Does Chaos Theory prove a Mathematically Ordered Universe


Valued Senior Member
Chaos theory (from Wiki)
Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary theory stating that, within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization.
Small differences in initial conditions, such as those due to errors in measurements or due to rounding errors in numerical computation, can yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction of their behavior impossible in general.[6]
This can happen even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future behavior follows a unique evolution[7] and is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved.[8] In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable.[9][10]
This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.
The theory was summarized by Edward Lorenz as:[11]
Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.
This behavior can be studied through the analysis of a chaotic mathematical model, or through analytical techniques such as recurrence plots and Poincaré maps. Chaos theory has applications in a variety of disciplines, including meteorology,[7]anthropology,[15]sociology, physics,[16]environmental science, computer science, engineering, economics, biology, ecology, pandemic crisis
,[17][18] and philosophy. The theory formed the basis for such fields of study as complex dynamical systems, edge of chaos theory, and self-assembly processes.

It seems to me that what is explained with Chaos Theory is the fundamentally mathematical essence of all universal evolutionary processes, behaviors, and self-expression.

This is also confirmed by the best approximation of the initial chaotic conditions directly following the BB (the beginning) and their measurable mathematically evolutionary self-ordering mechanisms that resulted in our current universe with its ordered mathematical patterns at all levels of reality and by extension, metaphysically identified as symmetry, balance, harmony, fractality, etc.

From human perspective, the dynamical mathematical universal mechanics may be considered a quasi-intelligent self-ordering system, without the need for "intent".
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To further the concept of a mathematical universe is contained in this:
Mathematical model (From wiki)
mathematical model is a description of a system using mathematical concepts and language. The process of developing a mathematical model is termed mathematical modeling.
Mathematical models are used in the
A model may help to explain a system and to study the effects of different components, and to make predictions about behaviour.

Seems to me that, if we are able make behavioral predictions based on relative values and mathematical functions, we can safely assume the exisence of a mathematical nature to the universal processing of relative values via mathematical functions.

And why do we use terms like (mathematical) "governing equations" when identifying certain universal constant mathematical (predictable) behaviors?

Governing Equations (from Wiki)
The governing equations of a mathematical model describe how the values of the unknown variables (i.e. the dependent variables) change when one or more of the known (i.e. independent) variables change.

And how could we use the term "governing equations", unless we can prove their functional existence throughout the universe?
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Small differences in initial conditions, such as those due to errors in measurements or due to rounding errors in numerical computation, can yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction of their behavior impossible in general.

That seems fair enough. Small discrepancies become magnified the longer they remain in the system

Since physics is remarkably consistent irregularities will always be present with any predictions made with discrepancies present against the reality of reality, which follows physics, where discrepancies CANNOT occur

I really don't go with Mathematical Universe. I accept maths describes physics but in essence all that means is we have
  • been given a situation (physics - reality) and
  • have created (invented) a
  • specific language (mathematics) to
  • explain (pass on) the
  • actions of reality
As you mentioned
  • defective measurements at the
  • beginning are the cause of
  • different outcomes at the end
  • making accurate
  • predictions impossible
Coffee time


Does Chaos Theory prove a Mathematically Ordered Universe

I would go with no

For me Chaos is only a different arrangement of stuff. If you anthropomorphise stuff it will look tidy if all the suns are over there, planets this size over there, smaller ones that corner, larger other corner

Physics, being physics, arranges stuff in physics order. IT HAS NO CHOICE

For physics there is NO Chaos everything is in perfect order no matter how much rearranging occurs

Place for everything and everything in its allocated place


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Since this is in the "pseudo-science" forum (under the mistaken belief that it is science) I guess anything you post is appropriate including your statement that "it seems to me".

In reality you are (again) just making up your own meaning for words and phrases that you come across.

There is no "quasi-intelligent" self-ordering. Chaos is just that, largely unpredictable due to complexity. There was no "chaos" at the Big Bang only to become ordered as time went on. Entropy increases as time goes on.

