Do you talk to GOD?

I might be wrong.


The closest, my 2 cents, being wrong about god would be a Alien life form out somewhere in the Universe with abilities far beyond our Minion abilities (however I am not talking beyond physics abilities)

Such abilities might / could be inherent in said Alien or acquired

If acquired hope for us Minions. Question then becomes can we build ourselves heaven and leave hell as a pile of rubble we never go near?

So does your God keep you breathing, or doesn't it? Or are you not sure, either way? You said you "suppose" that it does. Were you not being entirely honest about that. Did you feel obliged to try to give God credit for something you're not sure he does, perhaps?
I'll just say that there's something important about how I breathe, and I'm free to attribute this to being reminded constantly about something; something I don't really need to be doing, so is a kind of mistake, though not a socially unacceptable one, most people call it thinking.

This importance is not limited to myself, most mammals seem to share this aspect of whatsaname.
A corollary here might be that humans do a lot of thinking, most mammals don't, and most mammals probably don't have dialogues, or internal monologues, about this that or the other.
I'll just say that there's something important about how I breathe, and I'm free to attribute this to being reminded constantly about something...
Breathing reminds you of something. Okay.
...something I don't really need to be doing, so is a kind of mistake, though not a socially unacceptable one, most people call it thinking.
Breathing reminds you of thinking??
This importance is not limited to myself, most mammals seem to share this aspect of whatsaname.
Is whatsaname God? Does breathing remind you to think about God? Is that what you're trying to say?
A corollary here might be that humans do a lot of thinking, most mammals don't, and most mammals probably don't have dialogues, or internal monologues, about this that or the other.
Hmm... I'm not convinced that other mammals don't have internal monologues of a sort. But what does this have to do with God? You're still not making yourself very clear.
Hmm... I'm not convinced that other mammals don't have internal monologues of a sort. But what does this have to do with God? You're still not making yourself very clear.
I think I've made myself very clear.

I also think it gives me the out: your problem is that you think too much about God. You don't have to, I assure you, because you already know a lot more than you, ah, think you do.

You need to let go of what words are and what they mean; God is really not these things, at all.
The original question: do you talk to God? seems quite straightforward, until you invoke the Clinton defense.
It depends what the meaning of the word "talk" is. Carlos Santana can make an electric guitar talk (in Spanish). Who or what is this talking "to"?

But wait, we're supposed to understand the question in the "common" way; verbalisation and vocalisation to a deity, who may or may not actually exist--aka the Biblical God in whom we need to have faith and follow or worship correctly. A ring-in for the many forms of God required by an elite to effect social control, get temples built etc.

If you hum a tune, are you "talking", in what sense, or according to what meaning of words? Are you communicating at all, and with what?
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The closest, my 2 cents, being wrong about god would be a Alien life form out somewhere in the Universe with abilities far beyond our Minion abilities (however I am not talking beyond physics abilities)

Such abilities might / could be inherent in said Alien or acquired

If acquired hope for us Minions. Question then becomes can we build ourselves heaven and leave hell as a pile of rubble we never go near?


Ide say that most people are already capable of creating their own personal heaven, but they're just stupid and lazy and self pitying which prevents this.

The closest, my 2 cents, being wrong about god would be a Alien life form out somewhere in the Universe with abilities far beyond our Minion abilities (however I am not talking beyond physics abilities)

Such abilities might / could be inherent in said Alien or acquired

If acquired hope for us Minions. Question then becomes can we build ourselves heaven and leave hell as a pile of rubble we never go near?


Are you meaning that this alien would be god? Christian's probably wont like to hear that. I have heard that they think that aliens are demons.
Are you meaning that this alien would be god? Christian's probably wont like to hear that. I have heard that they think that aliens are demons.

Not exactly. god is able to god against the laws of physics. Aliens would not have such an ability but with increased knowledge of physics it might appear as if they can

Once some Minions master Alien physics the mystery will vanish

I have heard that they think that aliens are demons

Who cares?

