Does Chi exist ?


Registered Senior Member

Does chi actually exist ? i cant seem to find an answer on the internet despite hours of googling.

Is it worth me practising chi kung exercises to develop energy in my body ?

My friend says its a waste of time chi does not exist he claims its some hoax thing invented by the chinese to sell their herbs.

Does chi actually exist ? i cant seem to find an answer on the internet despite hours of googling.

Is it worth me practising chi kung exercises to develop energy in my body ?

My friend says its a waste of time chi does not exist he claims its some hoax thing invented by the chinese to sell their herbs.

Chi is actually a state of mind. If you can have a well balanced mind, which takes many years to attain, then you will have your Chi in harmony.
Thankyou for replying. I am really angry having spent a month doing chi kung exercises and gained nothing from this garbage. I read how slow deep breathing increases chi in the sex chakra and now i find this is rubbish jezuzzz i have been such a sucker guys.
So i guess when yoga people talk about chakras this is also garbage too right ?

How come some people claim to feel others chi ?
IndianCurry2010 said:
Does chi actually exist ?

IndianCurry2010 said:
Is it worth me practising chi kung exercises to develop energy in my body ?

OK, let me explain. I'll use the analogy of Chinese medicine. They have esoteric theories about things, such as yin yang and the like, but over the years, they have discovered some things that actually do work, but not necessarily for the exact reasons given. Chi is like that. It may not benefit a complete amateur, but for people with some experience, chi practice can give you an edge. My friend is a Hapkido expert, and meditation and chi practice is central to his training. He's not even a Buddhist or anything, he's Christian, but if you want to to it right, you do the exercises. I happen to think it does something to your brain and we may someday figure out what that is. Is there some special energy? I doubt it. But we cannot reject ancient practices out of hand - there may be something to it.
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How come some people claim to feel others chi ?

For the same reason they sometimes feel that others have a "strong aura" or an "old soul" or that "the force is strong with this one" or even that someone "has issues from his Phallic Stage that remain unresolved" or is an "INTJ" We have a strong and longstanding desire to explain the world, and not necessarily in a way that is scientifically rigorous.

Some psychospiritual beliefs remain popular (and adherents believe in them strongly) because they serve in some fashion as a way of describing or understanding the world. Chi is descriptive of some concept, and it can be useful, even if it is not an accurate description of reality in the scientific sense. Whether it is useful to you is a question that you must answer subjectively.
Thankyou for replying. I am really angry having spent a month doing chi kung exercises and gained nothing from this garbage. I read how slow deep breathing increases chi in the sex chakra and now i find this is rubbish jezuzzz i have been such a sucker guys.

It's not rubbish or time wasted. A friend of mine is a Kung Fu instructor. We've done some Chi Gung exericses, and I've had a few novel experiences thanks to it. Take it for what it is, a useful psychology.
So i guess when yoga people talk about chakras this is also garbage too right ?

How come some people claim to feel others chi ?

Ever been around people who seem to be always talking, moving or just doing something all the time? Then have you been around those who seem very still and calm? There are many differences in the way people behave if you observe them and that is when you can tell the difference at times between the way people act or behave and their mental activity. As I stated before the Chi is just a mental state of mind, being in harmony with your mind and body in a relaxed way with peace of mind. You can't really see Chi as I also stated but you can tell when people are very calm and cool.
OK guys all this chi business is making alot more sense now.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a state of mind.

I am not so sure about "you can tell when people are calm and cool" an actor can be calm and cool in front of her camera does that mean he has lots of chi energy that makes him calm ? surely not ?.

Does chi actually exist ? i cant seem to find an answer on the internet despite hours of googling.

Is it worth me practising chi kung exercises to develop energy in my body ?

My friend says its a waste of time chi does not exist he claims its some hoax thing invented by the chinese to sell their herbs.

It is a miracle that you ask this question!
It was exactly what I was meditating about this morning while waiting in the queue at the Western Union depot.

Looking for chi on google is like a fish searching for water.
google is chi.
And, paradoxically, it was also invented by the Chinese to sell their herbs.

Send a Thousand Dollars to my ashram in Dudley, and I will tell you all.
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OK guys all this chi business is making alot more sense now.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a state of mind.

I am not so sure about "you can tell when people are calm and cool" an actor can be calm and cool in front of her camera does that mean he has lots of chi energy that makes him calm ? surely not ?.

No but they are tapping their Chi to become that way. That's what makes them good actors at times. Again it is just to balance your mind and body so they are in synch with each other and your mind is at peace.
I think if i remove the term chi out of the what we are discussing then i can conclude that...

1. Slow deep breathing exercises help one relax this has an effect on the mind as the mind and body are one unit.

2. There is not such thing as sexual energy that can be projected to attract women as some of us are led to believe. Some believe its chi or yang energy. Cant find any evidence for this.

3. When one is relaxed and is calm he is in imbalance.
The theory of Chi is also the theory of vitalism. This used to be the prevailing idea in biology, in which all living tissue was supposed to contain a special 'vital essence', which was different to mere chemistry.

Then we synthesized urea, showing that an organic molecule works just like chemistry in any other way. The idea of 'chi', or 'vital essence' is no longer needed to explain life processes, and there is no evidence from any other source of its existence. Consequently, such theories have passed out of science and are now regarded as pseudoscience at best.

The weird thing is that vitalism survives big time amongst practitioners of alternative medicines. Acupuncture is supposed to work by balancing the vital essence. Chiropracty involves vital essence being redirected. Various so-called therapies which involve people laying hands on patients are supposed to work by vital essence passing into the patient. They are all total garbage, of course. But is is amazing how many people, in the 21st century, believe in them!
2. There is not such thing as sexual energy that can be projected to attract women as some of us are led to believe. Some believe its chi or yang energy. Cant find any evidence for this.

Chi is a holistic concept, so you can't search for some physically observable energy. Considering your example, do you not believe that women are generally attracted to some men more than others, and that this attraction has something to do with the vitality and charisma of those men? These things are not separate from chi.
To kurros

Chi is a bullsh!t concept.
It is a superceded superstition. It is a belief that has passed its time. Modern science has done away for the need to believe in such nonsense.

The reasons women are more attracted to certain men can be explained in everyday terms. Personality, physical appearance, sense of humour, height, athletic ability, or the bulge in the man's wallet.

Does chi actually exist ? i cant seem to find an answer on the internet despite hours of googling.

Is it worth me practising chi kung exercises to develop energy in my body ?

My friend says its a waste of time chi does not exist he claims its some hoax thing invented by the chinese to sell their herbs.

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