"Governing equations: as a phrase doesn't have the meaning you attribute to it. I applaud your self-restraint to start a thread of this sort without actually mentioning (Tegmark).
Physics, being physics, arranges stuff in physics order. IT HAS NO CHOICE
I agree.
But what prevents the formation of random physical patterns and what causes the formation of self-ordering ordering patterns in physics? IMO, it is mathematical permissions and restrictions which determine the self-formation and evolution of ever more complex patterns.

I find it really strange that we use human mathematics to describe and prove universal functions, but we resist using universal functions to prove that human mathematics are sufficient symbolic descriptions of these universal functions and dismiss it as Human Physics.

Universal mathematics are not dependent on human symbolic mathematical representations. Human symbolic representations are dependent on universal mathematics.

It must be a equation between physics and mathematics, else it cannot be self-ordering as we know it to happen in reality. Human mathematical descriptions are sufficient to describe Universal mathematical mechanics, else they would not be sufficiently accurate for theoretical predictive physics.

Physics is the science of matter and its motion—the science that deals with concepts such as force, energy, mass, and charge.

As an experimental science, its goal is to understand the natural world.
In one form or another, physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines; through its modern subfield of astronomy, it may be the oldest of all.
Sometimes synonymous with philosophy, chemistry and even certain branches of mathematics and biology during the last two millennia, physics emerged as a modern science in the 17th century and these disciplines are now generally distinct, although the boundaries remain difficult to define.
Advances in physics often translate to the technological sector, and sometimes influence the other sciences, as well as mathematics and philosophy.
Yes, when we observe new mathematical values or equations in universal behaviors.
For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism have led to the widespread use of electrically driven devices (televisions, computers, home appliances etc.); advances in thermodynamics led to the development of motorized transport; and advances in mechanics led to the development of the calculus, quantum chemistry, and the use of instruments like the electron microscope in microbiology.
Today, physics is a broad and highly developed subject . Research is often divided into four subfields: condensed matter physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; high energy physics; and astronomy and astrophysics.

Physics is a scientific discipline to describe the universal "values" and "functions" which cause the physical patterns to evolve from chaos. Chaos, Quantum Fields, Quantum Foam, QM, emerging particles, self-formation of dense patterns, emerging matter.

In order to decribe these values and functions humans invented a symbolic language to describe the universal physical properties in terms of "universal relative values" and "universal mathematical functions".

That's not Physics, that's Mathematics and mathematics work when copying universal physical phenomena in very short times and small spaces, albeit still incomplete, because the universe is huge.
No shame there.
For physics there is NO Chaos everything is in perfect order no matter how much rearranging occurs"
Can you explain Chaos Theory in terms of physics?

Moreover, I believe you stated the highlighted portion incorrectly. I'm sure you meant to say that
"for the Universe there is no chaos or physics, regardless of how much rearranging occurs".
Those are human terms and only serve to describe the universe to other humans, but don't apply to any of the universe's behaviors. The Universe does not know Physics. It processes "relative values" and "mathematical functions" in the self-formation of physical and metaphysical patterns.

Are you saying that without humans the universe does not function mathematically? Do you reject the notion that there is a natural mathematical aspect to universal functions. Do you reject what most astronomers are "discovering" (witnessing) as the mathematical properties of the Universe?

