Do you believe in miracles?

So, let's recap, shall we.

First, you claim that through prayer, one can influence supernatural intervention if they have faith.

Then, you claim that NO Christians, or anyone else for that matter, has faith.

You go on to then say you believe you have faith, but not all the time.

So, who on this planet has the faith to influence supernatural intervention?
I never said no Christians had faith. Which Christians have faith? I'm not sure.

You are avoiding the question.

Who on this planet, Christian or otherwise, has the faith to influence supernatural intervention through prayer?

Please answer the question.
Now you claim that you have no idea who has the faith to influence supernatural intervention through prayer.

Are you sure there are people who have the faith to influence supernatural intervention or are you just guessing?
Wasn't god going to call Oral Roberts home unless his followers sent in a lot of money? Didn't he pray and pray that they sent in money.
They sent in more than he asked for. His prayers stopped god from killing him.
I am not sure there are people who have faith to influence supernatural intervention. But doubts are the hallmark of faith, i.e. you believe even though unsure.
I am not sure there are people who have faith to influence supernatural intervention. But doubts are the hallmark of faith, i.e. you believe even though unsure.

I dont believe at all, I believe in things happening by chance but not miracles, at least not in any divine sense
So you would consider the occurence of something extremely unlikely, say such as the existence of intelligent life here on Earth, a "miracle"?
So you would consider the occurence of something extremely unlikely, say such as the existence of intelligent life here on Earth, a "miracle"?

You are here and that's not a miracle it's a production of what your parents did.
omg my head hurts from reading this. Lets all think real hard...... focus all our energy on making this all end!!
That would be a miracle.
I am not sure there are people who have faith to influence supernatural intervention.

You said:

Why? said:
we can affect that supernatural intervention through prayer

Prayer is ineffective without faith

Faith is living in a human mind

Jesus said you needed the faith of a mustard seed to obtain supernatural intervention. Obviously, it is not at all surprising that millions of Christians lack the faith of a mustard seed

So, first you claim that we CAN influence supernatural intervention through prayer, which requires faith that is living in the human mind.

Now you back-peddle stating that you're not sure if there actually are people who have faith that can influence supernatural intervention.

And, even if there were people who DID have the faith required to influence supernatural intervention, have failed entirely to wipe out hunger thus saving tens of thousands of lives every day.

You have completely and objectively contradicted yourself and your religious beliefs, Poindexter.

Congratulations. I hope you now finally understand why prayer does nothing whatsoever and divine miracles are bunk.

Two hands working accomplishes more than a million hands clasped in prayer.