people are talking about.

What point? I just pointed out something that was a ridiculous contradiction on the face of it. I've addressed every point that has been directed at me. So why don't you quit joining in the dog pile, troll? Do you have some point to actually contribute that you'd particularly like addressed?
What point? I just pointed out something that was a ridiculous contradiction on the face of it. I've addressed every point that has been directed at me. So why don't you quit joining in the dog pile, troll? Do you have some point to actually contribute that you'd particularly like addressed?

No, you've already proven to me the worthlessness of your contributions. I'm just enjoying watching you get picked apart by others now.