I am trying, but fail to see where I am wrong in entertaining the concept of a Mathematical Universe,
Since this is in the "pseudo-science" forum (under the mistaken belief that it is science) I guess anything you post is appropriate including your statement that "it seems to me".
Yeah, I know I must follow "convention". I appreciate your response.
In reality you are (again) just making up your own meaning for words and phrases that you come across.
Is that intended as an argument against a mathematical universe?
There is no "quasi-intelligent" self-ordering.
I believe the compound term I fashioned is appropriate in context of a self-ordering universe that functions in a quasi intelligent mathematical manner.
Someone else used a similar term; "Quasi-Empirical"
Instead of the term experimental methods, I will mostly use the more general term quasi-empirical methods. This term is borrowed from Lakatos (1983), since the objects in mathematics, though largely abstract and imaginary, can be subjected to empirical testing much as scientific theories are.
Quasi-empiricism will, therefore, refer here to all non-deductive methods involving experimental, intuitive, inductive, or analogical reasoning.
In other words, it is specifically employed when • mathematical conjectures and/or statements are evaluated in a non-deductive manner; for example, numerically, visually, graphically, through special cases, through construction and measurement, diagrammatically, through physical embodiments, kinaesthetically, by analogy, and so on; • conjectures, generalizations, or conclusions are made on the basis of intuition or experience obtained through any of the preceding quasi-empirical methods.
Wigner used several examples to demonstrate why 'bafflement' is an appropriate description, such as showing how mathematics adds to situational knowledge in ways that are either not possible otherwise or are so outside normal thought to be of little notice. The predictive ability, in the sense of describing potential phenomena prior to observation of such, which can be supported by a mathematical system would be another example.
Chaos is just that, largely unpredictable due to complexity. There was no "chaos" at the Big Bang only to become ordered as time went on. Entropy increases as time goes on.
Then you do not understand Chaos Theory. There is a difference between complex organization and complex ordered mathematical patterns.
In Chaos Theory the state of chaos is the most "complex organization" possible. There are no simple or complex mathematical patterns at all. The self-ordering function into "complex patterns"(emerging from chaos) is described by Chaos Theory . "Small initial changes.......etc.

IMO, this also describes the various Quantum Field theories very nicely. After all, Chaos was the initial state of the Universe. An initial state of rapidly expanding energy, self-arranging into various Quantum Fields from which matter and form emerged. Please show me where this is wrong.
"Governing equations: as a phrase doesn't have the meaning you attribute to it.
Ok, what is the true meaning of the term "Governing Equations" ?
I applaud your self-restraint to start a thread of this sort without actually mentioning (Tegmark).
How about Mario Livio ?
Is God a Mathematician? – January 19, 2010, by Mario Livio (Author)
Bestselling author and astrophysicist Mario Livio examines the lives and theories of history’s greatest mathematicians to ask how—if mathematics is an abstract construction of the human mind—it can so perfectly explain the physical world.
Nobel Laureate Eugene Wigner once wondered about “the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics” in the formulation of the laws of nature.
"Is God a Mathematician"? investigates why mathematics is as powerful as it is.
From ancient times to the present, scientists and philosophers have marveled at how such a seemingly abstract discipline could so perfectly explain the natural world.
More than that—mathematics has often made predictions, for example, about subatomic particles or cosmic phenomena that were unknown at the time, but later were proven to be true. Is mathematics ultimately invented or discovered?
If, as Einstein insisted, mathematics is “a product of human thought that is independent of experience,” how can it so accurately describe and even predict the world around us?
Physicist and author Mario Livio brilliantly explores mathematical ideas from Pythagoras to the present day as he shows us how intriguing questions and ingenious answers have led to ever deeper insights into our world. This fascinating book will interest anyone curious about the human mind, the scientific world, and the relationship between them.
But what prevents the formation of random physical patterns and what causes the formation of self-ordering ordering patterns in physics?

That is like asking what causes physics to act like physics

Like Lego blocks (basic). You can have a bunch of blocks in a tub or arrange them into something looking like a house. Only looking like because the basic ones only have a limited range of ways to fit and a limited range of shapes / sizes

IMO, it is mathematical permissions and restrictions which determine the self-formation and evolution of ever more complex patterns.

Mathematics have no ability to give permissions. Physics does what it does and us Minions describe and project our mathematical description on said the said physical reality physics has produced

Can you explain Chaos Theory in terms of physics?

Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.

That should not be a suprise because small changes in original conditions grow and branch leading an expanding difference between
  • expected reality which
  • would occur had
  • we began with
  • physic perfect
  • original conditions
Perfect conditions = perfect results

If you are not seeing perfect conditions the defect lies in whatever change the defect you started with underwent

If you are unaware of the defect you cannot predict the outcome

I'm sure you meant to say that "for the Universe there is no chaos or physics, regardless of how much rearranging occurs".