Not exactly. god is able to god against the laws of physics. Aliens would not have such an ability but with increased knowledge of physics it might appear as if they can

Once some Minions master Alien physics the mystery will vanish

I have heard that they think that aliens are demons

Who cares?


well, them and nobody else. Going against the laws of physics does sound pretty tricky to do.
You see, God is the ultimate subject; you can be as evasive as you like.

I'm not being evasive. I just go off on tangents. If you have some evidence for or against the existence of god I would love to hear it. I welcome debate and speculation and learning. Who did you mean was being evasive? Evasive of what?
well, them and nobody else. Going against the laws of physics does sound pretty tricky to do.

Impossible. I started a thread asking if sentient entities could evolve in a Universe where the laws of physics changed on a unpredictable schedule

Most said no our laws cannot change and if they were different there would not be our Universe

The original question: do you talk to God? seems quite straightforward, until you invoke the Clinton defense.
It depends what the meaning of the word "talk" is. Carlos Santana can make an electric guitar talk (in Spanish). Who or what is this talking "to"?

But wait, we're supposed to understand the question in the "common" way; verbalisation and vocalisation to a deity, who may or may not actually exist--aka the Biblical God in whom we need to have faith and follow or worship correctly. A ring-in for the many forms of God required by an elite to effect social control, get temples built etc.

If you hum a tune, are you "talking", in what sense, or according to what meaning of words? Are you communicating at all, and with what?
In the case of the guitar it was a sound evoking feelings.
In the case of yourself and whatever it is you experience (feelings?), what is it about those experiences that cause you to interpret their origin as something outside of yourself?
If you have some evidence for or against the existence of god I would love to hear it.
Bingo. If you want to hear some evidence, listen to some music.
Who did you mean was being evasive? Evasive of what?
Everyone is evasive when it comes to the subject of God. The word itself does seem to have a somewhat flexible meaning.

It means different things to people from different cultures, for instance. Cultures that have adopted Christianity, thanks to all those missionaries, also tend to adapt that religion to fit their own culture.
Impossible. I started a thread asking if sentient entities could evolve in a Universe where the laws of physics changed on a unpredictable schedule

Most said no our laws cannot change and if they were different there would not be our Universe


Nothing is impossible unless its description is a contradiction. If the laws of physics were very different though, it would probably mess a lot up.
Bingo. If you want to hear some evidence, listen to some music.

Everyone is evasive when it comes to the subject of God. The word itself does seem to have a somewhat flexible meaning.

It means different things to people from different cultures, for instance. Cultures that have adopted Christianity, thanks to all those missionaries, also tend to adapt that religion to fit their own culture.

How is music evidence of god? Well, people believe what they want to generally I guess. I would say that it is pretty tricky to find a truly objective person.
Nothing is impossible unless its description is a contradiction. If the laws of physics were very different though, it would probably mess a lot up.

I stated that in my imagined Universe where the laws of physics varied sentient entities were present and was curious as how scientists would react to such a situation

My thoughts were along the lines of - a group would go with the doubled speed of light should be the norm, a group for the normal, group for the half speed and a group for the situation as it was

All groups worked on trying to predict when changes would occur

How is music evidence of god?
Why do most religions have music and singing, when people gather together? I think you could have a problem, anthropologically speaking, trying to separate evidence of musical traditions from religious ones, looking just about anywhere in human history.

Are religions really evidence, though, or are they some other aspect of anthropological "God"?
Breathing reminds you of thinking??
Is whatsaname God? Does breathing remind you to think about God? Is that what you're trying to say?
No, James, what I said was, the thinking is something I don't need to be doing; quite the adept observation when just breathing since, there is no thought involved.
I'm free to interpret, as I say, that this is like being reminded; but if I think "this is like being reminded . . .", that's something else, right? In addition to the first, but, the first what if it isn't something I think in a conscious monologue?

Add that I can only otherwise hear myself breathing--no voices telling me things.