Do you believe in miracles?

But, what if they were really strange, really conicidental - almost beyond the point of belief?
These questions aren't strange to me. Maybe you're the strange one - Baron. Ever think of that?

Try this experiment.

Take a group of people who are standing and flip a coin.

Tell one-half the group to force the coin, with their minds to land on heads and the other half tails. Whatever the coin lands, tell those who tried to force the coin to the opposing side to sit down. Keep doing this until one person is left standing.

Since that one person had 100% of the time forced the coin to land on the specified side, heads or tails, they must be psychic.

Now take a group of people numbering one or two million and try to imagine something "miraculous" NOT happening to at least one of those people on any given day.

Remember the experiment, and your question is answered.
You're right! And one of the strangest things to happen is for you to have found this place and begin posting your weird, strange, odd, foolish questions!

Baron Max

He reminds me of when my son was 3 and everytime I answered his question, he would say WHY?

The difference is though, he asked more intelligent questions. LOL
That just explains how natural phenomenum could support an erroneous conclusion that supernatural forces are at play. That does not exclude the possibility of supernatural forces, nor a singular miracle occuring to someone without prior thoughts of supernatural intervention.
That just explains how natural phenomenum could support an erroneous conclusion that supernatural forces are at play. That does not exclude the possibility of supernatural forces, nor a singular miracle occuring to someone without prior thoughts of supernatural intervention.

Have you experianced one?
That just explains how natural phenomenum could support an erroneous conclusion that supernatural forces are at play. That does not exclude the possibility of supernatural forces, nor a singular miracle occuring to someone without prior thoughts of supernatural intervention.

But then we apply that exact logic to every single event everywhere, and we are left with learning absolutely nothing.

And if all events are under the control of supernatural intervention, we must also conclude those supernatural interventions are attempting to destroy mankind.

And if only some events are under the control of supernatural intervention, we must conclude it's a crap shoot, from our perspective.

So, we're back at the beginning of the experiment.
Why is it a crap shoot if only some events are under the direct control of supernatural intervention, when we can affect that supernatural intervention through prayer?
Why is it a crap shoot if only some events are under the direct control of supernatural intervention, when we can affect that supernatural intervention through prayer?

Prayer is also a crap shoot. If you are claiming prayer can affect supernatural intervention, why are tens of thousands of children dying from starvation every day when their tens of thousands of parents pray for food?

Prayer is also a crap shoot. If you are claiming prayer can affect supernatural intervention, why are tens of thousands of children dying from starvation every day when their tens of thousands of parents pray for food?


And.......Why am I still working, when I keep praying to win the lottery:shrug:
They lack the faith to inspire supernatural intervention.

Yes, they do have the faith to inspire supernatural intervention, tens of thousands of parents every single day.

A very poor response on your part.
And.......Why am I still working, when I keep praying to win the lottery:shrug:

Millions of hard core Christians pray every single day to win the lottery. Of course, everyone knows only atheists win lotteries. :D
Prayer is ineffective without faith. You can pray to win the lottery or help your dying children all you want, but without faith - your prays go unanswered.
Prayer is ineffective without faith. You can pray to win the lottery or help your dying children all you want, but without faith - your prays go unanswered.

You know why Jesus walked on water? Shit floats!