Noooooo I said, AND MEANT TO SAY

For physics there is NO Chaos everything is in perfectorder no matter how much rearranging occurs

Additionally ALL ACROSS THE UNIVERSE it cannot be otherwise. Not that us Minions understand all of what lies in all the nooks and crannies but we are working on it

I haven't seen much about a Universe being run on a physics system which can operate on variable basis

Anybody think such a Universe can run?
The Universe does not know Physics. It processes "relative values" and "mathematical functions" in the self-formation of physical and metaphysical patterns.

Two words in the above. Scrap Two words

know - Being non sentinent know/not know is not applicable to the Universe

Your quote above my part answer has its toes firmly planted in metaphysical anthropomorphic Woo Woo sorry

Run away and come back to reality when you settle back down to being clinically objectively sterile


Since physics is remarkably consistent irregularities will always be present with any predictions made with discrepancies present against the reality of reality, which follows physics, where discrepancies CANNOT occur
But you are missing the point. "irregularities will always be present with any predictions made with discrepancies present" describes the possible mathematical measurement flaws by humans, not the Universal functional mathematical reality itself.

There are never any universal discrepancies, but human interpretations and predictions may be mathematically flawed. In the Universe discrepancies CANNOT functions deterministically and does not rely on human predictions based on human flawed mathematics in any way.

Remove Human mathematical equations and the Universal mathematical functions will not be affected in any way.

OTOH, Human mathematical science will be affected depending on our evolving knowledge of Universal "relative values" and "mathematical functions".
Our human maths have been wrong in the past. Can't blame that on the universe.....:(
But you are missing the point. "irregularities will always be present with any predictions made with discrepancies present" describes the possible mathematical measurement flaws by humans, not the Universal functional mathematical reality itself.

There are never any universal discrepancies, but human interpretations and predictions may be mathematically flawed. In the Universe discrepancies CANNOT functions deterministically and does not rely on human predictions based on human flawed mathematics in any way.

Remove Human mathematical equations and the Universal mathematical functions will not be affected in any way.

OTOH, Human mathematical science will affected depending on our evolving knowledge of Universal "relative values" and "mathematical functions".
Our human maths have been wrong in the past. Can't blame that on the universe.....:(

Perhaps it is the way (words used) I wrote but your answer fits my thoughts

We do part ways in your insistence the Universe is MATHEMATICAL

irregularities will always be present with any predictions made with discrepancies present ✓

describes the possible mathematical measurement flaws by human ✓

not the Universal functional mathematical reality itself. ✓

There are never any universal discrepancies ✓

but human interpretations and predictions may be mathematically flawed ✓

There are never any universal discrepancies, but human interpretations and predictions may be mathematically flawed. In the Universe discrepancies CANNOT functions deterministically and does not rely on human predictions based on human flawed mathematics in anyway. ✓

Remove Human mathematical equations and the Universal mathematical functions will not be affected in any way. X


The Universe has PHYSICS on WHICH us puny Minions project our INTERPRETATION using OUR INVENTED language (mathematics)

OTOH, Human mathematical science will affected depending on our evolving knowledge of Universal "relative values" and "mathematical functions".

Summary - fine tune the maths we have via more precise measurements ✓

Can't blame that on the universe.....:( - I don't

That is like asking what causes physics to act like physics
What does the Universe know about physics that it does not know about the mathematics of physics which allow it to function as it does?
Like Lego blocks (basic). You can have a bunch of blocks in a tub or arrange them into something looking like a house. Only looking like because the basic ones only have a limited range of ways to fit and a limited range of shapes / sizes
And who or what does the arranging? Chance?
Mathematics have no ability to give permissions.
Look deeper. Mathematics do not give or restrict permission, they are the permissions and restrictions imposed by the potentials contained in the physical patterns. 2 + 2 = 4 is mathematically allowed. 2 + 2 = 3 is not mathematically allowed.
Physics does what it does and us Minions describe and project our mathematical description on said the said physical reality physics has produced
Physics can do things only in accordance with inherent universal mathematical laws regulating information sharing and physical interactions based on the mathematical values and the appropriate mathematical functions.
Chaos: When the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.
That should not be a suprise because small changes in original conditions grow and branch leading an expanding difference between
  • expected reality which
  • would occur had
  • we began with
  • physic perfect
  • original conditions
Perfect conditions = perfect results

