do you feel pain in your dreams?

We need a sticky on the subject of "Lucid Dreams" and see if anyone dreams anything that comes true in the future. That would be a good experiment!
We need a sticky on the subject of "Lucid Dreams" and see if anyone dreams anything that comes true in the future. That would be a good experiment!

oK... an i offer this:::

In almos 6o years of dreamin... i dont recall ever havin a dream "that cam true".!!!
In almos 6o years of dreamin... i dont recall ever havin a dream "that cam true".!!!

I have several dreams that came true like deja vu in a meeting room setting, which did not provide much value. But my two kids dream have described houses in exact detail 4 years before we bought that house etc. in another part of the country.
I have several dreams that came true like deja vu in a meeting room setting, which did not provide much value. But my two kids dream have described houses in exact detail 4 years before we bought that house etc. in another part of the country.

How do you acount for these special powers.???
How do you acount for these special powers.???

Humans have not yet solved all the mysteries of the creation. I have some ideas...but that would be in the realm of science fiction, because they are not proved yet. Someday, I would like to do some experiments when I have a lot of disposable income and time. That is why we need a sticky to see if such corelations exist or a coincidence that is statistically insignificant.
Thanks for the comment.

Thanks a lot to "cluelusshusbund".
I have no health insurance & no Job. That's the reason I did not consult any major hospital or Use a Video-Cam to observe yet. I was hoping to read about it & help myself out of it. But Yes -I really appreciate your suggestions.

The pain occurs anytime I sleep & anywhere. The Nightmares/dreams are ALWAYS accompanied. ALWAYS without fail.
I'm going to meet a Pain Specialist Doctor/Clinic the next week.
I have a very sensitive lower back. I cannot sit for more than 5 minutes without Back & Leg pain. I think it is a lower back injury of some sort. I hope to fix it ASAP.
My dream was were i was being chased by some-guy with a chain-saw, but when i got to the teleporter were my 3 bff were the guy was behide the teleporter just waiting till they left, and as soon as they did and my guard was down the guy chain-sawed me & i woke up then but i felt i did get chain-sawed

(sorry if there are any wrong spelling)

In one of my dreams, i was being chased through a forest. the wierdest part was, i was dressed like pocahontas, and i was running from a man dressed as a pilgrim, i could feel the branches scratching my face as i ran, and then suddenly, i tripped over a branch and i felt my ankle twist, and then the man caught up to me. but i wasn't wearing the indian dress anymore, i was wearing an outfit i loved wearing when i was 6, and i was 6 all of the sudden. then he stabbed me, and i woke up. and i could feel this throbbing pain in my chest and i couldn't breathe.

a more recent dream i had, i was running across the side of a mountain, after a train, and the path i was running on dissapeared and i was falling about 300 feet in the air. i could feel the wind rushing up my arms, and hitting the jacket i was wearing. then, i caught up to the train, and i took a nose dive, litteraly, and flew into the back of the train, and landed on my back, but the people on the train were all friends of mine, and people from a TV show i watch a lot.

and other than that i rarely remember ever dreaming, but when i do its always like these, either something wierd happens (i.e. the train dream) or i die slowly and painfully. (i.e. the forest dream.)
In one of my dreams, i was being chased through a forest. the wierdest part was, i was dressed like pocahontas, and i was running from a man dressed as a pilgrim, i could feel the branches scratching my face as i ran, and then suddenly, i tripped over a branch and i felt my ankle twist, and then the man caught up to me. but i wasn't wearing the indian dress anymore, i was wearing an outfit i loved wearing when i was 6, and i was 6 all of the sudden. then he stabbed me, and i woke up. and i could feel this throbbing pain in my chest and i couldn't breathe.

a more recent dream i had, i was running across the side of a mountain, after a train, and the path i was running on dissapeared and i was falling about 300 feet in the air. i could feel the wind rushing up my arms, and hitting the jacket i was wearing. then, i caught up to the train, and i took a nose dive, litteraly, and flew into the back of the train, and landed on my back, but the people on the train were all friends of mine, and people from a TV show i watch a lot.

and other than that i rarely remember ever dreaming, but when i do its always like these, either something wierd happens (i.e. the train dream) or i die slowly and painfully. (i.e. the forest dream.)
i have nightmares almost every night, and in these nightmares i usually die in several different ways. sounds weird, but one night i get shot, the next i fall from a building, then i drown.

the weird thing is, it all seems so real! i even feel pain! and that's REAL pain weird enough..

does anyone recognize this?
I had a dream once as a teenager in which I was stabbed in the heart. It hurt and It immediately woke me up.
Do you thank the pane was jus dreamed/emagined... or was caused by somptin psychical an you wooud have felt that pane even if you had been awake.???
I've always assumed it was just part of the dream. I don't know why I would have felt a sudden stabbing pain in my heart as a teenager. I was in great shape back then. Ran cross country, track, lifted weights, never even smoked. So I still think the pain was only in my dream.
I've always assumed it was just part of the dream.

Did the pane seem horribly bad... as you mite emagine bein stabbed mite actualy feel.???

Was the pane completely gone the instent you woke up.???

Do you have a theory as to why feelin "dream-pane" is so rare.???
Did the pane seem horribly bad... as you mite emagine bein stabbed mite actualy feel.???

Was the pane completely gone the instent you woke up.???

Do you have a theory as to why feelin "dream-pane" is so rare.???
Yeah, it felt real. And yes, it was gone when I woke up, but my heart was racing and I was sweating. As to why it's rare, I"d say because when you feel anything very intense in a dream you tend to wake up; as I did. The arousal induced by the intense feeling awakens you from your slumber.