If you are not seeing perfect conditions the defect lies in whatever change the defect you started with underwent

If you are unaware of the defect you cannot predict the outcome
And how do Human flawed predictions affect Universal mathematical functions?
Noooooo I said, AND MEANT TO SAY
For physics there is NO Chaos everything is in perfectorder no matter how much rearranging occurs
I suggest to give another read of Chaos Theory .
Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary theory stating that, within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization.
This self-organization has been going on since the beginning and continues with or without Human symbolisms.
Additionally ALL ACROSS THE UNIVERSE it cannot be otherwise. Not that us Minions understand all of what lies in all the nooks and crannies but we are working on it
I agree completely to that.
I haven't seen much about a Universe being run on a physics system which can operate on variable basis
Anybody think such a Universe can run?
It doesn't operate the way you present it.
Write4U said:
The Universe does not know Physics. It processes "relative values" and "mathematical functions" in the self-formation of physical and metaphysical patterns.
Two words in the above. Scrap Two words;
know - Being non sentinent know/not know is not applicable to the Universe
And where did I say different?
Your quote above my part answer has its toes firmly planted in metaphysical anthropomorphic Woo Woo sorry
You are misreading what I posted. All of it is scientifically defensible. Many scientist with credentials up the kazoo are subscribing to the concept of a mathematically functioning Universe . It most certainly presents an alternate theory which in theory is able to offer an ultimate TOE. and takes away a lot of the mysteriously vague physics which abound in science.
IMO, it is Physics which is tainted by subjective dogma and has only a limited application. OTOH, Mathematical algebraic functions are the processing mechanisms of abstract relative variable values.
An algebraic function is a function that involves only
algebraic operations, like, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as fractional or rational exponents. Think of an algebraic function as a (metaphysical)
machine, where real numbers go in, mathematical operations occur, and other numbers come out.
Highlighted mine
Run away and come back to reality when you settle back down to being clinically objectively sterile
Is that an argument against the concept of a Mathematical universe? Doesn't sound very persuasive to me. Any of it...:)
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No, it does not have universal mathematical functions. The Universe itself is a product of mathematical functions. It is what allows for the continued emergence of self-organizing patterns (from prior chaotic states) of the most "subtle" (abstract) dynamical patterns (Quantum fields), to gross expression in physical Reality (Mt. Everest).

Causal Dynamic Triangulation is a really interesting hypothesis on the fundamental fractal nature and evolution of the universal geometric fabric.
Causal dynamical triangulation (abbreviated as CDT) theorized by Renate Loll, Jan Ambjørn and Jerzy Jurkiewicz, and popularized by Fotini Markopoulou and Lee Smolin, is an approach to quantum gravity that like loop quantum gravity is background independent.
This means that it does not assume any pre-existing arena (dimensional space), but rather attempts to show how the spacetime fabric itself evolves.
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What does the Universe know about physics that it does not know about the mathematics of physics which allow it to function as it does?
You just anthropomorphised ( I am sensing a trend) the Universe

Since the Universe is non sentinent your question is non applicable

And who or what does the arranging? Chance?

Throw them in the tub? Hopefully the child doing tidy up

Making house? Child playing

Arrangements, both cases, physics

Look deeper. Mathematics do not give or restrict permission, they are the permissions and restrictions imposed by the potentials contained in the physical patterns

Hello Anthro, you back again?
2 + 2 = 4 is mathematically allowed. 2 + 2 = 3 is not mathematically allowed.

IN MATHEMATICS . And I am sure a style of mathematics could be constructed to give

2+2=4 as well as 1 also including 5

Mathematics is MADE UP, we can make it do any calculation we wish

Physics is not made up. The Mathematical language we created was made to fit reality (physics)

Chaos theory
is an interdisciplinary theory stating that, within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization..

Note the word in red - apparent. This (apparent) only applies to us Minions.

Does not apply to the Universe (reminder a non sentinent Universe cannot have any concept of random / non random)

Scrolling down I saw the word metaphysical so I am going to stop now before I start typing everything in BOLD 7 POINT CAPITALS

And therein lies the crux.
IMO a "field" is a dynamical mathematical quantum (energy)pattern which is "permittive" of limited change and only within restrictions imposed by the applicable mathematical universal constants .

The "universal mathematical functions" provide a constant guiding equation of all the physically (mathematically) allowed and disallowed natural interactions based on inherent dynamic potential (value) of the constituent parts.

Here is link to :

It addresses both universal "mathematical" restrictions and permissions inherent in the exchange of relative values and mathematical functions of the participating quantum potentials. QM ?

One self-evident logical function is ; 2a + 2a = 4a always, the equation is an algebraically logical self-organizing and self-referential pattern, and is fundamental to the proper functional mathematical mechanisms of an exponentially expanding spacetime itself.

If this is not true, then this universe cannot exist.
A hierarchy of permittive and restrictive self-orderings is by definition a mathematical pattern....:cool:
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Sorry please stick to one or the other mode of post

My reading of many of your post switch between reality and soft woo woo

And therein lies the crux.
IMO a "field" is a dynamical mathematical quantum (energy)pattern which is "permittive" of limited change and only within restrictions imposed by the applicable mathematical universal constants .

The "universal mathematical functions" provide a constant guiding equation of all the physically (mathematically) allowed and disallowed natural interactions based on inherent dynamic potential (value) of the constituent parts.

Here is link to :

It addresses both universal "mathematical" restrictions and permissions inherent in the exchange of relative values and mathematical functions of the participating quantum potentials. QM ?

One self-evident logical function is ; 2a + 2a = 4a always, the equation is an algebraically logical self-organizing and self-referential pattern, and is fundamental to the proper functional mathematical mechanisms of an exponentially expanding spacetime itself.

If this is not true, then this universe cannot exist.
A hierarchy of permittive and restrictive self-orderings is by definition a mathematical pattern....:cool:

Had a bit of a break so I went back to clear my 3 neurone brain Huwey Dewey and Louie

What I take from the link - talking about MATHEMATICS

Nowhere in the text is a switch made to reality and talk made about 'the Universe does this, does that (implied - because of Mathematics)

If you find such a switch please point me towards same

If you find such a switch please point me towards same
I would guess in physics this switch would be a quantum threshold event.

the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested.
"nothing happens until the signal passes the threshold"
But at macro scale there is no switch except the built-in gradual exponential evolution from simple patterns to ever more complicated patterns.
This is evidenced by mineralogy which may eventually show us the gradual process of abiogenesis.

There is no defined switch. The Universe is an evolved and evolving hierarchy of mathematical orders which range from the very subtle potentials to do work, to gross expression in reality. The same hierarchy exists in biology, which starts with a single cell and a few billion years later has evolved into a human organism.

The Universe doesn't do anything. It is a mathematical construct in a continual dynamical process of alternating states of enfolded "Implicate Orders" to the unfolding of the "Explicate Orders" and vice versa.
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I would guess in physics this switch would be a quantum threshold event.
I don't think you understand my question. Your answer has nothing to do with the question I asked. When does the LANGUAGE change from being about MATHEMATICS to being about PHYSICS?

I don't think you understand my question. Your answer has nothing to do with the question I asked. When does the LANGUAGE change from being about MATHEMATICS to being about PHYSICS?
Mathematics is the language of physical interactions.
Mathematics is the language of the universe, and in learning this language, you are opening yourself up the core mechanisms by which the cosmos operates. It is the same as traveling to a new land, and slowly picking up on the native language so that you may begin to learn from them. This mathematical endeavor is what allows us, a species bound to our solar system, to explore the depths of the universe.....more
Write4U said:
But what prevents the formation of random physical patterns and what causes the formation of self-ordering ordering patterns in physics?


Write4U ;

The Physical Properties and the Environment of the object and/or objects , in space . Singularly and in atoms . Some have affinity some don't .
Write4U said:
But what prevents the formation of random physical patterns and what causes the formation of self-ordering ordering patterns in physics?

The question is the symptom of to much quantity thought ; not enough quality thinking .